Jiang Chen saw the laws of time and space spreading on the ancestral dragon, covering the entire ancestral dragon's body under the laws of time and space, making the ancestral dragon look mysterious and boundless.

"I have already said it. Ancestor Hongjun has told me that if the Dragon and Phoenix clan do not die together, they will definitely not be able to realize the Great Principle. Why don't you believe it?" Yuan Feng said.

The laws of time and space around Yuan Feng also began to spread out.

Jiang Chen saw that the time and space laws of the Yuan Feng lineage were completely different from those of Dragon Race.

One is fierce and the other is gentle, one is domineering and the other is gentle, they are just two extremes. No wonder Yuan Feng is shouting about having a double break every day.

However, Patriarch Hongjun must have a back-up plan when he gives instructions on cultivating both life and life.

This dual cultivation matter is beyond his control.

But Jiang Chen didn't want to take care of it. Someone must have asked him to take care of it.

"Fellow Daoist, you are here as the first person to realize the Great Principle. You have to give me some justice. You see how I, the dignified leader of the Dragon Race clan, can have a double break with a Yuanfeng. Then I How should Dragon Race cultivate a more pure bloodline? I still have so many concubines to take care of," Zulong said.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and said, "According to common sense, to achieve the Great Principle, you only need to understand the laws of time and space. When you understand it to the very depths, you can naturally modify it to become the Great Principle. But since this is Hong What Patriarch Jun means is that if the dragon and phoenix tribes do not practice dual cultivation, they will definitely not be able to achieve the Great Principle."

Jiang Chen glanced at Zulong and said, "If it really doesn't work, then you and Yuanfeng can practice dual cultivation. You two can realize the Great Principle early and have your own place in this ancient tribe. "

After saying this, Zu Long's face turned dark and he said, "What did Yuan Feng say to Fellow Daoist before I came, and why did Fellow Daoist side with Yuan Feng."

Yuan Feng has used the method of transformation and became a handsome human monk.

"This is the method of transfiguration given to me by Hongjun, so you can metamorphose with me, so that we can practice dual cultivation." Yuan Feng said.

Jiang Chen was puzzled. This was like a prehistoric female chasing a man. They all said that the veil between the female chasing the male and the female chasing the male had arrived. The female chasing the male here in Zulong was separated by a layer of mountain. It was still a sacred mountain ten thousand feet high.

"Okay, I'll use the magic of illusion, what do you think?" Zulong said.

But no matter how the ancestors used it, they were unable to use this method of transformation.

Even if Yuan Feng doesn't move, is this method of transformation still divided into groups?

Does each ethnic group have different methods of transfiguration?

Jiang Chen pondered carefully on the side, and finally Jiang Chen clapped his hands and said, "By the way, Zulong should be unable to use the method of transformation."

He thought of one thing. This ancestral dragon specializes in physical cultivation. The method of transformation may not be effective for monks who specialize in physical cultivation. Every part of his body has been cultivated to the extreme and cannot be changed. If it is forcibly changed, , I'm afraid it will cause great damage to Dragon Race's cultivation realm.

But Zulong seemed to be very happy as if nothing had happened.

"Yuanfeng, you have seen it. It's not that I don't want to practice dual cultivation of life and life with you, but that I really have no way to learn such a technique." Zu Long said.

Jiang Chen saw the clue and knocked Zulong on the head.

Why couldn't he see it at this point? This was simply a reason and excuse made up by Zu Long himself.

This method of transfiguration was given by ancestor Hongjun. Hongjun promoted the method of transfiguration from a high position in the Great Principle realm to facilitate communication among all races, so as to prevent the Fang tribe from having any natural differences when they meet. conflict.

Only when the bodies of the Ten Thousand Realms ethnic groups can transform into similar forms can they communicate on an equal footing.

This method of transfiguration can be shared by all races. How could Zulong not be able to transfigure? It must be Zulong who is doing it.

Jiang Chen tried this method of transformation.

This method of transfiguration is not an ordinary way of changing one's appearance, but from the depths of time and space, the strongest parts of oneself in different time zones are condensed together, or in other words, the different techniques practiced by oneself in different periods are condensed together, and then one chooses to take a step You can adapt it to your current body to soften it.

After all, since the birth of destiny, there have been billions of different time rules lurking next to each destiny law line. In each time rule, the deity is doing different things.

And even if I reach the Great Principle, I cannot change this existing phenomenon.

You are only on the right path to the Great Principle on this timeline, and there are many cases where you are not on the right path to the Great Principle outside of this timeline.

Of course, these phenomena will end after you become a Saint.

Once you become a Saint, the many planes of time will be eternally converted in your eyes.

And this Supreme realm is not something Jiang Chen can figure out now.

Jiang Chen did not understand what the Supreme realm beyond the way of heaven was like through the ancient novels of later generations.

After all, in later prehistoric novels, Hongjun is already the ceiling of the prehistoric world's combat power, and above it is the great god of creation, the great god Pangu.

"Did you see it? I can transform into Yuanfeng form and Dragon Race form, why can't you transform? Moreover, this method of illusion contains a profound mystery of the laws of time and space. If you study it carefully, I am afraid that you will not be able to change it. The realm of Great Principle is of great benefit." Jiang Chen said.

Zulong had no choice but to transform into a human monk like Jiang Chen.

I saw that the human monk transformed into the ancestral dragon was born with the aura of an emperor. It seemed that with a slight lift of his foot, the entire sun, moon, mountains and rivers would spin around, and Yuan Feng would also change his appearance and temperament, becoming a charming person. The beauty of the country will be shocked by the sun, moon, mountains and rivers every step she takes.


A match made in heaven.

"Yuanfeng, I hope you will keep clean. If you practice Yuanfeng dual cultivation with me, then I will be endlessly hunted by your Phoenix clan in the future." Zulong refused.

There are many powerful phoenixes in this phoenix tribe who are pursuing Feng, and Yuanfeng is the strongest person in the phoenix tribe. The phoenixes in the entire phoenix tribe are said to be able to double cultivate with Yuanfeng. If Yuanfeng is allowed to With the two lives of Zulong and Zulong, Zulong will inevitably endure endless pursuit.

"If they dare, I will expel them from my clan. I think they dare to act recklessly in this matter!" Yuan Feng said.

Yuan Feng's eyes suddenly became sharp, filled with the law of fire.

Jiang Chen only felt that his whole body was burning fiercely.

"Zu Long, that's all I've said. If you don't continue to practice dual cultivation with me, then I will drag you to Hongjun for a thorough discussion." Yuan Feng said sternly.

Jiang Chen no longer thought about the things that bothered them. He said goodbye and went to the Thirty-Six Innate Gods and Demons' hiding place to see them.

Yuan Feng and Zu Long stopped him.

"Luohu has completed the Innate Great Principle. We also hope that Jiang Chen Fellow Daoist will come with us to discuss countermeasures within the Qilin group." Zulong said.

Although Jiang Chen is said to be the Great Principle, his real combat power is not higher than that of Dragon and Phoenix. .

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