Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 402 1 to 0, the myth is shattered!

"The situation is not right. How did the Emperor Star fight like this?" Shang Xingyue said in surprise: "In my impression, the Emperor Star is not that good!"

On the big screen, in less than 20 minutes, Emperor Star was already losing ground, and the champion team was beaten by DFG.

"There are no underdogs in the professional league."

Mo Yu sighed.

Starting from the first wave of bot lane, Emperor Star made frequent mistakes, and DFG was in full swing. Even though they also made mistakes, Emperor Star was completely suppressed and failed to organize an effective attack several times.

Especially the bottom lane.

The duo, who were both worthy of each other in the World Championship, are now playing timidly and making all kinds of outrageous moves, which is completely regarded as a breakthrough.

"One move affects the whole body. The bottom lane is the key. The ADC is suppressed and has no chance to delay until the later stage. DFG also has VN in hand. As soon as the three-piece set is released, the output explodes."

Shang Xingyue said: "Having said that, with the strength of Emperor Star, it would be 4,000 yuan behind financially. I'm afraid no one can think of it."

"Being careless when underestimating the enemy is a taboo on the battlefield."

Mo Yu shook his head: "Don't talk about the two of us, do you think who here dares to believe it?"

He pointed around. Dozens of people watching the game in the Green Power E-Sports Arena had surprised and disappointed faces. They all looked in disbelief at the score on the big screen.

This is true even here, let alone the Wanlvyuan scene.

The commentators, the audience, and the backstage were all stunned, and even the players themselves were a little overwhelmed.

"Stay steady, expand your vision, give way to the third dragon, delay development, just keep the big dragon!"

At the critical moment, Lu Zibo stood up and forcibly stabilized the situation.

His bright moon is a good one.

In the early stage, the prince's last hit was even slightly better.

However, after several waves of team fights, the prince controlled by DFG's mid laner has developed. He uses all violent equipment and is an explosion in the face of crispy skin. EQ enters the field and blocks it with his ultimate move. The damage is extremely terrifying. In the later stage, he can add a bloody hand to increase the damage. Brother Chun, that's the king of team battles, a powerful tool for terrain division. If you take one set in the back row and don't flash, you will die.

However, Lu Zibo's Golden Moon Body has also appeared. As long as the crispy skin is cut, the bright moon still has a great effect.

The most critical thing now is that the big bug is suppressed by Xin Zhao and cannot withstand the output. The bot lane plane is completely harmless and cannot impress anyone.

The situation is critical.

21 minutes.

The third little dragon was easily taken away by DFG, and the whole team pushed forward and began to use the baron's vision.

All the outer towers of the Emperor Star were lost, and the visual pressure was very high.

At this time, under adversity, the champion team finally showed some strength. It played very steadily and advanced slowly. Several times of forcing DFG to defeat the team had no effect.

DFG is also hesitant.

I didn't dare to rush to the end, and I wanted to fight back when I saw someone coming. It took a long time.

The economic gap between the two sides has stabilized!

24 minutes.

DFG finally made up its mind, cleared the field of vision, and forced the team to open the Baron.

"We are fighting, very fast!"

"Emperor Star has been discovered and is on the way!"

"Should DFG let go or fight? At this point, we should force Rush. Don't worry about the Emperor Star. Get the dragon first, then fight!"

The far-sighted transformation came on, and everyone in the Emperor Star maintained their formation, with Olaf taking the lead and standing in front.

In the dragon pit.

DFG crazy output!

"Up, up, up, the dragon can't give in!"

"Be careful with the Snowman Prince's ultimate move!"

"Kill VN first!"

The voice channel was in chaos.

The dragon's health drops quickly.

Olaf turned on Ragnarok and sprinted forward, followed closely by the big bug, who wanted CJ to bite and grab the dragon.

The location of the dragon pit is extremely small. If a big insect steps in and silences it, it can produce a very good effect.

The plane fired cannons on the flanks, and Lu Zibo followed behind the front row, hoping to kill the VN first.

He activated the Pale Waterfall, swept his Q to VN, and directly entered the field with his ultimate move. He pulled W and pulled three people in. The effect was very good. VN was hit by his passive A with Lich, and most of its health evaporated instantly.

But that's about it.

Xin Zhao's spear swept across and swept the person away, but the big bug didn't bite out. Punishment fell, and instead of grabbing it, Xin Zhao pocketed the big dragon.

The prince's EQ travels across the battlefield, and cooperates with the stone man to target the back row.

The plane flashed and used the prince's ultimate move first, but was hit hard by the stone man in the next second. He didn't even have time to send W. Qin Nu couldn't delay it for a few seconds with the big rear row, so he could only hit and pull back.

In the dragon pit, the snowman avoids the control of the big insect and zooms in on the spot!


The power of the grass atomic bomb is extraordinary!

Assisting the snowman, the explosion output. The emperor star entered the field and the three of them took a full set. The damage could not be withstood at all. In addition, the VN was outputting from the side. The plane piano girl was blasted by the prince stone man again, and she could not get close to the center. The main battlefield.

"The big dragon was snatched by Xin Zhao, and the big bug can only bite the snowman next to him!"

"The piano girl was killed by A, the stone man was chasing the plane, and the prince turned around and hit the front row."

"The snowman opens up, the golden body of the moon avoids damage, and Olaf cuts straight through the VN!"

"The wheels are rolling, the plane on the side is being chased to death by stone men, Olaf wants to replace the VN before he dies, but there is still a trace of health left, Xin Zhao pokes away the big bug, the golden body of the bright moon is over, and the remaining blood VN is taken away."

Wang Duoduo has a sharp vision and clearly explains the chaotic battlefield situation.

"It's over!"

"The economic gap is too big. The two sides played 3 for 5. The DFG Prince Stone Man left the dragon seed, and the Emperor Star was defeated and destroyed!"

“DFG’s advantages are already huge!”

3 for 5!

Emperor Star suffered a big loss!

The director cut to the damage panel. The Emperor Star had double C, and the Moon Dragon Group had the highest output of the team. However, it was difficult to survive alone. Facing a developed prince and stone man, the plane had no power to fight back.

Try your best!

The director cuts to playback.

"Emperor Star made the right decision. Dalong couldn't give in, but it was useless and we still lost!"

"DFG has given us a chance. It has been delayed for several minutes, but the economic gap is still too big!"

"Jiaoyue produced enough output, but his teammates couldn't keep up. A prince and a stone man jumped to the back row. The plane couldn't react at all, and it was left with no health in an instant!"

"This one is basically gone!"

Wang Duoduo shook his head, full of helplessness.

DFG played too well, and Emperor Star played too poorly. The gap was obvious in the first round, and there was no point in continuing to delay. With VN here, the damage of the DFG lineup in the later stage was completely sufficient.

After this wave of big dragons was defeated, the prince led the team alone, and the stone man led the team from the front. The two highlands of Emperor Star were broken, and DFG won the fourth small dragon. The economic difference between the two sides reached 10,000!

Unless SKT and G2 reappear, how can a 10,000-yuan economic comeback be so easy?

Facing DFG's big move and leading in equipment, Emperor Star's lineup has no chance of making a comeback!


29 minutes.

DFG securely captured the Ancient Dragon and flattened the Emperor Star Base in one wave!

In the first game of BO3 between the two sides, Emperor Star suffered a disastrous defeat. DFG took the lead to score a point and achieved an impossible lead that made the entire network exclaim!

DFG player Xin Zhao won the MVP of this game!

After the game.

The director cut to the damage panel. The war criminal aircraft only managed 11,000 damage, and most of it was hit by missiles. It was simply off the charts!

Champion team, the myth is shattered!

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