Jiang Chen's injury has healed to some extent. After all, the spiritual dragon gave him the True Qi. If the injury was worse, it would be unjustifiable.

After Lingjiao left, Jiang Chen took out his storage bag and looked at it. The little guy inside had bitten the storage bag to pieces, and even many things had fallen out.

The first person the little guy in the storage bag saw was Jiang Chen, so he naturally regarded him as his relative and slowly climbed up along Jiang Chen's arm.

Only then did Jiang Chen thoroughly check his storage bag. Except for the little spirit stone that might not be able to bite it, almost all the herbs had been wasted and all the eggs were broken.

The egg whites flowed all over the floor. 1

The Thunder Python is like this. It lays more eggs each time, but only one or two are born in the end. The rest can only be used as nourishment for these lucky children. "Two six seven"

Jiang Chen had no choice but to take out the spirit stones from the storage bag, change the bag, and find a Spirit Beast bag for the little guy to get into.

Seeing the little guy shaking his head, looking like he was quite satisfied with his new home, Jiang Chen looked at the little guy and said, "Tell me, what should I call you? Why don't I call you Xiao Qingba?"

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, the little python jumped out and rubbed Jiang Chen's face, as if he was very satisfied with the name.

Jiang Chen was still teasing the little python when Zhao Meng rushed in carrying Bei Moting. Jiang Chen looked at Bei Moting and his eyes were red: "Who did this?"

You must know that when Jiang Chen was injured, Beimoting was always by his side. Every time the Spirit Beast attacked, Jiang Chen always left many protective items, although it was difficult for Jiang Chen to move his fingers at that time. , but Jiang Chen remembered this kindness.

"There was a young man in the Spirit Beast group who was very resourceful. He said that as long as we defeated him, he would let us go. However, when the cup court went up, he was accidentally slashed with a knife!"

Zhao Meng looked at Jiang Chen with a guilty conscience, but Cup Mo Ting said at this time: "Brother Meng, this has nothing to do with you, I have to go there myself! It's just a skin injury, it's okay!"

Jiang Chen directly poured the hemostatic medicine on Bei Moting's wound, and directly transferred the spiritual energy to Bei Moting to help Bei Moting heal his injury.

After half an hour, Jiang Chen stood up: "Let me handle the battle situation in three days!"

"Your injury..." Zhao Meng was a little worried.

No one knew about the coming of the spirit dragon. Naturally, they didn't know that Jiang Chen's injuries were almost healed and he also got a thunder and lightning python. You must know that this thunder and lightning python has a trace of the spirit dragon's blood, and his future achievements will be unparalleled. Not low.

"I'm fine!" Looking at Jiang Chen's confident look, Zhao Meng felt a little guilty in his heart. He was the oldest but also the most useless at this time. Zhao Meng made an important decision. But looking back many years later, Zhao Meng still doesn't regret this decision.

It was night, Jiang Chen looked at the yin-yang shield with a hole blown out in front of him, and a bold idea came to his mind. The most important thing in this shield is the yin and yang. Does that mean that even if it is ghost energy, this yin and yang gray Shields can also be absorbed.

With this idea, Jiang Chen couldn't sit still anymore, so he found a quiet place in the cave and took out the Yin Yang Gray Shield.

The yin and yang gray shield lost its luster as before. Jiang Chen shot a spell in his hand. The yin and yang gray shield floated in mid-air, spinning slowly. Jiang Chen directly released the ghost energy in his body slowly along his fingertips. .

Under Jiang Chen's control, the black energy slowly surrounded the Yin and Yang Gray Shield, wrapping it up. The spiritual dragon thousands of miles away seemed to see this scene, grinning and laughing, The last trace of spiritual consciousness he left on Jiang Chen was also taken back.

The ghost energy wrapped around the gray shield of Yin and Yang, and the two turned faster and faster, but there was no reaction. Jiang Chen didn't understand which step he made wrong, and suddenly remembered his self-created technique - Yin Feng Flame Palm.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen rubbed his hands together, and saw a fierce tongue of fire spurting out, coiling around the ghost energy. The ghost energy was suppressed and rushed directly towards the gap in the Yin-Yang Gray Shield.

At this time, the Yin-Yang Gray Shield is like a bottomless abyss. It will not reject anyone who comes, absorbing all the ghost energy. The Yin-Yang Gray Shield that has absorbed the ghost energy is like a drunken strong man, swaying in the air. shake.

Jiang Chen activated his own flame power and placed the Yin-Yang Gray Shield on the flames. The Yin-Yang Shield slowly stabilized. Jiang Chen had no choice but to continue to output flames, otherwise all his previous efforts would be in vain.

Zhao Meng walked out of the valley in the dark. He was going to do something big. Without telling anyone, he took out the disguise he had obtained in his early years and instantly transformed into a Spirit Beast with a wolf head and body... .………………

Zhao Meng swaggered towards the Spirit Beast group. No one noticed him along the way. Zhao Meng was overjoyed and continued to search for his target.

The jungle at night was unusually quiet. Looking at the fire in the distance, Zhao Meng knew that he had found the right place. Everything in the jungle was afraid of fire, and birds were no exception. But there was only one kind of bird that liked fire very much, and that was the phoenix. .

There were more and more guards around, with one sentry every ten steps and one post every five steps. Zhao Meng was troubled by the scene in front of him. It was simply impossible to walk in with so much swagger. There were so many Spirit Beasts, and there were so many guards. Probably blind.

Zhao Meng, who was hiding in the dark, was a little anxious. The Spirit Beasts around him had already fallen asleep in groups of three or five. He was wandering around alone, which looked suspicious.

Suddenly, Zhao Meng had a plan on his mind and took out a jar of wine directly from the storage bag. This wine was not an ordinary product. It was made by the drunken gods from the ten jars left by the Master of Wine back then.

Ordinary people would be drunk and unconscious after drinking just one drop. A single sip for a cultivator would be equivalent to a year of hard training. Zhao Meng had never been willing to drink it, but this time he took it out directly. After all, he couldn't let go of the child and couldn't trap the wolf.

Zhao Meng bent down with the wine jar in his arms and walked towards Feng Ming. The guards around him stopped him and asked a few questions. When they learned that he was here to deliver wine to the young master, they didn't care and let it go naturally. Zhao Meng.

Zhao Meng was getting closer and closer to the flames. The flying eagle on the side also saw Zhao Meng and shouted: "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Zhao Meng suppressed the fear in his heart and said tremblingly: "Commander, I...we...send wine, let me!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Did your commander ask you to deliver the wine?" Pu Tiandiao's eyes were blurry, and it looked like he had drunk a lot of wine.

"Yes, yes, it's wine for the young master!" Zhao Meng said loudly. Feng Ming on the side also heard it and waved Zhao Meng over.

Pu Tiandiao cursed secretly: "Flattery, you're the one who flatters me!"

Zhao Meng was getting closer and closer to Feng Ming, and suddenly he threw the wine jar in his hand towards Feng Ming, and the dagger that had been hidden for a long time also shone in the darkness. .

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