When the leader of Haotian Sect heard this, he also showed a look of confusion on his face.

After he came to this courtyard, all his words and deeds were completely controlled by the person in front of him. No matter what he wanted to say, this person would perfectly bypass it and never answer him directly.

This really made him feel a little annoyed.

Especially now after hearing what Jiang Chen said in front of him, the face of the Haotian Sect leader also showed a look of displeasure.

Then he took the fishing rod that Jiang Chen placed in front of him and threw the long line in his hand into the pond. Looking at the calm pond, the leader of the Haotian Sect said quietly:

"I still don't know what your purpose is in coming to Haotian Sect?"

Jiang Chen also smiled calmly when he heard this, then raised his hand gently, and a cup of lemon tea suddenly appeared in his hand.


Jiang Chen deliberately used local materials from the "630 Office" and with a wave of his hand, he condensed the surrounding spiritual energy into raindrops. These raindrops were controlled by Jiang Chen and fell into his tea cup.

The water in this tea cup boiled instantly with the blessing of Jiang Chen's technique, and the aroma of tea instantly overflowed.

The leader of the Haotian Sect next to him frowned tightly when he smelled the fragrance of tea. The hand that Jiang Niao had just dealt really shocked him.

He is so proficient in controlling spiritual power, so he seems to be a master.


Shouldn't such masters benefit mankind, clear obstacles for their race, and allow them to stand tall in the world?

Why is he carrying Monster Race with him? He has already checked that Monster Race. It is not this person’s pet at all. In other words, that Yao tribe person has the possibility of becoming animalistic.


Only then would he look at the person in front of him with great confusion.

Jiang Chen naturally saw the look on the face of the Haotian Sect leader.

When he saw this person showing such an expression in front of him, he also smiled lightly, then placed the cup of tea in his hand in front of the Haotian Sect leader, and said quietly:

"What do you think all sentient beings should do?"

When Jiang Chen said this, he couldn't help but laugh a little.

He didn't care about so many things in the wild, but when he came to this world, he still had to worry about the problems between races, which really gave him a headache.

The leader of Haotian Sect was also stunned when he heard this!

Then just sit there and meditate!

What should be the relationship between races? He really has never thought about this issue.

In his understanding, the two races of humans and monsters cannot coexist peacefully.

The two tribes of humans and monsters have already set rules since the beginning of this world. The two tribes originally wanted to consolidate their territory and protect their own ethnic groups.

And if these two races stray into the territory of other races, they will definitely be regarded as aliens and enemies by others.

Then they will face siege between races.


If someone around him hadn't brought it up today, he might not really have considered this issue.

Maybe he really hasn't thought about what should happen between races.

after all,

Among the human race, the competition is also very fierce. Although the Haotian Sect is in this area, although it can be regarded as a sect in the middle and upper reaches, looking at the entire continent, the Haotian Sect is still too insignificant.

Therefore, he never considered such a profound issue at all, and devoted himself to the development of Haotian Sect.


He suddenly heard such a question, and there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes. Then he turned his head steadily, looked at the person beside him, and humbly asked for advice: "What does Fellow Daoist think should be done?"

After Jiang Chen heard what the people around him said, a faint smile appeared on his face, and then a delicate teapot suddenly appeared in his hand.

Then he gave the leader of Haotian Sect a cup of tea.


Jiang Chen's voice slowly sounded: "Everything has its own laws of operation. I believe that all races should be equal!"


When the leader of the Haotian Sect heard what Jiang Chen said, his brows furrowed tightly. This was really the first time he heard such remarks.

In the sect, people are divided into three, six or nine grades. Outside of the human race, there are Monster Races who are considered extremely lowly by them.

Monster Race is cruel and cruel, and has no autonomous form. These people rely on brute force to act.

Because Monster Race has territorial awareness since its establishment. Anyone who enters their territory will be killed by them. Whether they are members of the same race or their relatives, as long as they infringe on their territorial rights, they will kill them... …

But they humans will not.

The sense of human unity is stronger than Monster Race.

Not only that, among the human race, etiquette, justice and integrity are always given top priority.

They will never commit parricide, especially if they are practicing.

Because no one dares to do this.

Those who deceive their masters and destroy their ancestors will be despised by the gods. Even if they achieve great success in the future, they will not end well!

This is not nonsense, but it has been practiced by many people on this continent. Anyone who does such things will not end well in the end.

It is precisely because of this that the human race will not do cruel and cruel things like Monster Race.

It is precisely because of this that they look down on the Monster Race from the bottom of their hearts. After all, the Monster Race is a lowly race in their eyes.

If they are not tamed, their wildness will be difficult to eliminate. If they do anything to harm the human race, it will be a great loss for them.


Now that he heard what Jiang Chen said, he also disagreed with it.

"The people of Monster Race are all wild and untamable. Even if they are kept in captivity in the sect, if they are not restrained, they will do things that harm the human race!"

"So, I don't agree with what you said!"

Jiang Chen also shook his head with a wry smile when he heard this. He did not force the Perfected Beings around him to accept his ideas.

He said this just to answer his questions. As for what he thought, it had nothing to do with him. 1.1 just.

He now saw the sect master who was made the day after tomorrow. After drinking the cup of tea in his hand, a faint smile appeared on his face, and then he asked.

"What do you think of my cup of tea?"

The leader of the Haotian Sect frowned and looked down at the cup of tea in his hand.

Because he was thinking about something just now, he did not taste the taste of this cup of tea.


When he heard what Jiang Chen said, he naturally didn't know how to answer.

Jiang Chen saw such an expression on the face of the leader of the Haotian Sect, and said slowly: "What you are worried about now is like me fishing here. Can you guess the result?"


The leader of the Haotian Sect frowned tightly once again.

What is the principle of this?.

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