Chen shook his head, "Nuwa Fellow Daoist, if you want to gain more luck, then you need to interact with the human race, but you don't have the time, and you don't dare to do that.

"Your brothers won't allow you to do this either."

When talking about this, Nuwa's face showed a cold light.

“I don’t know where Fellow Daoist heard these rumors, and what else does Fellow Daoist know about my origins.

Jiang Chen shook his head, even now, this Nuwa is still pretending to be stupid for him.

His blood pulsed slightly, and then Nuwa's expression changed drastically.

At that scene, Nuwa felt the attraction of blood.

In other words, Jiang Chen's body has the same blood as his, and the power of Jiang Chen's blood is purer than his. Nuwa can even feel that the power of Jiang Chen's blood is more pure than that of his brothers. Pure.

The smile on Jiang Chen's face became even brighter, "Nuwa Fellow Daoist, now do you know who I am?"

Nuwa's expression changed drastically, and then her face showed a look of respect.

"Jiang Chen Fellow Daoist, it turns out that you and I, Monster Race, have such a connection, but now that Monster Race has not come out, several of my brothers are also practicing in seclusion.

Jiang Chen shook his head.

Then he glanced at Nuwa.

"Let's go, Nuwa Fellow Daoist. I'll take you to meet your brothers. Let's see what your brothers want to say to you and what they want to say to me."

Jiang Chen looked harmless, like a good old man.

But Nuwa would not think so.

Her brothers were all murderous demons, and endless creatures were born in the entire Monster Race continent.

But it was because some creatures didn't have eyes that angered his brothers.

As a result, the entire Monster Race was completely destroyed, and the luck of the entire Monster Race was shared exclusively by their two brothers.

And because he was born relatively late, he has not been able to receive those monstrous luck until now.

Jiang Chen shook his head, and finally began to take a look at Monster Race based on his bloodline perception.

He pulled Nuwa.

Nuwa Nuwa originally didn't want to go because he knew that his brothers were very domineering.

But now, it's no longer up to him.

Under Jiang Chen's strong request, Nuwa followed Jiang Chen. She originally wanted to lead Jiang Chen, but she didn't expect that under the current situation, Jiang Chen didn't need him to lead the way.

Jiang Chen just needs Nuwa to follow him obediently.

As Jiang Chen walked forward, the smile on his face grew stronger, because he knew that there was already a real Great Principle strongman in the entire Monster Race.

Nuwa's Great Principle strength was completely washed away by luck, but Nuwa's current strength is not enough to make Jiang Chen pay attention.

But these two strong men who grew up naturally in the Monster Race continent made him fearful.

You know, even Jiang Chen currently has no way to reach the threshold of quasi-sage.

However, due to the layout he had achieved before, he was directly allowed to be born, which was the Tianluo realm.

It is still unknown to what extent the Lord of Monster Race has grown.

Jiang Chen's expression changed slightly, and then he slowly walked forward, finally arriving at the Monster Race continent.

There are some beautiful treasures all over the clan continent.

It is completely different from the Demon Race continent. The Demon Race continent is just poured out of the fragments of Pangu Opening Heaven.

But this Monster Race continent is completely different. Monster Race continent is part of the entire prehistoric world.

The entire prehistoric Far North land was divided into pieces.

The land of 1/5 of the ancient continent is naturally filled with endless treasures.

But the creatures here are still all lifeless, and it is a dead and silent place.

At this time, Jiang Chen raised his head and the handsome man was staring at him.

Jiang Chen frowned and finally snorted coldly.

These two men are just sick.

As long as they observe carefully, they will know that they have the same blood connection with Jiang Chen.

And they also have endless opportunities, all given to them by Jiang Chen.

But they actually shouted five and six in front of Jiang Chen.

However, Jiang Chen also had some experience. He did not expect that these two beautiful men had now reached the peak of the Great Principle.

These are the two kings of Monster Race, but their training speed shouldn’t be so fast!

"Who is here? Why do I detect the same aura as mine in your body?"

Jiang Chen looked at the man who was speaking and his face darkened instantly.

"Donghuang Taiyi, Donghuang Taiyi, you are really a fool, I have already stood in front of you, how could you stand here and talk to me if I hadn't taught you the skills.

·Request flowers 0

After saying these words, Donghuang Taiyi's expression changed drastically, and Donghuang Taier's expression also changed.

The two brothers were born one after the other, and after birth they had countless Innate Spiritual Treasures for them to choose from.

And this vast Monster Race continent has officially become the dominant field for the two of them.

The two of them have taken over the entire continent's luck in order to take their strength to the next level, but so far, they have found that it is difficult for them to make progress.

Logically speaking, after slaughtering the entire Monster Race continent, the two of them should have reached the quasi-Saint Realm world. "But for some reason, they natives always feel that they are just ten points away.

Jiang Chen could see a strong shadow of the power of heaven above the two of them.

The two of them have been attracted by Tiandao, and Tiandao is making new plans for them.

There is no way around it.

Not even the entire Monster Race continent was separated from the prehistoric world. Naturally, Jiang Chen had never thought about the way of heaven and would not focus on this piece of fat.

Tiandao may allow the loss of some territory, but he will never let it go.

Tiandao doesn't know yet what huge conspiracy there is.

What is the significance of dividing the six realms?

Jiang Chen still hasn't figured it out yet.

"It's like this. I see your current state. Your state has become stuck and stagnant."

"Look at your entire Monster Race continent. I remember they were very prosperous tens of millions of years ago, but now you have turned them into this.

“You need to make the Monster Race continent active and create endless vitality, which will bring you more and more luck.

Jiang Chen just nodded slightly.

The expressions of these people changed instantly, and Nuwa did not show any surprise on her face.

Because in his opinion, Patriarch Hongjun had already told him all this, so for Nuwa, all this was a simple matter.

However, both Donghuang Taier and Donghuang Taiyi failed.

Jiang Chen wanted to laugh when he looked at the two of them. Is this the future emperor? Nine!.

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