Half a month later, Jiang Chen finally arrived at the boundary of the Buddhist Kingdom in the West.

As a result, I found that I was completely blind here, and I didn’t even know where the Great Thunderclap Monastery was!

Jiang Chen wandered around a large city on the border of Western Buddhism for several days, but he didn't even see the shadow of the Great Thunderclap Monastery.

"Isn't it said that the Great Thunderclap Monastery is the spiritual pillar of the West? How come I have been wandering around for so long, but I haven't seen anything!" Jiang Chen said to himself helplessly.

If this is the case, he has no choice but to contact Huaiyuan. In this way, he will expose the secrets in his body to the public. Qi Chanming has a big enmity with Buddha Gate. If the people at Buddha Gate find out, he will not be allowed to disclose his secrets to the public. Plan it open and take out the severed finger.

"Boy, you have really come to the Western Buddhist Kingdom. It seems that you are quite courageous!" The severed finger in the dantian woke up.

"Where is the Great Thunderclap Monastery? I've been looking here for a long time, but there's no news at all!" Jiang Chen asked helplessly.

"The Great Thunderclap Monastery is the only spiritual practice in this Sacred Land in the West. It's normal that you don't know where it is. What month is it now?" Broken Finger asked.


"That's almost it. In half a month, the Buddhist Gate will open its gates to accept disciples. If you're lucky, you can sneak in!" He said lightly with his severed finger.

"It's a good idea to sneak in!" Jiang Jingding nodded.

"Well, after entering, you first sweep the floor and fetch water. If you have a good foundation, you can start practicing in three to five years!"

Jiang Chen frowned. If he could start practicing martial arts only after three to five years, then he would have already gone crazy by then and there would be no need to enter the Buddhist Gate.

"However, if you do something for me, I can teach you Buddhist techniques!"

Jiang Chen didn't speak. The severed finger was a little anxious. It turned into a stream of black smoke and came out from the Baihui point on Jiang Chen's head. It turned into a severed finger and jumped onto Jiang Chen's outstretched palm.

"Teach me, so to speak, you have woken up a long time ago and did not sleep for such a long time!" Jiang Chen's tone was a little unkind.

"Indeed, I also know that there is another existence in your body, but my realm is too low and I can't reach any level at all. I only know of his existence, but I can't find him at all!"

After hearing what the broken finger said, Jiang Chen felt at ease. Let alone the broken finger, even if the Great Principal Golden Immortal came, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to find the system in Jiang Chen's body.

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't respond, he continued with his broken finger: "You just need to help me find a relic, and I will give you the technique to purify the Buddha's sound. As long as you practice the pure Buddha's sound, you will never go crazy again." Got it!"

The severed finger did not tell Jiang Chen that only true Buddhist Gate disciples can practice the pure Buddha's voice. This was originally a technique tailor-made for Buddhist Gate disciples. They are not devout Buddhists or people with Buddha nature. It cannot be practiced.

Jiang Chen pondered for a long time and decided to enter the Buddhist Gate first. Whether you want to practice Buddhist Gate techniques or obtain relics, you need to enter the Buddhist Gate first.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to first settle in Puti City, a large city on the western border. With nothing to do, he visited all the temples in Puti City.

There are thirty-six temples in Puti City, but Jiang Chen ran through these temples and was surprised not to find a single practicing monk. There were some practicing monks, but generally their cultivation levels were not very high.

These practitioners are very cautious and circumvent all the temples. No one will come within a hundred meters of the temple, and some people even dare not look directly at these temples.

Jiang Chen felt a little strange, so he spotted a person and followed him directly. As a result, the person walked around the city for a long time, bought a lot of things, put them all in storage bags, and left the city directly with the things.

The man was only in the fetal stage. Jiang Chen quietly left a mark on the man and followed him quietly on a black ice horse. The man left the city and headed north, walking more than three hundred miles before entering. We arrived at a mountain range and walked for a whole day before we found a village in the forest.

There were all cultivators in the village. Jiang Chen was a little strange, so he sneaked in quietly and followed the man to the lobby in the middle of the village.

I saw a lean man sitting in the lobby. He stood up when he saw the visitor and said, "Third brother, what's going on? You can gain something from going out this time!"

"Brother, that's natural, look!" The person came and took out all the storage bags on his body. The lean man flew down and carefully checked the storage bags.

"Well done, these rations are enough for us to eat for three months. After three months, when those thieves leave, we can go down the mountain!"


Jiang Chen finally understood that this was a group of robbers who were robbing homes. It was estimated that people from the Great Thunderclap Monastery were coming soon, so these people bought things by themselves and prepared to restrain themselves.

Just as Jiang Chen was about to leave, he cut off his finger and spoke: "You don't really think they bought so many things just to survive these few months, do you?"

Jiang Chen pondered for a moment and understood the mystery. Most of these people's cultivation were in the womb stage, but you must know that the monks in the womb stage have already gone without food and do not need to eat at all.

And the things they bought were not just food, they were things needed for practice anyway, and these people purchased everything.


Jiang Chen appeared directly in front of the two of them. When the lean man saw Jiang Chen, his expression turned relaxed: "Special envoy, why are you here so early this year?"

"Special envoy!" Jiang Chen thought of some not-so-good past events. You must know that in Nanzhong City, the people of the Jagged Mercenary Group called Huang Yi the special envoy.

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't speak, the lean man directly picked up all the storage bags and brought them to Jiang Chen respectfully.

"My lord, this is this year's annual tribute. I hope your envoy will accept it!"

Jiang Chen didn't take it, but looked at the lean man: "What did you mean when you said you could go down the mountain after those bald donkeys left!"

There was some hesitation on the face of the lean man, but he still raised his hands and said: "I'm afraid you've just arrived here, sir. I don't know that in this western world, those thieves and bald people are not allowed to have other forces take root here, so we are filial." Everything from Saint Child needs to be purchased quietly!”

"Okay, I know, I will report everything here to Saint Child truthfully!" Jiang Chen directly took the storage bags and pinned them all on his waist. Seeing that the lean man had no intention of speaking, he turned around and headed towards the door. Go outside.

There was a trace of anxiety on the lean man's face: "Sir Special Envoy, Special Envoy, then this year's antidote..."

Jiang Chen knew how the Dark Night Organization controlled his subordinates, so he was not too surprised: "Don't worry, someone will send you the antidote this year, and I will truthfully report the situation here to Saint Child!"

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