Jiang Chen's inner breath gradually became chaotic, and the ghost element that had previously been suppressed by the vast desert air gradually began to emerge through this dark wind. Qi Gathering Jue and Sanjiang Huajiu Qian's Unlucky Rotation begin to balance the internal energy that is about to become chaotic.

“Black Tortoise is sure!”

Jiang Chen immediately activated the Black Tortoise, and combined with Sanjiang's transformation of nine thousand generals, the ghost essence and the fire bear true essence were temporarily stabilized. At this moment, Jiang Chen felt that a narrow path running from north to south appeared in the darkness at some point. It started from Jiang Chen's feet and ended in the darkness, leading to nowhere.


Facing the sudden change, Jiang Chen could only regard it as the mental path formed by the trial of Yuntian Waterfall. After a moment's hesitation, Jiang Chen stood facing south and stepped directly onto the path with his left foot. Suddenly, all the discomfort in Jiang Chen's body was swept away, but as he went deeper, he became increasingly confused and an inexplicable fear slowly grew in his heart.

Not long after Jiang Chen set foot on the narrow path, there was a burst of anxious inquiries from under the Yuntian Waterfall.

"Senior Brother Lu, it's almost dusk now, but there is still no movement from Fellow Daoist Jiang Chen19. Is there something unexpected?"

The speaker was Bei Moting, who had passed through the Basic Xuanjing Formation. Now that he was a disciple of Nanfeng Academy, it was natural and reasonable to call his senior, Lu Dayouwei, senior brother.

Lu Youlin on the side had already been unable to sleep since Jiang Chen had been waiting for an hour before he came out. Now that nearly six hours had passed, he was also a little flustered. Although there is no danger in Yuntian Waterfall, and I have never heard of any accidents among the monks who have participated in it over the past thousands of years, after all, Jiang Chen has been there for six hours. No matter whether ordinary monks can pass or not, they can come out in at most one hour. Six hours is too much.

"You stay here and don't disturb him, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable. I'm going to ask the elders in the courtyard to come and take a look."

Yuntian Waterfall has never had any accidents in thousands of years. Lu Youlin didn't want anything to happen while he was in charge, so he immediately rushed into the academy. Bei Moting, who was guarding under the waterfall, was also very anxious, looking at the endlessly flowing Yuntian Waterfall with a worried look on his face.

For Jiang Chen, it seemed that less than half an hour had passed. Now he was walking on the path, and the inexplicable fear in his heart was getting deeper and deeper, as if the endless darkness of the path ended with a blood-spreading bird. Big mouthful of Demonic Beast.

Jiang Chen also thought about retreating, but every time he took a step, the path behind him would disappear.

This is a trail with no turning back!

As Jiang Chen's resignation became more and more serious, the open space on both sides of the path collapsed instantly. Looking at it, there was only this narrow path with no way back, paved in the endless darkness. Except for the path, there was a little light, and the surroundings were completely dark. .

"Is there no light on the path ahead?"

Jiang Chen suddenly shuddered, and the fear in his heart suddenly rose. In an instant, a cold and aggressive chill swept through the 36,000 pores in Jiang Chen's body. Jiang Chen immediately stopped, but the trail suddenly fell apart and disappeared, leaving only the standing cone at Jiang Chen's feet.

Jiang Chen was immediately shocked, but he didn't dare to move, for fear that he would accidentally fall into the endless dark abyss.

In the darkness, Jiang Chen felt like something was watching in front of him. I can't see it, it's just a strong sense of crisis that comes from my heart. Jiang Chen's hair stood on end. The more frightened he became, the more his eyes stared straight ahead.

Suddenly, a burst of white light flashed before Jiang Chen's eyes, and the darkness in front of him was briefly illuminated. Jiang Chen suddenly saw a familiar face looking at him with a sly smile, as if looking at a delicious braised pork.

Jiang Chen was extremely surprised again, what he saw was his own face!

The white light flashed away, but Jiang Chen felt that the malicious 'himself' in the darkness was striding towards him. Jiang Chen could even feel that 'himself' was walking very freely, as if he had a plan in mind. But Jiang Chen didn't know what he was confident about.


Feeling that 'he' was getting closer and closer in the darkness, and even stretched out his right hand, Jiang Chen wailed and immediately fell from the only standing cone in the sky, falling into the endless darkness.

Jiang Chen fell into the darkness and woke up instantly. In front of him was still the rushing waterfall, but the waterfall in front of Jiang Chen had opened a small opening. At a glance, Jiang Chen saw Bei Moting and Lu Youlin shouting below the waterfall, and there was a middle-aged man standing beside him with his head nodded.

Jiang Chen also waved, but he shook his face.

"Sweat? Or water splashing from the waterfall?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but rub his back, which was already wet. At this time, Bei Moting also ran up and said: "Jiang Chen, Fellow Daoist, you finally woke up. This whole day has made me worried!"

"Ah, I'm fine. You can leave...what, you just said one day?"

Beimoting turned to look at the setting sun, nodded mechanically and said, "Yes! It's dusk now!"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but lean forward and look towards Ao Ge, and saw that the sun in the mountains in the distance had already sunk halfway into the sky. It was undoubtedly dusk at this moment!

Jiang Chen couldn't help being shocked, and murmured: "It seems like only a moment has passed, how could a whole day have passed?!"

Beimoting ignored Jiang Chen's murmur and helped Jiang Chen up and followed the bluestone mountain road to the crowd.

"Well, it's really gratifying to have broken through to the Dao!"

"Seed Tao?"

Jiang Chen was stunned and didn't realize that he had broken through to the Taoist stage. Instead, the middle-aged man in front of him had eyes as bright as a torch, and he could tell Jiang Chen's state at a glance. Jiang Chen immediately closed his eyes and looked inside, only to see that the lotus seeds in his dantian had begun to sink into the inner energy that was as clear as the sky. This was a sign of the early stage of cultivation.

Jiang Chen was so surprised that his eyes were as big as a bell. It took him a long time to come back to his senses.

"Senior is really very discerning, but I don't know how to call him?"

The middle-aged man nodded slightly and said, "My name is Zen Shouchen, you can call me Dean!"


Jiang Chen immediately bowed his hands and said with respect, "Disciple Jiang Chen has met the dean!"

"Well, children can be taught. You Lin, please take your two juniors to choose dormitories! In addition, explain to them some teachers in the college so that they can choose in the future."

"Yes, Master!"

Unexpectedly, Lu Youlin was actually the dean's direct disciple, which made Jiang Chen take another high look at the lazy senior in front of him.

"Then I'll trouble you, senior!"

Lu Youlin smiled and nodded, then led Jiang Chen and the others towards the college dormitory.

"It's so rare! Our Nanfeng Academy has not had a new student for five years. It's really exciting!"

Lu Youlin was obviously much more enthusiastic about his own people, and even informed other students along the way to issue notices at the college's public notice office. .

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