No, what the hell is going on here? Can my ancestor of chaos please give me some face?

At this time, Jiang Chen actually gathered all the power of luck in the chaos onto the hilt of the sword.

The sword became thicker and thicker, and the Opening Heaven sword began to grow.

After absorbing this luck, Jiang Chen didn't feel anything. The sword seemed to have consciously expressed that he needed more to complete the new evolution.

Jiang Chen was stunned. These lucks were countless.

If all these lucks are given to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen's creation of the Master Kidney Skill will be further advanced.

But now everything is in vain.

These are absorbed by the Opening Heaven sword.

Jiang Chen wanted to cry but had no tears.

But even so, Jiang Chen can't lose his temper with the Opening Heaven Sword.

Jiang Chen couldn't beat or scold the Opening Heaven Sword, nor could he let the Opening Heaven Sword pay its own tuition, nor could he let the sword become extremely vicious.

But Jiang Chen still decided to try the power of this sword.

"Let's go, there shouldn't be any treasures in this place." Jiang Chen said

There was a bitter look on Luo Hu's face. This time Luo Hu asked Jiang Chen to come in first, thinking that with Jiang Chen's luck, Luo Hu and the others would be able to share a sip of soup when they came in.

However, the development of things at this time was somewhat beyond 19 Luohou's expectations.

Jiang Chen has indeed been able to encounter great opportunities recently. It is true that all the opportunities here have been taken away by Jiang Chen alone.

And Luo Hu could only watch this scene helplessly.

Luo Hu showed a look of helplessness on his face, and finally took a deep breath.

"Fellow Daoist, you are not an authentic person. The power of luck you have absorbed is not only yours before, but also mine." Luo Hu said.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to suffer.

Jiang Chen knew that Luo Hu was just joking for him.

Rahu no longer needs to practice.

By continuously acquiring the power to destroy the demon god, he can make his power stronger and stronger.

The best way to make Rahu stronger is to constantly go to other hidden spaces to explore the remaining strongholds of the Demon God of Destruction.

In the end, until the demon god is destroyed, all the power is used for his own use.

Although this method sounds dangerous, if Rahu implements this method, he won't have so many worries at all.

Luo Hu is originally the demon god of Innate, and he is extremely powerful.

And there is no such thing as a soul.

He was born in the lineage of the Law of Destruction.

Therefore, the Demon God of Destruction can only achieve Luo Hu's success, but it cannot make Luo Hu become stupid, nor can it make Luo Hu become their subordinate.

"Okay, let's go out, Rahu, I will definitely find some opportunities for you and some treasures for you after a while.

Jiang Chen decided to help Luo Hu.

Now is the time for Luo Hu to take a look at the continent that lies in chaos.

That will be a turning point for Rahu.

Luo Hu has now absorbed the power of the Demon God of Destruction. Logically speaking, he has certain qualifications and capital to control that continent.

Jiang Chen vigorously waved the Opening Heaven Sword in his hand, but he only used the simple and most basic sword-drawing gesture.

In the end, a hole was cut directly into the entire secret space.

Jiang Chen felt an ugly shock all over his body.

The reason why hidden places are called hidden places is because of this. Every hidden place is very strong, enough to prevent the way of heaven from opening it.

But at this time, Jiang Chen's sword's power had clearly broken this rule.

Although the power to break the rules lies in Jiang Chen's hands, this is still enough to make Jiang Chen feel chills all over his body.

Different from Jiang Chen.

Luo Hu was already stupid at this time.

Luo Hu stayed with each other for a long time in this secret area. He never thought that someone could directly break open this open space with simple violence.

This was something he couldn't even imagine.

Jiang Chen's actions at this time had touched Luo Hu's most fundamental nerve.

He felt as if he had fallen behind the times.

"Jiang Chen Fellow Daoist, what exactly is this method?" Luo Hu said.

Jiang Chen was also confused. He didn't notice that his vitality had decreased at all, nor did he notice any loss in his body.

Luck has not diminished either.

In other words, the move Jiang Chen just performed did not reduce anything on Jiang Chen, but it had such a powerful effect.

"Okay, don't ask. I don't know. Let's go. Let's go out and take you to see the prehistoric world. You talk about being enemies of the prehistoric world every day. Now you should meet the creatures of the prehistoric world. , let’s give it a hand.” Jiang Chen shrugged helplessly.

I am really in a dilemma now. On the one hand, I need to help Luo Hu fight against the creatures of all races. On the other hand, I need to help all the races in the wild to fight against Luo Hu and prevent him from destroying them.

It was difficult to do these two things, which made Jiang Chen look helpless on his face.

If you do these two things, the final result will be that you will definitely not be able to continue.

But fortunately, the creatures of all races in the ancient world just asked Jiang Chen to teach them the Dharma, and everything was done according to their methods.

As for Luohu, Jiang Chen didn't teach them any skills, and there was no so-called causal relationship.

Just because the devil of fate and karma asked them to teach themselves well.

Jiang Chen adheres to the principle of not hitting the smiling person, and is very fond of Luo Hu.

After Luo Hu set foot in the ancient world, he suddenly had an idea in his heart.

In the prehistoric world, the restrictions imposed on it by the prehistoric heaven have disappeared.

And the root of all this should be the magical sword in Jiang Chen's hand.

At this time, Hongjun's face had already shown a look of surprise. 777 After Jiang Chen created the way of swordsmanship, the entire prehistoric world changed drastically.

The way of the sword has not changed, it just has a mark, which is enough to make the entire prehistoric world retreat.

The way of heaven in the prehistoric world has just been born, and I still have a skeptical attitude towards everything in this world.

But at this time, after Jiang Chen created this Xiang Taotian technique, he immediately made him retreat.

That's right, the supreme will of the entire prehistoric world, prehistoric Tiandao, felt trembling and scared.

"Okay, let's go and enjoy the time of hunting." Luo Hu said.

Jiang Chen deliberately reminded Luo Hu to exercise restraint, because massacring people of all races would strengthen the power of Heaven.

But before Jiang Chen could remind him, Luo took everyone and left directly.

Because they really held it in for too long.

Although they don't have any luck now, they are not afraid. ,

Who in this ancient world can make Luo Hu feel afraid.

No one, not even Jiang Chen.

As for whether the prehistoric heavenly way is strengthened, this is not Luo's business.

Luo Hu needs revenge. He does not allow such low-level creatures to live in his former world.

Even though the world has changed drastically.

Even though this era has begun to belong to the prehistoric era, it no longer belongs to the era when they were the gods and demons of chaos. .

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