When the people nearby saw Zhunti and the team, their expressions were also indifferent.

Nuwa stood aside and said nothing.

She had already argued for the Tao and became a saint. This time when she saw the Zixiao Palace suddenly glowing with light, she just wanted to join in the fun.

Ever since she became a Saint, she felt like she had vaguely touched a higher level above her head.


With her current level, she is simply not at the peak level.

She has been in seclusion for countless years in her Nuwa Temple, but her cultivation has never improved.

Now that I see the Zixiao Palace suddenly attracting the auspiciousness of heaven, I naturally want to come and seek some opportunities.

"The door is closed, and we can't get in. What should we do now?"

Hongyun stood aside and was extremely embarrassed. Looking at the solid atmosphere at the scene, he wanted to say something to break the silence.


No one present paid any attention to him.

When Hongyun saw this, his face flushed.

Just when they were stunned, an extremely powerful aura suddenly came out from the Zixiao Palace. 19 This breath contains the power of the Great Dao Law, which surprised a group of people outside.

Hongyun, Zhunti, Jieyin and others also had a look of shock on their faces.

"This, this is the power of the Great Dao Law? Who is fighting with Master in Zixiao Palace?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Only the power of the Great Dao Law, and only when two strong men compete, will such signs appear.

And Zixiao Palace is the orthodoxy of the entire prehistoric period. Who would be so bold as to go to Zixiao Palace to compete with Hongjun?

for a while,

All the great masters outside Zixiao Palace were standing there, uncertain.

This was the first time they had seen this phenomenon.

For a while, I really didn’t know how to solve it.

at this time,

Within the Zixiao Palace.

Jiang Chen and Hongjun opened their eyes one after another.

Both of them had Primordial Violet Qi in their eyes.

The two people's eyes met in the air, and the Great Dao Law in the hall was instantly shattered by the two people's gaze.

Seeing this, Hongjun burst out laughing:

"Jiang Chen Fellow Daoist, you are indeed the one who was missed by Heaven. As early as hundreds of thousands of years ago, I told Jiang Chen Fellow Daoist that your chances are different from those of all creatures in the wild. If you didn't mind your own business, the process of prehistoric times would have gone on peacefully according to its original trajectory!"

"Why did what happened today have to happen?"

After saying that, Hongjun actually sighed and instantly restrained his whole body's breath.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen next to him also restrained all his spiritual power, and then said with great disdain:

"Mingren, don't tell secrets. You can't scheme against the Monster Race Emperor. What's more, he has now become the Lord of Heaven, and he has the blessing of the Emperor Star of Ziwei Star. You are sure that you can still win against him. ?”

Jiang Chen already knew the way to solve the prehistoric process hundreds of thousands of years ago. If this guy hadn't interfered, he would have asked Donghuang Taiyi and Hou Tu to join forces to break the prehistoric process.


At the last step, he still failed to prevent the break between Donghuang Taiyi and Houtu.

After Hongjun heard what Jiang Chen said, he also had a faint smile on his face: "Jiang Chen, Fellow Daoist, God's will cannot be violated. Since you have transcended and realized the opportunity of Cheng Chengsheng, why don't you practice cultivation? , in order to achieve positive results in the future?”

"Real result?" Jiang Chen sneered and said, "Hongjun Fellow Daoist really has a good plan. God's will can't do it, and it's not necessarily possible!"

After saying that,

Jiang Chen suddenly stood up from his Karma Red Lotus, walked slowly down the hall, and finally looked outside the hall.

Finally he said casually:

"The disciples you have accepted are really mixed. Seeing your brilliant glow, they can't help but come to join in the fun. I want to see if these disciples you have accepted can follow the trajectory you have set in this ancient world. Go their way safely!"

Hongjun frowned tightly when he heard this, and looked at Jiang Chen with a deep look: "Don't mess around!"

"The fate of this ancient world has been determined for a long time. The prosperity of heaven's way is the general trend. Jiang Chen's Fellow Daoist alone may not be able to shake the entire ancient world!"

When Hongjun finished saying this, a coldness flashed across his eyes.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, Jiang Chen did have his chance. It was precisely because Jiang Chen was surrounded by great opportunities that he did not take action against Jiang Chen.

But now,

If Jiang Chen dares to prevent the prosperity of Heaven's Dao, he will definitely kill him.


That's why he would make threats here.

When Jiang Chen heard what Hongjun said, his eyes instantly revealed a murderous intent: "In this case, let's each rely on our own abilities!"

After saying that,

Jiang Chen's figure moved and disappeared from Zixiao Palace without a trace.

Hongjun watched Jiang Chen leave with cold eyes.

at this time,

Voices from outside Zixiao Palace also came in intermittently.

After Hongjun heard the talk outside, his expression became very gloomy, and then with a wave of his hand, the door of Zixiao Palace suddenly opened.

The great masters outside were startled.

Nuwa was the first to react. She moved lightly on her lotus steps and disappeared into the Zixiao Palace in an instant.

When the people behind saw this, they also followed suit.

Now or never.

Anyone who misses this opportunity to preach may have to wait for another session!

Nuwa was the first person to stand in front of 570 Hongjun.


After she saw the indifferent expression on Hongjun's face, she suddenly became undecided, and then stood aside respectfully.

He didn't even dare to say hello.

The people who followed behind were not as calm as Nuwa. They saw Nuwa fighting beside Hongjun and thought that the ancestor Hongjun was waiting for them.

Therefore, there was joy on their faces, and then they stood respectfully before Hongjun and saluted respectfully to the god in their hearts:

"I have met Master!"

Jie Yin and Zhunti stood closer this time.

After the last experience, they naturally knew that in front of Hongjun, opportunities depended on their position.


This time, everyone present stood vigorously forward!

When Hongjun saw these people, noisy and crowded in front of him, his face became gloomy and terrifying.

Although he is no longer moved by mundane things.

However, Jiang Chen had already made his heart unstable just now.


Seeing that these people who had given him opportunities were not in good shape in front of him, he also had the intention of teaching these people a lesson.

Just when these people were beaming with joy.

A restraining force suddenly surrounded them.


Those present felt that their own cultivation had been blocked. .

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