Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 198 Event Licensing Plan

The provincial competition is in full swing.

90 teams stood out from 90 competition points across the country and gathered in several major provincial capital cities to compete for 32 places to advance to the regional competition.

These thirty-two teams need to be divided into four groups to compete again at the four regional competition points in the southeast, northwest and northwest. The top two teams will be selected at each competition point. A total of eight teams will participate in the final national competition to compete for the strongest universities in the country. The team's highest honor!

However, Mo Yu has given full responsibility for this matter to Yang Qiu. He has returned to Jingzhou from the Demon City to take charge of the next affairs.

within the company.

Mo Yu called for Li Xiaofeng, Zhang Zhaoyang, and Deng Junhua respectively.

As soon as the three people entered the office, they sat down one after another.

Zhang Zhaoyang didn't understand the meaning of politeness at all and leaned back on the sofa: "Hey, the busy man is back from the devil's capital? I heard that you pressed Tianxing's battlefield cup on the ground and rubbed it. It should be the time to celebrate, so why do you have time to find it? Let the three of us come over."

Mo Yu heard a hint of resentment in his words and couldn't help but laugh: "What? Who offended you? You will challenge me as soon as we meet."

Zhang Zhaoyang curled his lips and turned his head to ignore him, obviously complaining about him.

Mo Yu was even more curious and looked at the other two people: "What's going on with him?"

Li Xiaofeng and Zhang Zhaoyang were not very familiar with each other, but Deng Junhua was closer. When Mo Yu asked about it, he smiled and said, "He blames you!"

"Blame me? Why do you blame me?" Mo Yu looked puzzled and said innocently, "I didn't do anything to feel sorry for him!"

Deng Junhua said: "Of course you didn't do anything sorry for him. That's not what he complained about, but about the game!"


As soon as Mo Yu finished speaking, Zhang Zhaoyang couldn't help it anymore and said angrily: "It's just a game! Since its establishment, Emperor Star has only played two games, the Jingzhou Cup and the Enter the Dragon Cup. A professional club plays two games a year. What do you rely on to survive?”

"Fortunately, I have money in hand, which is enough to support the operation of the club. What if I encounter someone who has no money? And although I am willing to contribute money, but there are no games to play, then why should I set up Emperor Star? Watch the show?"

Zhang Zhaoyang glared at Mo Yu, as if fire was about to burst out of his eyes.

Regardless of any competitive sport, if there are only two games a year, then why set up a professional club?


Since the Internet Cafe Tournament, except for the Jingzhou Cup, the three clubs WE, LGD, and Emperor Star have not participated in other competitions, not counting South Korea. The college league regulations only allow college students to participate. It is no wonder that Zhang Zhaoyang feels worried about this situation. resentment.

In fact, not only Zhang Zhaoyang, but Deng Junhua and Li Xiaofeng were also a little dissatisfied with this.

What kind of profession is a career without even competition?

Facing Zhang Zhaoyang's accusation, Mo Yu was slightly startled, but then laughed.

"why are you laughing?"

Zhang Zhaoyang slapped the table and stared at him with an evil look in his eyes.

Seeing this, Mo Yu waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, I was wrong! In fact, you don't have to worry about this. I called everyone here today to solve the problem of not having enough games!"

After hearing his words, several people's eyes lit up. Zhang Zhaoyang was still angry and couldn't speak, but Li Xiaofeng and Deng Junhua had no such scruples.

I saw Li Xiaofeng couldn't wait to ask: "Mr. Mo? What do you say? To be honest, I can't wait for a long time. Since the establishment of Imperial Star LGD, they have played at least two games as a professional team, while WE has only played one game. And it’s still abroad!”

Deng Junhua also said helplessly: "I told my family that the future of e-sports is unlimited, but since the Jingzhou Cup, there have been no games to play. My family has been urging me, saying that the new production line in the factory has been put in place, and we are just waiting for the game to start. Promote your fame!”

Upon seeing this, Zhang Zhaoyang sat down silently and said only four words.

"me too!"

The three of them complained, which made Mo Yu feel a little embarrassed, and he quickly apologized: "Sorry, sorry, it did take a long time, but I have a plan here."

Mo Yu stood up and took out three already prepared plans from his desk and handed them to the three of them.

"This is a competition licensing plan. The main purpose is to set up more competitions and further promote the development of the e-sports system."

"There are too few competitions for professional clubs to participate in, so I developed this competition authorization plan, which will be authorized by Moyu Company. Those who accept the plan will be able to compete in "Gods and Gods" and all games under Moyu Company in the future. The right to play professionally.”

"In the plan, I formulated some relevant rules, such as the amount of prize money, the number of participating teams, the scale of the competition, etc. There are requirements. The authorized party is obliged to hold the competition in accordance with the rules in the plan and must not violate it."

"You can take a look and ask me if you don't understand anything."

Mo Yu briefly introduced the contents of the plan, then sat aside and stopped talking, allowing the three of them to watch on their own.

The three of them carefully read through the contents of the plan, and the atmosphere in the office fell into silence, with only the sound of turning pages.

This life is no better than the previous one.

In the previous life, WCG took the lead. After many years of operation, it has already created a soil suitable for e-sports survival all over the world. Therefore, when the LOL event appeared, there were already many professional e-sports clubs in the world. As long as the games are enough If the competition can bring profits, then these professional e-sports clubs will naturally cooperate with the organizers to participate and build an e-sports ecosystem together.

But this world is poor and empty.

Before Mo Yu appeared, the word e-sports didn’t even exist.

If he wants to develop e-sports, he must not only build games, but also build systems.

In addition to holding competitions to promote the emergence of clubs, there are also college leagues to cultivate fresh blood, games to be made, overseas agents to be recruited, and manpower to be recruited. The workload is extremely heavy and overwhelming.

Because of this, after the Jingzhou Cup was held, there were no more competitions for professional clubs to participate in.

It's not that he ignored it, but that the human, financial and material resources were not enough, and he was really weak.

If things go on like this, not to mention promoting the emergence of new clubs, maybe the existing clubs will gradually fall apart due to the lack of events. The operating pressure of the clubs will increase, and the players will have no games to play, which will completely destroy the existing system. Disband.

So after thinking about it, in order to solve the current dilemma, Mo Yu formulated this competition plan, delegating power to people he trusted who also loved e-sports and were willing to contribute to improving the e-sports system to organize the competition.

Li Xiaofeng, Zhang Zhaoyang, and Deng Junhua were the three candidates he selected!

The three of them are not only the owners of the first professional e-sports clubs in China, but they also know the e-sports system and related knowledge very well, and they also like e-sports. They are simply the best candidates!

Time passed by minute by minute.

Deng Junhua was the first to put away his plan, closed his eyes and waited in thought. Not long after, Li Xiaofeng and Zhang Zhaoyang also put away their plans.

When Mo Yu saw this, he immediately asked: "How is it? Do you have any ideas after reading the plan?"

The three of them looked at each other, and Deng Junhua spoke first.

"I have finished reading the plan. Mr. Mo, I have a question for you to answer."


Mo Yu stretched out his hand to signal.

Deng Junhua immediately opened the plan in his hand, pointed to one of the items and said: "The event grading system is divided into three levels: A, B, and C, and each level has corresponding requirements. If the authorized party cannot meet the requirements, the right to host the event will be withdrawn. , I don’t quite understand, how are events graded? And why are they graded? Please explain to Mr. Mo!”

The other two people also looked puzzled.

Mo Yu smiled slightly when he saw this and explained: "Actually, this competition classification system is easy to understand! Let me give you an example and you will understand!"

"Internet cafe competition, everyone participates, the championship bonus is at least 100,000, the audience is not many, the scale is small, the event-related expenses must not be less than 1 million! This is a C-level event, and hosting a C-level event requires an authorized party to organize the event There are clear requirements for the scale and the amount of prize money, and it must at least reach the scale of an Internet cafe competition."

"Jingzhou Cup, an A-level event, has a prize money of one million, is large in scale, highly entertaining, has enough viewers, has wider coverage, and is more popular. It also invites special media to promote it, and the event-related expenses must not be less than one Ten million!"

"B-level events are between the two, with a prize of at least 300,000, and the cost of hosting the event must not be less than 5 million!"

"This is the difference between the three ABC events. The organizer organizes the competition based on the pre-selected event level. As long as the requirements can be met, all the income generated during the competition will belong to the authorized party. The Moyu Company is just a name, completely If this fails, the right to host the event will be completely withdrawn, and any further application will have to be reviewed.”

"As for why we need to classify, this involves another reason. One is to highlight the difficulty of the competition, the amount of prize money, and the size of the competition. The other is to consider the points system that will be launched in the future."

Points system?

The three of them were stunned, and Deng Junhua said confusedly: "What do you mean? I don't seem to see it in the authorization plan."

Mo Yu waved his hand: "This system is not yet in effect, so it has not been written into the plan. However, this system will be very important in the future and is related to events higher than A-level. It is just not mature yet. You don't Needs care."

He didn't say anything, and the others wisely didn't ask any more questions.

"Okay, since you don't explain this point system clearly, it must be your consideration." Zhang Zhaoyang waved the plan in his hand: "I have a question. The plan mentioned that there are time requirements for event authorization, and it stipulates A-level events can be held at most three times a year, and they must be held at a staggered time with other events. There must be a month's interval between the two events and cannot be held consecutively. Why is this? Isn't the more games the better? Why is level B There’s no time limit for level C?”

Li Xiaofeng also asked: "Also, the organizer will be responsible for all economic-related expenses incurred during the event. What are the related expenses?"

"Don't worry, come one by one!"

Mo Yu said: "Let's talk about time first. This is actually easy to understand. There are only twelve months in a year. If the time is not set, once a certain team participates in the competition, will it have to give up other competitions? Besides, the distance, people It’s not a machine. It’s impossible to participate in competitions continuously for 365 days, so it must be staggered. Is this understandable?”

"As for why there are only three games a year for A-level and no rules for B-level and C-level, it actually involves some future plans!"

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