"Emperor Star's offensive seems to have been contained. If this continues, LGD seems to have stalled the situation and can still fight!" Miller analyzed.

Wawa also nodded: "Judging from the current situation on the court, Emperor Star is a bit unable to fight. It depends on whether Leopard Girl can find an opportunity. Chengfeng is now the arrow of Emperor Star's attack. Once he moves, LGD No one can stand it.”

The situation gradually stabilized.

The Leopard Girl's several waves of attacks failed to produce any results. There were no kills, and the wild area was tightly guarded. It was difficult to find a breakthrough for a while.

LGD played an iron barrel formation, fully defensive in all lanes, and managed to stabilize the situation.

23 minutes.

Dragon groups from both sides.

Leopard Girl tried to get around, but was discovered, so she could only run back, cooperate with EZ and cards, and rely on her skills to win prizes.

Everyone in LGD tensed their hearts and moved cautiously.

However, it takes a long time to guard against failure. The Emperor Star in the main game is much stronger than in the training game. The accuracy of skill release seems to have a 50% bonus. Several times of consumption made everyone in LGD miserable, and they had to give up on Xiaolong in the end. , supply and defend the line.

27 minutes.

Wilderness encounters.

The three of LGD gathered together and captured the lone Leopard Girl. The top laner of the Emperor Star was killed again for support. Lu Zibo opened his card and saw that everyone else rushed over, so he did not dare to go to the ground to support.

29 minutes.


Leopard Goddess escort makes great achievements!

The three darts in the jungle hit, directly crippling the bottom duo of LGD. They had no choice but to give up the second tower in the middle and instead defend the high ground. Emperor Star gained the advantage, returned to the city to replenish supplies, and pressed on the baron, encroaching step by step through its vision.

At this time, Emperor Star's upper, middle and lower jungles are all output, but due to hero problems, the burst is not enough, and POKE damage is very frequent.

On the other hand, LGD's output is seriously insufficient, especially the blind jungler, who was basically beaten into waste. They don't dare to start a group at will, and they just send away when they go up. But they have a big move and a shield, so backhand protection is not a problem.

The winning rate of both sides is about 73%, with Emperor Star at 70% and LGD at 30%. If nothing changes, Emperor Star has a huge advantage in winning.

The game suddenly changed at the 33rd minute.

After spending several consecutive attacks, Emperor Star finally found an opportunity to activate the dragon and successfully captured it. Just when he was about to rush to the middle, Lu Zibo opened his field of vision with a big move and caught 09 who had no time to retreat. He received a yellow card first!

Everyone in LGD did not run away, but quickly came back to support.

09 was directly seconds, the next moment.

On the LGD side, the top laner Electric Mouse, who relied on his long hands to steadily develop, seized the opportunity. E flashed into the field and covered the five Emperor Star players with his big move!

The secret! Wan Lei Tian Lao leads!

The terrifying thunder struck down directly, and his ultimate move added W. Kennen unleashed a set of terrifying damage and control. The health bars of everyone in Emperor Star melted instantly, and everyone in LGD rushed forward!

Three Emperor Stars were instantly wiped out in seconds, and the remaining two were chased to death in the subsequent pursuit, leaving only one dragon species with residual blood to escape successfully!

1 for 4!

The situation suddenly reversed!

The whole audience was stunned!

"Four kills! Thunder!"

"The moment Kenan entered the field, he unleashed tons of damage, and the Emperor Star was melted!"

The commentator yelled crazily, and Emperor Star, who had maintained the overall advantage, was unexpectedly killed by an electric mouse when he was preparing to attack with the baron in his hand!

Who the hell would have thought of this?

73 opens instantly becomes 37 open!

too fast!

Off the field.

Mo Yu's eyes widened.

Such a familiar scene!

Isn't this the famous scene of young Abin who wanted to electrocute others before electrocuting himself in his previous life?

He suspected that he had traveled through time, and now the young Abin was born, his soul traveled to another world, and S1 emerged to suppress the current world?

It shouldn’t be!

LGD's current top laner is not a familiar ID from the previous life, but a local player. Because his name has the word "Qiang" in it, his ID is Qiang and he is known as Xiaoqiang.

As a result, now Xiaoqiang directly asked the gods to take over. Although Tianlei was not 100% replicated, it was 80% replicated, and only one person from Emperor Star ran back!

"The world lines are crossed?"

Mo Yu murmured to himself.

"What?" Shang Xingyue looked over curiously.

"Nothing." Mo Yu waved his hand and said with a wry smile: "It seems I have to treat you to this meal!"

On the field.

Looking at the black and white screen, LGD pushed all the way, directly broke the high ground, and searched for resources with backhand, Lu Zibo's face turned pale.

Not to mention the consecutive defeats in the training matches, even if they had an advantage in the main match, they were ruined by a wave. What happened to Emperor Star? Can't win this?

Looking at the entire game, the tactics formulated by Han Wenhui were completely implemented, and the team also gained the overall advantage. As a result, at the peak of winning the Baron, they were directly held down and forced to eat the full baron, which lasted for a long time. All the advantages in the whole game were ruined.

Under such a situation, it is impossible for LGD to let it go easily at its level. The next step will be a continuous counterattack. Can the teammates withstand it?

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at several teammates and found that they were either solemn or absent-minded, as if they could not accept this ending at all. Lu Zibo's heart tightened, and he felt something was not good.

"Brothers, hold on still, we can still fight!"

He gave words of encouragement, but he always felt that it was dry. It was obviously a big advantage, but he was killed when he was at his strongest. That feeling was really hard to accept.

And LGD is not a vegetarian either.

After Kennen gained weight, it became even more difficult to deal with. Emperor Star's lineup was hard to withstand the equipped AP Kennen, and the terrifying AOE damage was not something that could be easily dealt with!

Controlling the resurrected card and walking out of the base to defend the line, Lu Zibo held the mouse tightly and focused on the game.


Zhang Zhaoyang couldn't believe it.

"Being turned over?"

He stood up and kicked over the water dispenser.

The bucket fell to the ground, awakening Han Wenhui who was in a daze.

He said guiltily: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, it's my fault. I didn't do a good job in BP, and I didn't target Kenan too much in tactics. Now that he's developed, it will be difficult to fight in the future!"

"It's none of your business." Zhang Zhaoyang lit a cigarette and suppressed his anger: "The game is not caused by one person. Everyone has made mistakes. We will review the game after the game to find out the mistakes and avoid them next time. The focus now is on Taiwan Come on, is there any chance of winning?"

"There is a chance, but not big." Han Wenhui shook his head: "Unless it opens to Kennen, the team battle will be difficult, but it will be difficult for our lineup to open it."

Nuoshou, Leopard Girl, Card, EZ, Braum.

This lineup has control, support and POKE, but it lacks a forced open. There is no way to force open Braum's ultimate move and Noshou's pull. The chance is too small.

"Now we can only watch them perform on their own!"

The game continues.

After 33 minutes of team battle, Emperor Star still stabilized the situation, but just as Han Wenhui judged.

At this time, Kenan has become a point that cannot be dealt with. With displacement, golden body and output, as long as there is a flash, the Emperor Star cannot prevent the entry, let alone the blind man's protection, the Emperor Star cannot forcefully open it.

And once Kennen enters the field to perform output, that crispy skin will almost die!

Several consecutive waves failed to target Kenan, and Leopard Girl's advantage became smaller and smaller in the later period. In desperation, Emperor Star gradually shrank to the high ground.

41 minutes.

6 Godly Equipment Electric Mouse made a mistake in his positioning. Lu Zibo stayed calm in the face of danger and stopped with a backhand yellow card. Braum followed up. The others were wildly throwing away their skills, trying to kill him in seconds, but Kenan used a backhand golden body to avoid the damage, and then opened E to accelerate forward. On the battlefield, the Emperor Star was unable to stop it, and tube after tube of blood bars disappeared.

Eventually, the base explodes and the game ends.

The picture freezes.

After the whole game, the head ratio was 37 to LGD 31 from Emperor Star, and the two sides were economically even. The card output was 2W1, and the Leopard Girl output 1W9, but the opponent Kenan played 3W4!

Emperor Star falls into the loser group!

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