Kunlun Internet Cafe was obviously well prepared.

The owner of the Internet cafe here is also very good at seizing the opportunity. He knows that the competition between the two parties can bring popularity to his Internet cafe. He has already reserved ten machines and has not turned them on. A large screen in the middle of the Internet cafe is obviously newly installed. It also lights up. Displaying the computer desktop, its function is obviously to broadcast the game screen.

The Internet cafe owner even took action personally, standing in front of ten computers and arranging seats, obviously acting as a referee.

"On the left, Jingda Esports Club, top laner Ionia Diamond 1, mid laner Noxus Diamond 1"

"On the right, Agricultural University E-Sports Club, top order"

The boss opened the mic enthusiastically, standing in the crowd with a microphone and acting as the host.

Mo Yu and Zhang Zhaoyang also joined in the fun. They joined Lu Zibo and others, and pushed their way to the front of the crowd by virtue of Lu Zibo's status as coach.

I saw that ten people from both sides had been seated under the arrangement of the boss. The computers faced each other and were separated by a barrier. Some people crowded outside the barrier. The rest who couldn't squeeze in had to find an empty seat by themselves and looked up. The big screen in the middle.

"Look!" Zhang Zhaoyang pursed his lips.

Mo Yu looked up and couldn't help but be startled: "Yo? Nuoyan and Ruofeng? They are the coaches of the Agricultural University, right? But when did they get together?"

Zhang Zhaoyang shook his head and said: "I don't know!"

Lu Zibo, who was arranging tactics next to him, raised his head and said: "I know, it is said that a big boss invested in Friends and planned to form a professional team, and then signed a few players, replaced the old ones, and prepared to train well next time. The game was a blockbuster!”

Mo Yu was surprised when he heard this: "Do you know the name of the new team and who is there?"

Lu Zibo nodded: "I know, the top laner is called Strawberry, the mid laner is Ruofeng, the jungler is the opponent's Promise, and the bottom lane is Smile and Curly Hair. The name seems to be WE? I kind of forgot!"

The top laner Niu Fei next to him interjected: "It's WE! We talked about it a few days ago! It seems that Friends failed to perform in the Jingzhou Cup, and then the team broke up. Several teammates were taken away by others, and only Ruofeng and Joker were left. Then the boss paid to sign the contract, establish WE, and Joker transformed into a coach!"

"It's indeed WE," Mo Yan murmured to himself.

"What?" Zhang Zhaoyang glanced at him.


Mo Yu shook his head.

He never expected that he would get such exciting news while watching a college student's game on a whim.

As early as when he saw the Friends team, Mo Yu knew that there would definitely be WE in the future. Unexpectedly, it finally appeared today!

And the member list is exactly the same, they are the original WE five-man group that once dominated the arena and completed a super record of 43 consecutive victories!


With this nickname on you, you can get a glimpse of how domineering WE was back then!

For all eSports fans from the ancient LOL era, no matter how good WE is, I believe they won’t have much dislike for this team!

This team has feelings for every old e-sports fan!

I just don’t know who the boss is. I think there is a world where Warcraft doesn’t exist. It’s probably not Sky. I don’t know if it can recreate its unbeaten record of 43 consecutive victories?

Mo Yu shook his head secretly.

"Game start!"

The boss's words pulled him out of his memories.

Looking up, he saw that both sides had entered the ban screen, and Mo Yu turned his attention to the game.

The game starts soon.

Sure enough, the two teams trained by professional teams are different!

The playing styles of the two teams, Beijing University and Agricultural University, clearly have a hint of the professional arena. The two teams are not like the random fights in the rankings. There is obvious tactical coordination and operational rhythm.

It's just that the training time may not be very long, and the front is fine, but in the later stage, the situation will become obviously chaotic.

With the audience cheering for them, the two sides went through five fierce battles. In the end, Beijing University E-Sports Club won the Agricultural University with a score of 3 to 2!

Li Hao and others were instantly surrounded by Beijing University students. After being scolded for a few times, the peasants could only acquiesce in defeat, pack up their things, and sadly leave the Kunlun Internet Cafe!

While the show was winding down, Mo Yu stopped Qi Jiang.


Qi Jiang was discussing with Ruofeng. When she heard the voice, she turned around and saw Mo Yu walking over.

"Mr. Mo, why are you here?"

Both of them are a bit strange.

"Something happened to pass by."

Mo Yu casually made an excuse and turned around to inquire about WE.

"I heard someone say that you have joined a brand new team now?"

Qi Jiang nodded: "Well, President Li established WE and called me over. Well, Ruofeng and I are teammates now!"

It’s indeed WE!

After getting a positive reply from Qi Jiang, Mo Yu was completely sure.

"Congratulations then, but once you leave, you won't be able to exercise anymore, right?"

Qi Jiang's face darkened: "I don't know, I hope they can go on!"

"It's okay!" Mo Yu encouraged: "Achievements are the best proof. If you join WE now, your future will definitely be better. I believe they will cheer for you!"

"I know. I just feel a little uncomfortable thinking about it." Qi Jiang shook her head, obviously still a little unhappy.

Seeing this, Mo Yu said nothing more, patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Be more open-minded, smile more, don't always be immersed in the past, look to the future! By the way, I want to ask what WE is now What's going on? Isn't it convenient for us to talk?"

"It's convenient! There's nothing wrong anyway." Qi Jiang said: "Mr. Mo, what do you want to ask?"

Mo Yu took the two of them to the shade of the nearby convenience store, bought two bottles of drinks and handed them over, then asked: "When was WE established?"

Big Nose took a sip of the drink and tightened the bottle cap while saying, "It will be less than a week after the Jingzhou Cup ends!"

Qi Jiang thought for a while and replied: "Well, Mr. Li found me a little later, half a month after the Jingzhou Cup."

Mo Yu calculated in his mind that it would be around November, and then he asked the two of them: "Who is Mr. Li? What is his identity?"

Qi Jiang said: "I don't know the details, but I know his name is Li Xiaofeng."

Li Xiaofeng?

It has the same name as Sky!

Mo Yu thought it was a coincidence, and turned around to listen to Ruofeng: "Mr. Li is very young. He started a pig factory from scratch. He is a senior of the 2001 Agricultural University. He is somewhat related to the e-sports club Jiang Hao. This time we Being a coach for Agricultural University means listening to Mr. Li’s arrangements!”

Pig factory? !

Mo Yu almost squirted out a mouthful of water, but when he turned around and thought about it, he felt it was normal.

After all, it is an agricultural university, so it is not surprising to raise pigs and plant trees.

It's just the pig factory manager engaging in e-sports. The style of painting doesn't seem to match!

Moreover, the name Li Xiaofeng is associated with the pig factory, plus the nickname of Qijiang Factory Director in the previous life. Thinking about it carefully, the identity of the pig factory director suddenly feels inexplicably harmonious with WE~

"This identity is a bit unexpected." Mo Yu smiled to hide his embarrassment and couldn't help but asked curiously: "Then WE is also in Jingzhou now?"

"That's right!" Qi Jiang nodded and said, "It's on Qingshan Avenue!"

Mo Yu is quite familiar with the main roads in Jingzhou.

Qingshan Avenue is located south of the CBD where Moyu Company is located. It is also a street where many high-rise buildings gather.

"Jingzhou is now the city with the strongest e-sports atmosphere in the country, and Li's head office has an office on Qingshan Avenue, so we are there!"

"That's it." Mo Yu nodded and said with a smile: "Then WE should be the third professional e-sports club in the world. Let's do it this way. I would like to visit you, Mr. Li, and you two can help make an appointment when you are free. Let’s make an appointment when it’s convenient for Mr. Li.”

"No problem." Qi Jiang agreed.

Mo Yu then took out his business card and handed it over: "There is my phone number on the business card. If Mr. Li agrees, he will contact me."


I have something important to do tomorrow, so I won’t update tonight~

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