October 20th.

Awesome head office.

The entire store now doesn't look like an Internet cafe at all. The store has been renovated, and all the original computer equipment has been moved away. The four walls are covered with promotional posters of "Gods and Gods" as well as makeup photos of players and teams. These They are all made overnight and urgently.

Anyway, the requirements don’t have to be too high, and they are not big stars. They simply put makeup on the contestants, strike a pose, and post-up the photos a little, and then the finished film is produced directly, so fast that it can fly.

There are also posters all over the outside wall of the Internet cafe.

There are security personnel guarding a security inspection machine at the door, responsible for security checks and releasing people. If the maximum safe capacity of the store is 1,500 people, no further entry is allowed.

The number of people is just right, it won’t seem too crowded or empty, and both the upper and lower floors can be filled to the brim.

As for the auditorium, the big leaders will not come. They will only come to the venue on the day of the semi-finals at the Central Stadium. So here are all the same small plastic benches as always. Everyone can sit at will, and mineral water is distributed free of charge at the door. Glow sticks, cartoon hats, Teemo dolls and other small items are all free of charge anyway, so everyone can have fun watching them.

The place where players compete is in the newly renovated soundproof box on the second floor.

The equipment is uniformly configured. Keyboards, mice, and headphones are all equipped according to the models reported by the players. For this, Mo Yu spent another sum of money and vowed to find a peripheral manufacturer as the first sponsor when the league is formed. , make a lot of money.

The host station and commentary station were all arranged outside the soundproof box. The background was a large poster with the words Jingzhou Cup. A long table was placed in front of it. There were several hero plush dolls on the table, and a few more in front of it. Bottles of Lao Gan Daddy hot sauce make up the entire commentary desk.

There are a total of sixteen super large screens inside and outside the store. The live broadcast signal is connected and delayed for three minutes. With their backs to the players, the audience watches the game on the large screen.

In the game, the client has also launched the live broadcast system.

After players log in to the client, they do not need to enter the viewing interface, and the live broadcast screen will automatically pop up. Players can adjust the clarity, send barrages, and some small expressions, such as roses, laughter, etc., under the live broadcast.

There is also a gift bag icon below.

If you click on it, you can use the mall coupons to purchase gifts and reward them. The amount obtained from the reward will of course belong to the Moyu Company.

It was still early at this point.

When Mo Yu arrived, there was already a long queue at the venue. Handsome guys and beauties crowded together. Some people even ran over to watch the game wearing exquisite COS clothes. The excitement was full.

The street outside Geili's main store was also packed to the brim.

At a rough glance, there are at least a thousand people, and the number is still increasing.

Among the crowd in the distance, Jingzhou officials coordinated with several staff members to maintain order at the scene, direct traffic, and guide tourists. The sidewalks were full of tourists coming to watch the game. There were vehicles parked on both sides of the road. It was impossible to see a row of people passing by. At the end of the day, the traffic conditions on the roads were very heavy.

It’s simply an eSports event!

After swiping his face to enter the store, Mo Yu realized that the inside was no worse than the outside.

More than 60% of the 1,500 seats have been filled, and spectators are everywhere communicating and looking forward to the upcoming game.

The staff of Moyu Company who were responsible for distributing supplies at the front desk were sweating profusely. The hero dolls, mineral water and other supplies that had been prepared in advance were quickly consumed. Hundreds of boxes of water were quickly bottomed out, and someone was calling to rush to restock.

Mo Yu looked around and saw that the scene had completely transformed into a sea of ​​e-sports, with players holding cheering sticks and wearing Teemo and other cute hats chatting and laughing everywhere.

They don't care about small plastic benches or better seats. They just find an empty spot and sit down after wiping it down. They don't care at all.

"This is the true and pure e-sports fan!"

Mo Yu couldn't help but sigh.

Compared with the e-sports fan group that was poisoned by the fandom culture in the previous life, this group of viewers who come from various cities to watch the games is the group that truly loves e-sports.

There is no GSL, no water ghosts, no rhythm players, no wife groups such as Mojia Dao, and no on-stage interviews and insults about the core players who have brought a lot of honors to their team. Everyone is just. Because I like to watch games, I came together from all over the world, all because of the love in my heart!

After finally finding an empty seat on the second floor and sitting down, Mo Yu let out a long sigh of relief.

Too many people.

He didn't have any special privileges. He was just an ordinary spectator and naturally crowded around.

All plans for the Jingzhou Cup have been made long ago, and Yang Qiu is fully responsible. Mo Yu does not need to intervene, and it is all handled by themselves. Only in this way can they accumulate experience and cultivate a group of professional talents for the future.

He looked around and was extremely satisfied with the lively atmosphere.

As he was watching, he suddenly saw the figure of Zhang Zhaoyang, who cosplayed as Galen.

"Zhang Zhaoyang, here, here!"

Mo Yu shouted and waved. Zhang Zhaoyang was looking for a seat when he heard the sound and rushed over to sit down with a big sword in his hand.

As soon as I sat down, I wiped my sweat, panted, drank water, and finally recovered.

"Damn it, there are so many people, I almost can't breathe!"

Mo Yu looked at the high-end COS that he was wearing, and couldn't help but smile: "Why are you dressed like this?"

Zhang Zhaoyang said proudly: "How do you like it? Isn't it handsome? It was specially customized with money and fully reproduced. It was just photographed by a group of people outside the door!" As he said this, he waved the golden sword in his hand twice.


Mo Yu praised him repeatedly.

"The client is live online, why are you still here to watch the game?"

Zhang Zhaoyang put down the big sword, loosened his COS suit, and said with a smile: "There is no live broadcast with as much atmosphere as the live broadcast. Besides, today is the Emperor Star game, and it is BO1. It makes me so nervous. I always feel like I will lose if I don't come!"

"It's not that bad." Mo Yu waved his hand and said: "I have watched the Emperor Star game. They won all the qualifiers and qualified. They are definitely the top group. They should have no problem qualifying for the quarterfinals!"

"How can it be so easy? It's a BO1 after canceling the double cycle. The risk is too great. If you are not careful, you will be killed. It's not safe!" Zhang Zhaoyang shook his head and sighed.

Mo Yu said with shame: "I have no choice. Time is tight and the tasks are heavy. In order to catch up with the arrangements at the central stadium, I have no choice but to do this. I would also blame you. The venue matter has not been discussed yet. You family What did the old man say?"

"I don't know." Zhang Zhaoyang shook his head repeatedly: "You didn't give me an accurate answer, so I just waited until I asked. But I think he seems to attach great importance to the Jingzhou Cup. I went to the office several times to look for people, and I saw people like him. I actually went to the game to watch the game, and even heard from the assistant that I got to play a few games myself!”

"The old man also plays?" Mo Yu plucked his ears and said in disbelief: "Is he over sixty this year? Can he play?"

Zhang Zhaoyang shrugged, and the golden shoulder armor on his shoulders kept shaking: "Why not? I am strong and strong. I heard that I got the Silver Four!"

Mo Yu said in surprise: "Hey! Silver Four? That's really something. Many young people are black iron and bronze. Silver Four must at least exceed 20% of the players! That's it. The venue's affairs should be stable!"

"Don't ask me, I really don't know." Zhang Zhaoyang spread his hands: "It all depends on what he wants. In other words, whether this thing is handsome or not, it can be troublesome."

He stood up and wanted to check the time on his phone, but the COS suit was too realistic and he couldn't take it out of his pocket, so he could only ask: "What time is it? Why hasn't it started yet?"

Mo Yu couldn't help but laugh when he saw this: "Aren't you hot? Find a place to take off your clothes quickly!" He looked at the time again: "It's still too late, find a place to change quickly, I'll save the spot for you."

"Hurry up, the game is coming soon. The first game today is Emperor Star playing Ehome. Are you confident? I heard that many teams are studying tactics against Emperor Star and LGD. Don't be overthrown!"

"MD, you still say that!" Zhang Zhaoyang rolled his eyes and said angrily: "I was already nervous, but now I am even more nervous!"

"Ha ha!"

Mo Yu laughed loudly and consoled him: "Don't worry, it shouldn't be that bad. The strongest teams in Group A are Emperor Star and Friends. The other two teams should win for sure, so relax!"


Zhang Zhaoyang was worried, and stood up again and said: "I'm going to change clothes, the seat is occupied for me!"


Mo Yu waved his hand.

While the two were chatting, more and more spectators came to the store. Both the upper and lower floors were full. Many tourists with foreign accents who were obviously not from Jingzhou ran over and found a seat to sit down and chat. Contest.

Mo Yu's memory was greatly enhanced after traveling through time. With the impression in his head, he actually saw a few familiar faces that appeared in the last Internet cafe game.

These are the most loyal e-sports fans!


The 1,500 seats in the whole store were filled with people. When he walked to the window and looked down, Mo Yu also saw a steady flow of people coming towards this place in the distance. The queue at the gate downstairs was still there. The scene was very lively.

"It seems that these 1,500 seats will be filled soon!"

"I really didn't expect that the popularity of the Jingzhou Cup would be so high. Thanks to the foundation laid in the previous Internet Cafe Competition, coupled with the high prize money of the Jingzhou Cup, and the constant publicity on the Internet, thousands of people came to the group stage. , I’m afraid there will be more in the finals! I believe it will definitely shock everyone’s eyes!”

Mo Yu thought to himself.

He turned and looked around.

The entire stadium is now a sea of ​​spectators. Everywhere you look, there are spectators holding fluorescent sticks and wearing hero plush hats. It is a sea of ​​​​people, and there is a lot of noise and noise everywhere. It is no worse than the stadium in the previous life. Where to go.

Sitting down again, Zhang Zhaoyang had returned to his seat.

"Deng Junhua didn't come?"

"LGD's game will be on the fourth day. Now he must have gathered players in the club to watch the live broadcast and study his opponents. He is determined to win the Jingzhou Cup!"

"Win the championship? Tsk, what a beautiful thought!" Zhang Zhaoyang said domineeringly: "The champion this time will definitely be the Emperor Star, just wait!"

Arrive at nine o'clock.

Exciting background music played.

The sweet-sounding and beautiful Tian Weiwei, the queen host of Moyu Company, appeared on stage in a policewoman COS uniform. She had long legs, a good figure, and a slender waist that was as high as the sky. The perfect combination attracted bursts of cheers.

"Welcome spectators from all over the world. This Jingzhou Cup competition is sponsored by Jingzhou Construction Engineering. Eat Laogandaddy hot sauce and taste the spicy taste of the competition. Laogandaddy hot sauce cheers for the Jingzhou Cup; it helps the development of Jingzhou city. , Jingzhou welcomes you!”

With clear enunciation and fluent sentences, Tian Weiwei finished reading the sponsored speech and showed a sweet smile: "The Jingzhou Cup group stage is about to begin, let us welcome the players from both sides!"

After the words fell, cheers and shouts started again. The sound waves passed through the wall and spread to the street outside, rolling like a tide, causing another commotion.

Then the ten contestants appeared on stage one by one, all young and immature, waving their hands.

Tian Weiwei made introductions from the side.

At the end of the introduction session, both parties bowed their thanks to the audience and walked into the soundproof boxes respectively.

Photographers in the audience walked around with their machines to take pictures.

The sixteen large screens at the scene lit up one by one, the live broadcast channel in the client appeared, and thousands of barrages poured in instantly.

Tian Weiwei spoke up again.

"The first game on the first day of the Jingzhou Cup group stage, Emperor Star vs. Ehome, is about to begin!"


She spread her legs forward and back, tilted her body slightly, and held a Hextech sniper rifle in her hand as if she were holding it. She took an aiming stance and moved her lips slightly to imitate the sound of the gun being fired!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch~"


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