Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 145 Jingzhou Cup Experience

"No, I'm here for a trip." Zhang Yiming shook his head and asked hypocritically: "The hotel I was going to stay in was nearby, but I didn't expect it to be so congested. I actually ran into a competition. I wonder what kind of e-sports competition this is?"

The young man didn't have any precautions at all and answered directly: "It's an online game competition, but the standards of this competition are very high, there are a lot of prizes, and the participating players are very powerful, much better than most ordinary players, so it's called e-sports." Competition, in short, is e-sports!”

"I see."

Zhang Yiming pretended to be suddenly enlightened, and pointed at the tourists on the way and asked: "Is this e-sports competition very popular? Are all these people on the road here to watch the competition?"

"I don't know about others, but those wearing COS suits must be the same!" The young man said with a smile: "And most people should be the same, I don't know for sure. Anyway, we made a special trip from J Province just to watch the game!"

"Province J?" Zhang Yiming said in surprise: "It's a few hundred kilometers away from Jingzhou! How far away?"

"It's only a few hundred kilometers!" The young man said cheerfully: "Contemporary college students advocate for casual travel. Others go to see the beautiful mountains and rivers. Isn't it also a trip for us to watch the game? Watching your favorite players playing your favorite games, the atmosphere It’s lively and there are many people with the same interests and hobbies gathering together, which is very interesting!”

"Really?" Zhang Yiming nodded and said with a smile: "I'm interested in what you said! Speaking of which, I occasionally play online games to relax. I wonder what game is being held today?"

""Gods and Gods"! Uncle, have you ever played it?" The young man was quite interested.

"Never played it before." Zhang Yiming shook his head.

Seeing this, the young man smiled and said: "Uncle, then you are too low! "Gods and Gods" is now considered the hottest game in China. It is very popular on the Internet. There are many people playing it in our school. You can try it when you have time. Try it, it’s definitely more fun than any other game!”

"Then I'll give it a try when I have time!" Zhang Yiming said.

At this time, the friend next to the young man said: "It's too late, it's about to start!"

The young man looked down at his watch and exclaimed in surprise: "It's started, it's started!" He quickly raised his head and waved to Zhang Yiming: "Stop talking, uncle, the game is about to start. If you go early, you can get in, otherwise you can only wait outside. , let’s go first!”

After saying that, the two of them ran forward quickly!

Not only the two of them, but many people on the street also started to speed up.

Zhang Yiming stood there with an extremely ugly face.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it!"

"E-sports competitions have actually become popular among college students, but the industry still knows nothing about it. They don't even know that others have quietly come to kill them. This is an extremely dangerous sign!"

Zhang Yiming felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

He did not expect that the concept of e-sports has been spread so widely and is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

How terrible is it for two college students who are hundreds of kilometers away to travel all the way to another city to watch a game?

It's like a very famous singer holds a concert in the next province. If you don't like it, will you go?

Definitely not going!

Only those who really like this singer will travel thousands of miles to go there!

Now e-sports competitions actually have such a loyal fan base!

On a hot day, with the weather around 30 degrees Celsius, Zhang Yiming felt cold all over just thinking about it and broke into a cold sweat!

For any game, whether it is a stand-alone or online game, the largest group of players will always be students, and among the student groups, college students cannot be ignored.

After studying hard and finally escaping from the supervision of their parents, and without the heavy studies in high school, many people will indulge their tense spirit when they get to college. At this time, online games are simply the best way to relax. Almost 90% of college students All have played the game, without exception!

However, e-sports competitions have quietly begun to become popular. Many manufacturers in the industry still know nothing about it. Even if they know about it, they don't care like Cen Fucheng, thinking it is just a scabies problem and not worth mentioning!


Zhang Yiming couldn't help but shudder.

"Below the water, Mo Yu has set off signs of huge waves. E-sports is the foundation and gaming is the sharp edge. If the two are combined, the future gaming industry may be dominated by him!"

"Whether he can do it or not, I must figure out how to hold an e-sports competition!"

"Only when we figure it out can we perfectly recreate it when we go back and hold Tianxing's own competition!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Yiming strode forward, following the flow of people.

Turning around the intersection, the next second you see a crowded street.

JF Road, where the Geili head office is located, is almost one kilometer long, with a four-lane road in the middle and shops on both sides. There are many shops selling clothes, jewelry, shopping malls, shoes and hats, etc. It is obviously the most prosperous shopping street in the city.

Now this pedestrian street is almost completely closed to cars!

There are cars all the way along both sides, leaving only a small space in the middle for vehicles to pass. It is useless to have several traffic policemen directing traffic on the road, because there are too many cars, and people walk faster than cars.

Not to mention on the sidewalk.

There were crowds of people on both sides, the shops were crowded with shoppers, and there were many players holding hero plush toys.

Zhang Yiming shuttled among the crowd and walked a few hundred meters. Before he saw the impressive sign, a large promotional poster for "Gods and Gods" appeared on the wall of a roadside shop.

All on both sides!

Photos of various heroes and players are posted all over the place.

"I can't believe it! I can't believe it!"

Zhang Yiming gritted his teeth as he watched.

“If you didn’t come here in person, you wouldn’t know that it has grown to this scale!”

"The whole road is full of posters and full of people. Wherever it is still JF Road, it is completely E-Sports Road!"

He stood in the crowd and looked at the lively scene in front of him, feeling fear growing in his heart.

Before coming, he had never imagined that the scene would be like this! !

"I thought that no matter how big it was, it would only be for players to entertain themselves, but looking at it, it is simply a grand event! A game can drive sales of surrounding shops, attract thousands of foreign tourists, and have a great impact on the economy of the entire city. There are huge benefits to development, no wonder Jingzhou officials are willing to stand up and give the title of outstanding youth as a reward!"


"This Mo Yu is really incredible!"

"I've made a fortune from just one game, and now I've come up with something as bizarre as an e-sports competition. I really don't know what kind of behemoth it will develop into in the future!"

Zhang Zhaoyang now admires and fears Mo Yu. He admires his ability to make games like "Gods and Gods" and run e-sports competitions, but he is also afraid that he will really take the world by storm in the future, and other game manufacturers will have no way to survive. !

"It's a good thing I came here, otherwise I might die without knowing how I died!"

The crowd was bustling, and Zhang Yiming kept moving forward.

After walking past a dozen shops, a long queue suddenly appeared in front of me!

"Huh? What's going on? Are they people lining up to enter?"

He found a store step, stood on tiptoes and looked forward.

I saw a long queue of several hundred meters in front of me. There were people everywhere and there was no end in sight.

Looking at the team, many people are wearing obvious symbols from the "Gods and Gods" game. The T-shirts on their bodies are printed with patterns, what they hold in their hands and what they wear on their heads are all there!

He immediately understood that this was the team lining up to enter the stadium.

He immediately stood behind him, patted the shoulder of a girl in front of him, and asked with a smile: "Sister, is this a team watching an e-sports match?"

The girl in the front row turned around and saw a kind-faced uncle. There was nothing going on with his family or the man below him. Instead, he gave a very polite reply.


Zhang Yiming quickly asked: "That's true! I thought I queued up in the wrong line! But I heard that only a maximum of 1,500 people are allowed in the venue. Now the game seems to have started, why are we still queuing up?"

The girl smiled and said: "You come in and you go out, what if it's your turn? But there is a live broadcast screen a little further ahead. Uncle, if you don't want to queue, you can go there and watch."

"Okay, thank you, I'll give it a try first."

Zhang Yiming thanked him and stood behind the girl to wait.

In Jingzhou in October, the temperature is still very hot, especially at two or three o'clock in the afternoon, and with the crowds gathering, it is simply hot and stuffy!

He waited in line for an hour until after three o'clock. The team was moving forward, but not very fast.

"It's too slow!"

Frowning, Zhang Yiming decided not to queue anymore, left the queue and walked directly towards the gate.

During this hour, he had been observing the situation at the scene.

Even though the weather is so hot, there are still many people coming and going to watch the game. The streets are always crowded.

Many people were sweating profusely from the heat, so they went to buy a bottle of drinks nearby, and then continued to gather friends to watch the game.

"It's hard to imagine that the audience's enthusiasm for watching the game is so high. How was it cultivated?"

Zhang Yiming was puzzled.

As for traditional sports events, which have been popular for hundreds of years, the audience is of course very concerned about the events and enthusiastic.

But e-sports is full of calculations, and the Jingzhou Cup is only the second time. Why?

He can't understand!

But they don’t know that the largest audience group of e-sports is young people, and young people are the most receptive to new things. E-sports competitions have games they play, players they like, and they are rooted in the young people. It is also an unprecedented new event. , the speed of accumulating e-sports fans is of course extremely fast!

There were nearly a thousand people attending the Internet cafe competition!

After several months of preparation, it is normal for thousands of people to attend the Jingzhou Cup!

As he walked along the long line to the front, before he saw the signboard of the Gaili Internet Cafe, Zhang Yiming heard waves of dull cheers from players that penetrated the wall.

As we walked further, we heard clearly and clearly the cheering and noise of a large group of people!

As I got closer, I saw a group of people crowding the sidewalk. There were even people sitting on the railings on the roadside, holding various things in their hands, looking at the screen and shouting in unison!



Then I saw the voice of commentary coming from the four large screens hanging on the outer wall of the Geili Internet Cafe!

"A precise blind press!"

"PIS Shadow Demon beat 2 with remaining health, and won a double kill!"


I was too sleepy last night, so I didn’t write any more! Try to make up for it today~

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