Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 186 Looking for Sponsors

Peking University used to be an ancient academy, which existed hundreds of years ago. Later, it was continuously developed and expanded in modern times, resulting in its current scale. The Centennial Lecture Hall is one of the most famous buildings of Peking University, and many academic conferences are held here. .

Moreover, Jingzhou is the capital of Handong Province, and Jingda is also the most well-known university in the entire Handong Province, ranked high in the country. If the news of Jingda’s agreement is released, it will be more convenient for the company to discuss other cooperation venues, and students will be subject to competitions. The obstacles will disappear and the impact of public opinion will be minimized. It is simply the best way.

Mo Yu was overjoyed when he heard Liu Wenyun said that he was willing to use the Centenary Lecture Hall as a venue: "Of course there is no problem. The Centenary Lecture Hall has a strong sense of history and academics. Being able to hold competitions there, combining ancient and modern times, is undoubtedly the best choice!"

Liu Wenyun also smiled and said: "Then it's settled! I will open the venue when the time comes, and Moyu Company will send people to arrange it personally."

"No problem!" Mo Yu agreed upon hearing this: "The college league lasts for a long time, from the first half of the semester to the middle of the next semester. The finals are expected to be around November this year, and it will not be needed until then. Centennial Lecture Hall.”

"But I also hope that Beijing University can be used as the venue for the preliminary auditions, provincial competitions and Eastern Region competitions. Is there any problem?"

Liu Wenyun waved his hand: "Since we have decided to cooperate, of course it is best to start from scratch.\

,""Then it's settled!"

Mo Yu was even more happy when he heard this. He pulled Liu Wenyun to discuss the college league affairs, completely putting Lu Lin and Yan Kai aside.

That night, the two parties discussed the basics and did not disperse until Jiang Yue Tower closed.

A few days later.

After several rounds of detailed discussions, Beijing University and Moyu Company signed a contract and the two parties reached a cooperation.

The two parties agreed that Moyu Company would donate RMB 5 million to Peking University to aid the construction of the school and promised to hold an internal job fair at Peking University every year to accept interns from relevant majors at Peking University. Those with excellent internship results can stay and work in Moyu Company.

Peking University returned the favor and used the Centenary Lecture Hall on campus as the competition venue for the college league. At the same time, it fully supported and cooperated with the promotion of Moyu Company’s college league-related strategic plans.

With Beijing University taking the lead, the staff sent by the company to negotiate business went very smoothly.

Most of the early stage auditions for the College League were set among colleges and universities in major cities. Some schools did not agree to the initial negotiations, but when these schools learned that even key universities like Beijing University were willing to participate. The college league also opened the Centenary Lecture Hall as the venue for the finals. After consideration, many schools agreed to Moyu Company's request for cooperation and were willing to open the school's venue as a venue for the auditions.

A few days later.

Yang Qiu is reporting.

"Mr. Mo, we have reached cooperation with 47 universities across the country. At that time, these universities will serve as the venue for offline auditions. Students can hold auditions here after registering! In addition, the venues for the provincial and regional competitions have also been Now that the deal is settled, can we release news about the college league next?"

"Don't worry yet." Mo Yu raised his hand to stop: "After last year's publicity, I believe that e-sports competitions should have a certain degree of popularity now. Now that we are going to hold a college league, I think some people will be interested."

"How many sponsors do you want to find?" Yang Qiu asked.

"That's right." Mo Yu leaned back on the sofa, spread his hands, and relaxed: "We spent tens of millions on the college league, and we have to get some blood back. Free labor is not a long-term solution. "

"Will anyone sponsor it?" Yang Qiu was a little worried.

Mo Yu confidently said: "There will definitely be! Last year, Lao Gan daddy Food and Jingzhou Construction Engineering sponsored the Jingzhou Cup. The sales of the products of the two companies are very good, especially the new team co-branded chili sauce launched by Lao Gan dad. The product has been favored by many young people since its launch, and sales have skyrocketed. No one can fail to see such positive feedback."

"Nowadays, college leagues cover hundreds of colleges and universities and target tens of millions of students. I don't believe there are no ideas."

Yang Qiu thought for a while and couldn't help but agree: "Indeed. Many small competitions can find sponsors. It is impossible for college leagues to have no one. With such a wide coverage of e-sports events, I believe that some companies will definitely see the huge advertising effect. , especially some digital products that can be related to e-sports, they will definitely be interested.”

"Smart!" Mo Yu gave a thumbs up and praised: "The news about the college league can be released. At the same time, the news about looking for sponsors can be released. Let's see the effect first. If no one takes the initiative to contact me, I will think of another way. .”


Yang Qiu immediately took the order and left.

Twelve o'clock that night.

A piece of news appeared on the official website of "Gods and Gods".

[The "Gods and Gods" National College League is about to begin! 】

[This competition is an e-sports event specially organized by Moyu official for college students, aiming to provide a dream competitive stage for all campus users! In addition to competitions, we have also established a college star program to provide a variety of support to campus partners who want to participate, host competitions, and experience the atmosphere of the competition! 】

[Here, you can call your friends and have a real technical competition in the canyon. Here, you can also show your talents through professional knowledge. Here we firmly believe that we can live up to our love and create the future. 】

Below the news is an explanation of various competition systems, venue information, competition time, participation channels, and registration channels for college leagues.

In addition to student teams being able to sign up for competitions, in order to relieve manpower pressure and cultivate e-sports talents, Moyu has also added an additional college star program.

Any student who wants to experience e-sports but cannot be a player can sign up for the Efficient Star Plan to become a referee, host, commentator and other professions. The main focus is universal participation!

As soon as the news of the college league was released, it instantly became a hot topic among players.

The winner of the audition will receive 2,000 + 1,000 Rongmei currency points, the provincial champion will receive 10,000 + 5,000 Rongmei currency points, the regional champion will receive 30,000 + 10,000 Rongmei currency points, and the finals will receive a bonus of 100,000 + 30,000 Rongmei currency points. .

The high prize money and the ability to compete on the same stage with students from major universities across the country to compete for the honor of the strongest e-sports university make players excited.

College students are originally a group of people who are new to the world, full of enthusiasm, and the most brotherly and loyal people.

As soon as the news came out, forums, forums, confession walls, penguin groups and other places in major universities were instantly filled with relevant discussions.

Countless people called friends, either online or offline, to form a team of five people and prepare to sign up for the competition.

at the same time.

The enthusiasm aroused by the college league has also begun to attract the attention of many companies. Many people have noticed this super competition for students and have begun to find fishing companies through the reserved contact information to inquire about sponsorship and advertising related matters. .

The dedicated customer service staff received calls from many companies in just one day, asking whether they could sponsor college leagues.

After counting, the list was placed in front of Mo Yu.

Yang Qiu said: "Mr. Mo, these are the results of preliminary statistics. Some companies that are interested in sponsoring and with large amounts have been selected for your review."

"Give me."

Mo Yu took the document and started reading it.

There are not many companies listed on the list, only three.

One company is Wheat Electronics, which specializes in headphones and other products. It belongs to the group of high-quality and low-price products. It is not well-known, but it is still popular among college students. It is popular among students for its unique beautiful shape and low price but good performance-to-price ratio. Many students love it.

One company is called Ruifeng Technology, which specializes in peripherals such as keyboards and mice. It is not very well-known and has ordinary, third-rate products.

A company called Yuntong Electronics, a new motherboard product on the Internet, has mixed good and bad results.

Yang Qiu made introductions one by one, and Mo Yu listened carefully.

"After the news of the college league was released, a total of sixteen companies were interested in sponsoring it. However, the prices of other companies were not very sincere. Only Wheat, Ruifeng, and Yuntong were pretty good."

"How much?" Mo Yu asked.

Yang Qiu said: "Wheat quoted 1.5 million, Ruifeng quoted 1.2 million, and Yuntong offered 1 million. Wheat asked for exclusive sponsorship. Ruifeng and Yuntong did not have such requirements. They just said that they should be present at every game. Hanging posters, player uniforms and conspicuous places on the stage should focus on publicity, as well as the host's spoken words."

"You want exclusive sponsorship for 1.5 million?" Mo Yu frowned: "We spent tens of millions on the college league, doesn't Wheat Electronics know?"

"We made it clear during the communication." Yang Qiu replied: "But the other party persisted and believed that we overestimated the publicity effect of the college league."

"Then there's no other way." Mo Yu waved his hand and said, "Please help me reply. It's impossible for us to sponsor 1.5 million yuan for exclusive sponsorship. We can't accept it. In addition, Yuntong and Ruifeng can agree to the conditions."

"Okay." Yang Qiu responded.

Mo Yu asked again: "These three are all low-level companies with similar products. Are there any more powerful and well-known large companies to contact?"

"No!" Yang Qiu shook his head: "I haven't received any news yet."

Mo Yu was a little helpless when he heard this.

In the previous life, LPL was favored by many big brands, such as Gigabyte, Mercedes-Benz, Rapoo, Lenovo, Tianwo Tea House, and War Horse. A large number of companies, including beverages, e-sports peripherals, network software, automobiles, etc., have achieved this goal. A huge advertising sponsorship contract.

Unexpectedly, the high school league of "Gods and Gods" received a cold reception.

He originally thought that once the news about the college league was released, someone would definitely notice the huge advertising traffic, but he didn't expect that it would be such a small fight now.

"We have spent tens of millions to hold college leagues. We can't just keep silent. It seems that we can only find another way and contact other companies in person."

Mo Yu thought to himself.

The best manufacturers that can see the publicity effect of e-sports competitions and are close to e-sports competitions are various computer hardware equipment. As it happens, there is an electronic product industrial park in Jingzhou, which is home to many large companies.

I twisted my left hand while climbing a tree to pick jackfruit~ It’s so uncomfortable to code!

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