Jiang Chen transmitted the message secretly, but Kong Lingxuan's expression became more solemn.

Although this seems very unbelievable, Kong Lingxuan, who is obviously the serious leader of the Peacock clan, is now unpopular among the Peacock clan.

Kong Lingxuan's expression also changed instantly, "Kong Dejuan, tell me where you have imprisoned the people around me."

"I have been telling you that in the long-term trend, you must think about everything before doing it, and you cannot instill any ideas based on your own ideas.

Jiang Chen's face wrinkled directly. The aura of the peacock known as Kong Dejuan was about to reach the middle stage of the Great Principle.

Even if the power of Immortal Dao is too strong, after all, the luck of the peacock tribe is not that strong, so it is naturally impossible to give birth to two Qiang Ni in the middle stage of the Great Principle.

Unless Kong Lingxuan is promoted to the middle stage of the Great Principle, the luck he should have received within the tribe will have been replaced by Kong Dejuan in front of him.

In other words, among the peacock tribe, at least 2/3 of the tribe members support Kong Dejuan.

"If anything happens to you, just tell me what you are doing when you come back this time."

Faced with Kong Lingxuan's questioning, Kong Dejuan had no intention of saying anything more. 483 Now he was the one who could say this in the peacock group.

Because his realm at this time is already the highest among the entire Peacock tribe, and after Kong Lingxuan left the Peacock Patriarch to look for his so-called opportunity and luck, those tribesmen in the entire Peacock tribe who were originally biased towards Kong Lingxuan were recently replaced by him. They were all killed by their horses.

This made Kong Lingxuan shocked and angry. He was shocked that Kong Dejuan dared to openly imprison the entire peacock clan, and angry that Kong Dejuan didn't take him seriously at all.

Jiang Chen watched with cold eyes. The situation has not yet reached the point where he has to take action.

If Jiang Chen directly takes action to imprison the people in the Peacock Clan, or directly helps Kong Lingxuan regain his position, then this will not be beneficial to Kong Lingxuan's position in the entire Peacock Clan.

"You actually imprisoned them, I've been telling you this."

"Kong Dejuan, the battle between Tiandao and Immortal Dao has not yet ended, and Monster Race has not become this ancient orthodoxy. We must definitely choose to stand in a neutral position.

"Otherwise we will suffer heavy losses. You have to know that now that you have cultivated to the realm of the Great Principle, you already understand that the entire ethnic group is closely related to yourself."

"Choose the wrong team, and the entire tribe will be destroyed in an instant because of a team with a strong Great Principle.

Kong Lingxuan, this is not alarmist. In this ancient world, the luck of the entire ethnic group is based on a few strong people, and the choices of certain strong people have represented the position of this ethnic group.

The next direction of this ethnic group all depends on the choice of the strong Great Principle blessed by luck.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, continued to hide his aura, gradually and slowly hiding the Queen's aura with his belt.

Kong Dejuan took a profound look at the state of Jiang Chen's aura, but he could feel the unfathomable feeling coming from Jiang Chen and Hou Tu.

There is no way to hide this, because even if Jiang Chen is too powerful and has advanced camouflage skills, he can only reach the level of a strong person who is not in the Great Principle realm and recognize his true strength and realm.

But his own sense of specialness cannot be completely concealed by the powerful Great Principle.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that you would choose to betray the Peacock Clan at this time and let foreigners come to our Peacock Clan. You really played a good card. You actually said that this Monster Race will defeat the Great Desolate."

"You must know that you are one of the leaders of all sentient beings in the ancient world, but at this time you actually betrayed the ancient world, little Monster Race."

This hat is too big. Kong Lingxuan just reminded Kong Dejuan and told him not to stand in line randomly, because at this stage, if he stands in line randomly, it will cause disaster to the entire peacock group. .

"I have told you not to mention the luck of the entire group in front of me, and I have also told you my thoughts to represent the thoughts of the entire peacock."

After Kong Lingxuan said these words, he showed overwhelming momentum.

Even after Kong Lingxuan gave away his Five Elements Divine Feather, he was still tyrannical and had no boundaries.

After all, the Kong Lingxuan men were born into a tribe blessed by heaven. In this prehistoric world, they must have had certain blessings from heaven.

The Kong Dejuan in front of her seemed to be half a level higher than Kong Lingxuan, but she still couldn't be Kong Lingxuan's opponent.

But Jiang Chenjiao was surprised to find that Kong Dejuan did not retreat, but took a step forward, as if everything in this world was just a passing cloud in his eyes.

"I have been telling you that you are nothing but trash in front of me."

"Kong Lingxuan, you have to understand that in my heart, you are no longer the upright leader of the Peacock Clan, you are just a traitor to the Peacock Clan.

"Now most of the powerful beings in the entire prehistoric world have stood together and want to share luck with the Monster Race. You also told me that the choice of our Great Principle powerful people is related to the future of our entire race. So I must let our peacock tribe go further in this primitive world.

In fact, what Kong Dejuan said is not wrong, because if Monster Race really establishes a foothold in this prehistoric world, then there will inevitably be endless luck for Monster Race in the prehistoric world, which was originally scattered among the major powerful races. The luck of time will also be directly controlled by Monster Race.

This is a problem that Kong Dejuan does not want to see, and it is also the basis for the strong men from a powerful family to unite to fight the Monster Race.

Unexpectedly, even after Kong Dejuan said such words, Kong Lingxuan still had a sneer on her face.

"What you are telling me here is arrogant."

"It was you who told me that the prehistoric ethnic groups can keep their own land and their own luck, but have you ever thought about one thing? Even if you unite the entire prehistoric world

Is he really his opponent in Monster Race Saint Emperor?"

"Monster Race's Saint Emperor is already at the peak and perfect state of the Great Principle, and has the endless blessings of Immortal Dao. In this prehistoric world, he is probably even more powerful than Ancestor Hongjun, especially at this time, the law of heaven has recognized it. The status of Monster Race, do you and I still have to argue over this matter?"

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