Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 157 Acquisition of Lava (Please subscribe!)

"Why fail?"

Chen Rucheng was furious and pointed at the computer screen: "Since the launch of "Racial Hegemony", nearly 20,000 copies have been sold and 300,000 yuan has been paid back. With this money, I can continue to recruit people and continue to improve it!"

"Are you going to give up?"

Xu Changming said angrily: "Don't you give up?"

He pointed to the outside of the office and shouted: "You wake up and look outside. The lava has reached a desperate situation now. Everyone except you and me has left. There is no hope for anyone!"

"The game has been online for so long, and it has made some progress except at the beginning. I don't know what the situation is now."

"It's incredible to be able to sell more than ten or twenty copies a day, and one-third of them have to be refunded. The comment section is full of negative reviews. Lava is over, and so is "Race"!"

"This is a bad game. The graphics are bad, the gameplay is bad, the background is bad, the music is bad, everything is bad!"

Xu Changming stood up suddenly and looked at the ceiling, anger bursting out of his chest!


He was no less sad than Chen Rucheng, but Chen Rucheng had not yet recognized the reality and was unwilling to admit defeat, while he already knew that the defeat was irreversible.

After roaring, Xu Changming sighed.

He lit a cigarette and talked about the past.

"From the time you created Lava to now, I have been following you, wanting to create a unique game. It was so beautiful and high-spirited at that time. You and I were willing to invest all our savings in it, and never look back!"

"But reality has taught me how to be a good person. Now I only have these 300,000 yuan left. I don't want to start a business anymore. Finding a job to spend the rest of my life safely may be the best destination!"

"Acheng, let's face the reality. At least we haven't fallen into debt yet. Divide your money and find a job. Don't hold out hope anymore!"

"I'll tell you the truth, a company has contacted me. It's a big company in the industry and the salary is pretty good. I think you can come with me!"

After he finished speaking, he sat down quietly again, his head lowered, his expression unclear.

Chen Rucheng pursed his lips, wanting to argue and retort, but when he saw his friend like this, he couldn't help but sigh!

He had never smoked, so he lit a cigarette for the first time and stared at the computer screen in a daze.

There is only the last three hundred thousand in cash left in the account, the equipment is still there, and the company is still there. After paying the rent and spending some money to recruit a few more people, there may be a chance to rise again.

But he didn't have much confidence.

When they were working on "Craft of Races" before, he and Xu Changming were high-spirited and like-minded. They agreed that they could have millions of users and sell well just by relying on the gameplay.

But developing a game was more difficult than he imagined. All his savings from working for many years were invested, and in the end, he only made a semi-finished product that was useless except for the gameplay.

He tried his best, but was hit hard by reality!

These things almost crushed his spine, and he completely lost confidence in the future.

He is no longer sure that if he recruits new people, the game will be done well.

Let’s talk about the three hundred thousand yuan. Once the salary is paid and the rent, water, electricity and property are paid, how much money will be left?

I’m afraid if I stick to it for a month, I’ll be thankful!

"Do we really have to accept our fate?"

Unknowingly, the fireworks burned his fingers. He threw away the cigarette butt, not even bothering to step on it, and let it burn out the last embers.

Silence fell in the office.

The two looked at each other speechlessly.

a long time.

Xu Changming stood up: "Now that the matter is over, I finally understand it. Acheng, I'm leaving. You can transfer the money to my card another day." After saying that, he picked up the coat hanging on the back of the chair and walked toward the door. Go.

Chen Rucheng looked at his back as he turned and left. As if he had made up his mind, he walked out in a few steps, suddenly stretched out his arms and grabbed him: "Chang Ming, do you really not want to continue doing this?"

Xu Changming, who had already reached the door, turned around and slapped his hand away, saying angrily: "I don't want to!"

Chen Rucheng asked again: "What if someone pays?"

"Who will pay?" Xu Changming turned around and said with a wry smile, "Who will pay?"

Chen Rucheng gritted his teeth and finally said: "Moyu Company!"

Xu Changming's face was full of confusion and he didn't know what he was talking about.

Chen Rucheng explained: "Actually, I have been hiding something from you, during CJ." He recounted the conversation with Mo Yu, and finally said: "I'm sorry, you also knew about the lava situation at that time. It has already arrived. The last moment."

"The reason why I kept it from you was because I was afraid that this incident would affect the morale of the army, so that this incident would not make you suspect that my motives were impure or the information would be revealed and make the entire company feel lazy and lazy."

"And now I'm telling you, the matter has come to this, and there is no way out!"

"Since I have to work part-time, I think the former is better between being acquired and joining the company. And according to Mo Yu, he intends to continue making "Race Hegemony"!"

As soon as he said these words, he recognized the reality.

Xu Changming was stunned for several seconds after hearing this, and then immediately asked: "Are you telling the truth?"

"Really!" Chen Rucheng nodded and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my fault."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Changming changed his decadent look, waved his big hands, and interrupted directly: "Don't worry, I understand, I don't have any intention to blame you, you call Mo Yubu now, immediately, immediately! Mr. Mo!" "

Chen Rucheng looked at his friend and said blankly: "You don't want to work anymore?"

"Work? Just work!" Xu Changming waved his hand fiercely and said harshly: "Isn't it better to be acquired than to go bankrupt and work? And you can continue to develop "Racial Hegemony", keep the name of Lava, and have people pay wages, and produce Money makes games, why don’t I work as a hammer worker!”

"Hurry, call!"

"Okay, okay!" Chen Rucheng no longer hesitated at this time, and immediately took out his mobile phone and prepared to contact Mo Yu.

The moment the call was connected, there was the sound of footsteps outside the office, followed by a ringing sound through the wall.

Immediately afterwards, someone said: "Mr. Mo, we are here! I just don't know if anyone is still here!"

Mo Yu didn't expect that the situation of the lava was even worse than he imagined.

He did not call Chen Rucheng in advance, but flew directly to Haishi in order to make a surprise attack, see the most real situation, and prepare for the subsequent acquisition bid.

Finally, we finally found the place, but what we saw was such a desolate scene.

I couldn't even turn on the lights in the office. When I asked the security guard for the specific floor, the security guard immediately told me that it was the company on the 9th floor that couldn't pay the rent and was about to go bankrupt!

The misery of the lava was simply too horrific to behold.

"But that's okay."

"The current purchase price of lava will probably be much lower than expected!"

Mo Yu put away his thoughts, and the two parties briefly introduced themselves, then shook hands and sat down.

After sitting down, he looked at Chen Rucheng for a few times, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, after leaving this magical city, your style remains the same!"

Chen Rucheng smiled bitterly and shook his head repeatedly: "Mr. Mo, please stop making fun of me. I don't have any charm. Now I am just a frustrated person who has reached a desperate situation."

"Haha~" Mo Yu said with a smile: "Although I am disappointed on the outside, as long as I am not disappointed in my heart!"

He changed to a comfortable sitting position, relaxed his whole body, and without any pretense, said directly to Chen Rucheng: "Let's stop chatting and let's get down to business. I believe you should know the purpose of my visit. I have also seen the situation of the lava, Mr. Chen, Make a price! How much does it cost before you are willing to come over and help me!"

Chen Rucheng and Xu Changming looked at each other. Neither of them expected Mo Yu to be so direct. After thinking for a few seconds, Chen Rucheng said slowly: "Mr. Mo, you should have investigated the current situation of "Racial Hegemony" very well. Lava Studio You have a clear view of the situation, I am really in the final desperate situation now, are you really willing to acquire me in such a situation?"

Mo Yu replied: "Of course! To be honest, what I value is not the game or the lava, but you! The gameplay on the market is rigid now, but Mr. Chen, you are able to find a new way and create a brand new gameplay , this is something I admire!”

"I am also a game designer. Before I succeeded, I was far worse than you are now. I had no place to live, just a computer, and I didn't succeed until the end!"

"To be able to reach where I am today, innovation in game play is the magic weapon that makes me famous, so I value people like you who have unique vision, innovative ideas, and unique perspectives very much!"

Chen Rucheng thanked him: "Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Mo! Let's do this. The consensus on the acquisition remains unchanged, but I still have a few specific requirements. I would like to seek your opinion, Mr. Mo."

His posture was very low, and Mo Yu was willing to listen to his thoughts.


“First of all, the name of Lava Studio remains unchanged. After being merged into Moyu Company, the name of Lava will still be retained. In the future, game development will also be labeled with the name of Lava; secondly, I hope that my friends can also join Lava. And continue to retain the current position." He pointed to Xu Changming next to him.

Mo Yu waved his hand: "No problem! These are the conditions I promised you, are there any more?"

"Yes!" Chen Rucheng nodded and continued: "Lava will continue to develop the game "Racial Hegemony". Of course, the game IP belongs to Moyu, but Moyu Company will also have to bear all the corresponding subsequent development costs."

He is scared!

I invested all my savings to only make a semi-finished product. The investment was too high and I couldn't sustain it.

Of course Mo Yu had no objection to this and readily agreed.

"As long as it is beneficial to all expenses incurred in game development, promotion, and marketing, within my ability, I will not stand in any way!"

After his statement, Chen Rucheng breathed a long sigh of relief, and Xu Changming also relaxed a lot.

The two of them were actually worried that Mo Yu would cancel "Racial Hegemony" or put obstacles in the development of the project. Now that Mo Yu personally expressed his position, they immediately put down their nervousness and put a smile on their faces.

With these three conditions in mind, Chen Rucheng later started to talk about some issues of treatment and expenses.

The two sides talked until the evening and finally reached a final agreement.

Moyu Company purchased all the shares of Lava Studio, the IP of "Racial Hegemony" and all the game program code for 2 million, and established a separate Lava Studio development team within the company, with Chen Rucheng as the chief planner of the studio and Xu Changming as his deputy. , responsible for the development, planning and other technical work of all games under the studio, while Moyu Company dispatches personnel to be responsible for operations, promotion, finance and other work.

For all games developed by Lava Studio, Chen Rucheng and Xu Changming can obtain 2% and 1% of the net profits of these games, and the rest of the income belongs to Moyu Company.

At the same time, for projects that have been approved by the company, the company shall not block funding or hinder the game development process without any legitimate reasons.

The agreement was lengthy and in the end neither party had any objections.

Mo Yu was also very generous. The development cost of "Racial Hegemony" was expensive, but the current situation was far from worth 2 million. In order to win people's hearts, he waved his hand and directly took out 2 million to pay for it.

Chen and Xu were convinced on the spot, and their loyalty increased!

The next day.

Both parties signed the agreement under the witness of lawyers.

The moment the name was written and stamped, Lava Studio, the first Lava Studio under Moyu Company specifically responsible for RTS game development, was officially established!

Dinner that day.

Before waiting for the food, Mo Yu talked about games.

"Race Conflict currently only has one unique gameplay feature, and the other aspects are a bit hard to describe. I have some improvement ideas for it. You two can listen to them. If you find them useful, you can implement them into the game."

I haven’t seen this chapter from Qinqin Reader in the past two days. I’m so flustered. Did I write something wrong somewhere? You guys talk, can’t I just change the bad things?

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