Create A Cultivation Technique At The Beginning

Chapter 95 The Beginning Of A Strange World (Big Chapter)

One month later.

Jue Yuan returned to the Shaolin Temple almost with a serious injury.

In the end, he failed to bring back the pill, nor the little snake.

When he returned to the Shaolin Temple with a seriously injured body, he received the shocking news that his master had finally passed away, and he passed away on the day he left.

In comparison, the fact that he became an abandoned disciple of the Shaolin Temple was nothing.

After this day.

Jue Yuan bound his hands and feet with iron chains.

Starting from this day, he returned to Shaolin Temple again.

At this time, he was no longer that master.

The weather in the north seems to be getting more extreme at this moment.

The heavy rain has never stopped since the day Drunken Master died.

But fortunately, for one person and one donkey, even Lu Wushuang has no impact.

The light package of true energy is enough to block the rain from the outside. Although this consumes a lot of money, when Lu Wushuang can't bear it, Jiang Chen's true energy will cover it and help the little girl block the rain.

Jiang Chen didn't know about the scene in the Shaolin Temple at this time.

It's not clear that some stories are actually happening at this moment.

At this moment, they had already set foot on a mountain peak.

On the way north, he did not return directly to the Quanzhen Sect, but walked between the vast world, feeling the traces of Dao Rhyme between heaven and earth, and adjusting his state with nature.

As time goes by, his Foundation Building environment becomes more and more complete.

It seems that there is only one step to reach the final completion of Foundation Building.

At this time, he was also preparing to leave for the Quanzhen Sect.

The state of mind is almost there, then you need to calm down and completely stabilize the state, so as to consider breaking through the Gold Core.

Somehow, he already felt that breaking through the Gold Core this time was probably extremely crucial.

But when he was about to return, he couldn't help but pause when he came to this mountain peak.

An extremely uncomfortable aura spread throughout the surroundings. In the distance, when the true energy gathered in the eyes, there seemed to be faint traces of blood spreading throughout the surroundings.

"This is?"

The donkey stopped and seemed to feel uneasy.

And Jiang Chen's brows couldn't help but frown slightly.

After pondering for a moment, he looked at Lu Wushuang.

In the end, there was no choice to let Lu Wushuang lead the donkey up.

"Shuang'er, wait for me here!"

Jiang Chen spoke, and with a faint movement of true energy, spiritual energy wrapped around his body. He rose into the air and directly crossed the distance to the mountain peak in a few steps.

This time is not Jiang Chen's first time flying, after all, he has tried it several times before.

But giving up flying in the Foundation Building environment is annoying and consumes too much space.

But at this moment Jiang Chen still flew over.

After all, this situation is too weird.

And that kind of uneasiness was almost the first time he had appeared, and he had never felt it before.

The figure came up.

Soon we arrived at the mountain peak.

When he reached this moment, he couldn't help but frown, because there were corpses everywhere in front of him, and an extremely unpleasant smell spread throughout the surrounding area.

The corpses of sentences have long since rotted.

Too much.

There were corpses everywhere.

Skeletons everywhere.

What's even more weird is that the trees seem to have become more lush because of the gathering of blood and water.

In front of these skeletons, an ancient temple stood quietly.

Everything seemed to shift from a martial arts style to a weird style in an instant.

The aura that made him extremely uneasy was intertwined throughout the surroundings.

Looking at this scene, even Jiang Chen's already dull heart couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement at this moment.


The light sound of swords sounded.

The next moment, Jiang Chen waved his hands instantly.


There was a huge sound, and the sword energy spread, and the big trees were directly swept by the sword energy.

A huge area was cleared directly.

During the sword attack.

A huge ravine appeared.

There was a huge commotion of true energy, and corpses and withered bones were thrown directly into the ravine by him.

Immediately, the corpses were buried directly in the dust.

He didn't know what happened here, and he didn't know whether it was dead or not.

But that is no longer important. What is important is that if he has the ability, Jiang Chen will try his best to bury them in peace.

Like this moment.

His true energy was surging, and sword energy swept across him.

More ravines appear.

More bodies were swept in as well.

As time goes by, too many people have died here. Only Jiang Chen can really clean them up. The number of people here may reach tens of thousands, or even more.

A huge pile of corpses covered the entire mountain peak.

Even Jiang Chen, who was in the Foundation Building realm, almost ran out of real energy several times and had to stop to absorb spiritual energy to replenish it.

And the busyness lasted for three whole days.

In the middle of the journey, he asked Lu Wushuang to rest at the foot of the mountain.

It was not until three days later that Jiang Chen walked down the mountain with a sense of exhaustion.

At the foot of the mountain.

Lu Wushuang looked at Jiang Chen, with excitement on his delicate little face, and hurriedly came forward to greet him.

Jiang Chen's figure gently fell onto the donkey's back.

"Let's go!"

He whispered softly and then closed his eyes.

Three days of busy work had severely depleted his consciousness.

"Okay, teacher!"

Lu Wushuang nodded quickly, led the little donkey in front of him, and started moving forward again.

For them, this place is just a passing through in life.

Dead people don't happen there in this turbulent era.

The death of tens of thousands of people is also not a rare thing. The death of tens of thousands of people in Mongolia's destruction of the Jin Dynasty was close to the death of tens of millions. Likewise, during the Mongolian journey, even tens of millions was just a drop in the bucket. .

In the process of the Mongol Empire sweeping across the Eurasian continent, countless civilizations were destroyed and many cities were razed to the ground. Not only was the Song Dynasty, which had the most prosperous Chinese culture and economy, destroyed, and tactics of massacre and genocide were implemented, but it also launched the first wave of massacres in Europe. During the Second Bacterial War, the "Black Death" killed at least 25 million Europeans and dealt a heavy blow to medieval Europe, losing one-third of its population.

The population of China dropped from 120 million before the Mongol invasion to 60 million in 1393 after the invasion, a decrease of one-half.

In addition to these, according to historical research in later generations, during the establishment of the Mongol Empire, the Mongolian army massacred a total of 200 million people in the 13th century, creating the most disgraceful and bloody Guinness World Record in human history.

This is a catastrophe, and what he needs to do is break through the Gold Core as soon as possible to try to see if he can stop this wave of catastrophe.

Whether it can be stopped, even he doesn't know.

The catastrophe of heaven and earth was only expected before that Gold Core could win, but whether he could actually achieve it still depended on which level he really stepped into.

Of course not now.

He wouldn't even try.

Because that is unnecessary and even more meaningless.

The night is getting deeper.

The donkey walked slowly towards Zhongnan Mountain.

On the donkey's back, the consumed spiritual consciousness and true energy gradually recovered.

The eyes that had been closed were opened again.

".||Blood aura, what is that?"

The whispering voice spoke with some doubts and some hesitation.

When the mountain was being cleaned before, he had vaguely felt the bloody aura, but when he went up the mountain, he never noticed it again, even after several experiences.

At first, he thought it was caused by too many deaths, but now that he thought about it, it might be more than that.

After all, many people have died in this land, but this is the first time he has seen such a scene.

He frowned and fell into deep thought.

And before it was on top of the mountain.

The bloody aura that had gradually dissipated due to Jiang Chen's burial seemed to be growing again.

It quickly spread throughout the surrounding area. Although it became much thinner, it obviously did not disappear completely, and it seemed to be regrouping.

And if you look at the ground, you will find that the flesh and blood of the corpses seem to have turned into lines of essence (Qian Zhao's). The pure power began to gather on the surrounding tree roots, and these tree roots grew rapidly. .

Until a certain moment, there was a tree root.

Amidst the soft sound, it plunged into a corpse.

Soon, a large number of tree roots also penetrated into it.

The spiritual energy around him gradually increased for some unknown reason.

The dilapidated ancient temple still stands in the mountains and forests.

Loneliness, deathly silence.

The night wind shook the entire broken window.

A "crunching" sound was made.

In the center of the ancient temple, a huge tree crown swayed, and its roots spread in all directions from the ancient temple. And compared with the slowness of other tree roots, or inadvertently leaning towards those corpse pits, it tree The roots seemed to be moving closer to the surroundings on purpose.

Even though a lot of his tree roots were cut off in the previous time, the roots are still growing and spreading at this moment.

On the huge tree crown, some leaves have turned yellow, but some leaves have a strange red color, as if they were dyed with blood.

Hidden on the mountain peak, a broken stone tablet stands, with two incomplete fonts vaguely written on it, which seem to be "black" and "mountain"

(Preparing to break through the Gold Core! I randomly inserted some foreshadowing for the future, which has little to do with the main plot!! Exciting).

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