"How dare you!" Lin Lin gritted her silver teeth, her eyes filled with anger, but when she saw Lin Qi's playful expression, her face turned red.

He rolled his eyes and took the compass, with an eager expression on his face: "Brother, look at these light spots converging towards the center. There should be some excitement. Should we go?"

"The Central Committee may have discovered a real big treasure, or it may be for other reasons. No matter what, I have to go there." Lin Qi's eyes showed a trace of passion.

"Where am I?"

"The major masters are gathered in the central area. I don't trust you if you go, so I will stay here." Lin Qi's words were categorical and there was no room for turning around.

Lin Lin naturally refused to comply, grabbing Lin Qi's arm with both hands, acting like a baby, but Lin Qi had already made up her mind. In the end, Lin Lin had no choice but to grit her teeth and said angrily: "Go ahead. If you go, you won't be my brother anymore. -"

Lin Qi shook his head and smiled bitterly, and left in the air, leaving only Lin Lin, who was stomping her feet in anger, and Jiang Chen, who was lying on the ground lifelessly.

Countless light points moved towards the center of the compass. At this time, two black and white figures were seen, moving very fast. Whenever the black figure exerted force, the white figure followed closely.

During this distance, the white figure was ready to exert force again. When the black figure was exhausted, there was another white figure moving with the black figure.

These two figures are the Yin and Yang twins. They have a tacit understanding. Although they are on the same road, Yinzi and Yangzi use this method to save a lot of time on the road.

The figures of these two people were moving very fast without stopping, and the black and white eyes looking deep into the center were even more fiery.

In another place, although the two figures are not like the Yin and Yang twins, they are still very fast. One of them is wearing a green shirt, with his hands behind his back, his black hair flying, and the sword light flashing under his feet, like a legendary sword. Fairy.

The other person was wearing gray clothes, with gray hair, and his eyes seemed to have endless sadness. He held a jade stone in his hand. Whenever the jade stone lit up with a halo, the person's speed would increase by three points.

In terms of escape speed, it is not slower than the person in front.

These two people are Qinghuang and Tianjizi, who are also flying towards the center, flying behind the stars and chasing the moon.

In terms of speed, the current Meng Wuyu with a thousand people is not as good as the Yin Yang Twins and Qing Huang, but the news this person got is quite impressive.

Now I can still see a palace suspended in the air. From the looks of it, it seems that someone triggered the prohibition and made this palace come into being.

Except for these few people, most of the attentive and talented young people in this broken little world have discovered the changes in the compass.

"There are treasures in the land, but why are there so many treasures? Let's go and join in the fun."

In a forbidden place full of terrifying formations, a round head suddenly popped out, with a kind smile on his fat face, but a glimmer of light flashed from time to time in his eyes. Judging from his appearance, he must have He is the master who often pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger.

In another place, a figure in gray clothes looked like a ghost, with hands as wide as a dustpan, sucking the opponent into a dead corpse, and then looked at the roulette wheel with a stiff smile.

He pondered slightly and disappeared in one step.

"This girl is so boring to death, you stinky Lynch, you are not my brother."

Lin Lin, who was wearing a red dress, studied and teased Jiang Chen who was in a coma for a long time. She tried her best to wake up Jiang Chen, but she couldn't help but feel dejected, kicking the stones under her feet and constantly cursing Lin Qi.

But after cursing for a long time, I thought of something. I clapped my hands, my watery eyes showed a sly look, and he smiled and said: "If you don't take this girl with you, then I will go by myself. When you see this girl, I will scare you." One jump.”

She did it as soon as she thought of it. Lin Lin looked helplessly at Jiang Chen, who was lying on the ground in a large shape. She put her fingers to her mouth, raised her chin, rolled her eyes, and then nodded, "Hey, Yiyi seems to have an idea.

Outside the palace, Meng Wuyu and others were trembling with excitement. They saw that the palace was built with ancient trees that reach the sky. As for the pillars supporting the palace, they were all made of warm jade.

I don’t know how much a palace alone is worth, let alone the things inside the palace. For a while, several people were so excited that they almost burst into tears.

Even Meng Wuyu, a steady and sophisticated person, couldn't help but beam with joy now.

At this time, Meng Wuyu and a talented young man took a step together and walked carefully towards the palace door. As they approached, they felt that the spiritual energy in it became more and more intense. At this moment, the two of them had solemn expressions mixed with excitement. Push the door open and enter.

But at this moment, the palace shuddered [Countless flaming creatures emerged from the hall and began to kill the two of them.

………Please give me flowers…


The two people who had just walked a few steps felt a tremor in the hall, their faces paled, and Meng Wuyu gave a cold shout.

Shengxue in white clothes was about to leave in the air. As for the other talented young man, whose cultivation was tyrannical and had reached the middle level of King Wu, he was about to retreat with a nervous expression.

The two of them saw the flames reaching the sky, giving birth to creatures. Some had bird bodies and phoenix crowns, which were phoenixes in the fire. Some antlers, fish skins, and lion bodies were the holy beasts in the fire, unicorns. There were even more other creatures. Countless ones were rolling towards the two of them.

In just one moment, the genius disciple only took two steps and screamed.


Turning into ashes in the flames, seeing the powerful man in the middle class of King Wu die tragically in an instant, Meng Wuyu's mind was ashen, his face was ashen, and the True Qi around him was swaying like waves, but he couldn't resist it at all.

Gritting his teeth, the man crushed a piece of jade, creating a light barrier of about ten feet, blocking the flames, and hurriedly escaped from the hall.

"This place is really dangerous, I don't know how to get in?" I just used the Yijian that can withstand a blow from Emperor Wu's master.

It really made Meng Wuyu's liver hurt. Now his face was as gloomy as water. Looking at the palace in front of him, he had a headache. He turned to the people behind him and said, "Does anyone have a way to enter the palace?"

"The Fire Emperor Formation is arranged in the palace. It is an extremely powerful formation. However, I have seen the sect leader break it, so I might as well give it a try!"

After hearing Meng Wuyu's question, everyone was silent, and Meng Wuyu's face became gloomier again. At this moment, Cangyun among them showed a look of hesitation, and finally gritted his teeth and spoke.

"In this case, let's ask Brother Cang to give it a try. The treasure is important, but the safety is equally important." Meng Wuyu was overjoyed and solemnly handed over to Cang Yun. His words were caring and kind, which made people feel warm.

Cangyun nodded, his eyes were solemn, and he clicked his fingers to crack the Fire Emperor Formation. After half an hour, he let out a breath of turbid air and walked towards it. Meng Wuyu and others were overjoyed [and quickly followed.

Just when a few people entered the palace, they did not notice that two black and white figures appeared behind them. Like two figures, these two figures were the Yin and Yang twins. .

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