“Cup Fellow Daoist!”

Jiang Chen quickly signaled Beimoting to increase the infusion of inner energy, and at the same time, he led two different streams of inner energy to flow on his hands and the barrier, guiding the two streams of inner energy to stir and collide with each other within the wave curtain of the barrier. At this time, a similar scene happened again. Jiang Chen's arms slowly sank into the barrier. This time, he didn't feel the rebound of the feminine power.

"Cup Fellow Daoist, don't interrupt the inner energy, keep going slowly into the unconfused corridor!"

Beads of sweat also appeared on Bei Moting's forehead. He just hummed softly and forced his inner energy to instill in Jiang Chen again. One step, two steps, Jiang Chen has already entered the Buhuo corridor, but he still follows suit, slowly pulling Bei Moting in. ,

The students at the corner no longer hid, and unconsciously walked into the passage, staring quietly at Beiting with big eyes as they stepped into the Buhuo Corridor step by step.

"They're in!?"

For a long time, I could only hear one person's words as if talking in his sleep, and everyone around him nodded blankly.

"Well, yes. They're in!"

"Then, let's..."

"Shall we go back to the seats and wait for them to come out?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but nodded at the same time and started to walk towards the seats. As they went, they kept looking back at the knot at the end of the passage!

However, Jiang Chen and Beimoting were not able to enter the throne immediately. When he walked slowly to the entrance of the ground floor, Beimoting found another barrier lying in front of the two of them.

Jiang Chen and Bei Moting stopped immediately, looked at each other and couldn't help but raise their brows!

“It’s really like one wave after another!”

When they arrived at the end of the Buhuo Tunnel, what was waiting for them was another 'enchantment'. Beside him, Cup Mo Ting suddenly felt like a frosted eggplant, and his head turned to one side.

When passing through the barrier of the people's seat and the unconfused corridor, Beimoting's true energy has been almost exhausted. If he wants to pass another barrier now, he may not be able to do it well.

"Is there still a barrier? Do we have to go home?"

"Go home? Fellow Daoist, you're thinking too much. This is impossible! Why don't you try taking a few steps back and take a look!"

After hearing this, Bei Moting couldn't help but try to retreat. However, after taking less than three steps, he felt a huge force pressing against him. At the same time, the gravity increased so much that he couldn't even lift his feet.


"When I entered before, I felt a gentle force on my back pushing me forward, and even my steps were light and graceful. Since this barrier can be resolved by the most direct yin and yang impact of the monk's inner energy, it should be a direct yin and yang structure. . There is help when moving forward, and resistance when moving backward. I guess this is the assessment of the academy. Once you are on the ground, if you make no progress, you will not be able to get out of the ground!

When Bei Moting heard this, he immediately became anxious and said quickly: "Can we just get stuck here?"

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, "That's not true. Take a closer look at the 'enchantment' you mentioned.


I saw that the 'enchantment' seemed sophisticated, but its composition was extremely simple, with only the array head, shoulders and array eyes, and the array eyes were exposed. It’s not so much a ‘boundary’ as it is a restriction!

"This doesn't look like a barrier. Could it be..."

Jiang Chen shook his head and said: "There is no problem, it is just a restriction."

Jiang Chen paused and said: "Restriction is also a type of barrier, just because the structure is simple and does not contain formation eyes. Its function is only to serve as a warning and simple protection. So although it is born out of the barrier, it is independent to prohibition.”

"But this restriction is a bit different! It has a head and shoulders, and an eye."

Jiang Chen nodded and said: "As recorded in ancient books, this is a door god prohibition popular in Immortal Dao. It is intended to remind those setting up the formation that someone has intruded. This is also the prototype of the current reminder type prohibition.

"Fu Lu Immortal Dao?"

Jiang Chen didn't bother to explain to Bei Moting, and instead said: "Bei Fellow Daoist, don't pay attention to this restriction, we will just enter directly."

Seeing the hesitation in Beibeiting, Jiang Chen took a big step forward, passed directly through the restriction, and came to the inner hall of the ground floor.

"Hey, good guy, he has a good background!"

I can see that the layout of the floor seat is basically similar to that of the seat. Although it is spacious, the number of books collected is only half of that of the seat. The desk where the books are stored is not high, but they are all made of white jade, which is comparable to the gold and jade desks of the eight wealthy families.

Jiang Chen glanced at it and had a panoramic view of the entire floor. The warm and spotless white jade desk actually gave Jiang Chen an urge to take it for himself. Perhaps it was unique to literati.

Sex dictates it.

"Good stuff! Huh? It's a little different!"

Jiang Chen's eyes passed by the rows of white jade desks, and suddenly a row of out-of-place bluestone desks at the end caught his attention.

…………Please give me flowers…0

"Jiang Chen Fellow Daoist, here are all white jade desks, only the innermost one is a bluestone desk. Why don't you go there first and take a look?"

Beimoting also entered the base, and the row of bluestone desks also caught his attention. Jiang Chen nodded slightly when he heard this and said, "Take a look!"

The two of them quickly came to the bluestone desk. Jiang Chen looked up and saw the four characters "Fu Lu Immortal Dao" engraved on the bluestone desk.

"The original talisman is the ancient book of Immortal Dao."

Seeing the disdain on Bei Heiting's face, Jiang Chen asked with a smile: "Why, you don't like Fu Lu Immortal Dao?"

Beimoting said solemnly: "The Immortal Dao of Fulu was the ruler of Xuanqing in the previous generation. This is common sense. However, the fact that he could be destroyed by the eight powerful lords within a year is enough to show that his Taoist skills of Fulu are nothing more than that.

With that said, Beimoting left the bluestone desk and headed towards the classification of earth-related volumes.

"Qi Cultivation also comes from the Immortal Dao Talisman. Since Master Yu mentioned this, there should be something I want."

Jiang Chen immediately entered the passage. The passage is not wide, only two-thirds of the white jade desk passage is barely enough for one person to sit on the floor. There are not many volumes, less than two hundred volumes

What's more important is that the volumes here are not stored and burned in jade tablets like other volumes, but are basically all paper.

“It’s really a bit crude!”

Jiang Chen scanned the spine of the book carefully and found that most of it contained character introductions and descriptions of mainstream exercises about Fu Lu Immortal Dao. There were few clear secrets on the exercises.

Jiang Chen didn't have much interest in introductory volumes, and there weren't many volumes on Qi cultivation. Even if there are one or two books once in a while, they are just a basic introduction. They only talk about observing and looking at the qi, and they are not very useful!

"Huh? Xuan Kong Yi Qi!"

Although Jiang Chen didn't quite understand what Xuan Kong Qi was, he discovered that this book was actually a rare Qi cultivation technique. Jiang Chen immediately took it down happily and started reading it.

"If I were you, I wouldn't choose this Xuankong Yiqi. Although it has good power, it has almost no growth potential at all!"

Jiang Chen didn't look back when he heard this, he just smiled slightly and said: "So according to what Fellow Daoist has seen, are there any Qi Kung Fu talents suitable for me here?"

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