The highest point of the auditorium.

Yang Qiu pushed open the door and walked in, with uncontrollable joy on his face.

"Mr. Mo, it exploded!"

"The popularity of the game has exploded. The ratings across the entire network have already reached the third place among all games in the spring regular season. It ranks among the top ten in the five major leagues. Many people outside the network are also paying attention!"

"Moreover, the Jingjie Center is now well received by the entire network. The Baidu search index has doubled. The number of views on the newly built encyclopedia page has increased significantly. The discussion is very high. Netizens have given it high praise!"

Mo Yu turned around and said with a smile: "Don't be too excited. After all, it is a game between Emperor Star and LGD. There are already many fans. We have spent so much money on the Jingjie Center, so it is normal to receive good reviews."

"It's not as simple as a simple good review." Yang Qiu shook his head and said: "Now it can be said that it is highly praised online, and some netizens are even more powerful. They analyzed the brands of some of the equipment we use based on the screenshots in the live broadcast. , and started digging right into it!”

There happened to be a computer in the box, so Yang Qiu immediately walked over, logged into the forum, and found a post.

The title is - How much did the QiDijie Center cost?

The person who published the article was obviously a netizen who knew a lot about stage equipment. Based on the footage occasionally displayed during the live broadcast and some news released on the official website, he analyzed a lot of things in just a few minutes.

Looking at the posting time, it's 15:21, less than 30 minutes before the live broadcast starts, and the game BP hasn't even started yet. What a great guy!

In the post, this person directly took screenshots and analyzed various details. He actually analyzed many places in the Jingjie Center that can be seen in the live broadcast.

From the screen on the stage floor, to the bucket-shaped screen, to the on-site decoration design, to the chairs that the contestants sit on, to the computer brands, and even the quotes for some models later.

Some of the facility quotes are very accurate with very small errors, while others are slightly worse.

But overall, the content of the post is very credible.

After reading the full article, netizens can see how high-end the materials used by Jingjie Center are and how much effort has been spent on the details!

"This post has the highest number of replies so far. Many netizens said they didn't expect we spent so much money!"

"There are some posts later, and there are also a lot of replies."

"The Internet has begun to gain popularity. If we can promote it, the name of the competition center will be known, and the company's reputation for being willing to invest will be known."

As Yang Qiu spoke, he kept sliding the mouse to browse down.

Mo Yu could clearly see that in just a few minutes of his short appearance in the live broadcast, in places where netizens gathered such as GAG Bar, E-Sports Bar, WE Bar, Emperor Star Bar, LGD Bar, Hupu, Tianya, etc., the competitive world There are a lot of discussions at the center.

Many netizens are rushing to discuss it and are very interested in this world's first professional e-sports stadium.

Taking advantage of this popularity, the company may be able to take advantage of the situation and launch a wave of hype and publicity!

Sometimes, being willing to spend money is not a bad impression, but it will leave netizens with the impression that Moyu Company is indeed spending real money to promote the development of the e-sports industry. This is a good reputation. It can greatly improve the company's status in the minds of netizens.

This improvement in status is not useless, but invisibly promotes the development of the company.

If the fishing game is already on the market at this time, this is a big plus.

It is also possible to leave an excellent reputation among netizens similar to "This product produced by Blizzard must be a high-quality product"!

“I didn’t expect there to be so many amazing netizens.”

Mo Yu was surprised when he saw those posts.

It can be said that the Competition Center has been well received. This is due to the competition itself, and some of the analysis and research posts from netizens are also very important.

He pondered for a few seconds, and then said: "It's not a bad thing to create a little hype. You should inform Chang Kejing of the marketing department and ask him to seize this wave of enthusiasm and quickly follow up the hype, and regard this game and the Competition Center as a positive example. Increased publicity!"


Yang Qiu nodded and immediately went out to make a phone call.

After he walked out, Mo Yu continued to look at the audience.

Just as the two were talking, the game was about to begin, and the voices of the three commentators, Wawa, Miller, and Su Xiaoyan, echoed in the stadium.

Wawa smiled and said: "The regular season is almost coming to an end. Judging from the current state, Emperor Star has stabilized and is not continuing to fall. As long as the bottom lane performs at a normal level, there is still a chance to play against LGD. of!"

"It's hard to say." Miller shook his head: "The bottom lane combination of Emperor Star has been really poor recently."

"Actually, it's not bad." Wawa said: "Rong and GM have won the championship after all, so they are of the highest level!"

"It depends on the situation." Miller shook his head. The analysis said: "LGD is in very good shape now, and its five positions are very stable. Looking at the data, especially the middle and lower C positions, they are both at the top of the league. It seems that the only emperor stars are The and God. The current average damage, The economy is okay, but the KDA and MVP data are not very good, ranking almost at the bottom."

"There's nothing we can do about it!" Wawa spread his hands and said helplessly: "The God's skills are there, but his teammates are not strong enough. He is now playing the game on his behalf. He leads four pits with one god. He must stand up, but one stop If you come out, you will be targeted. If you are targeted too much, there will be no sound, and it is normal for the data to be poor."

"But in fact, he is worthy of beating anyone in the middle. Anyway, I have asked several mid laners, and they all said that it is very difficult to play with him, and his suppression is very strong!"

Su Xiaoyan said: "The main problem is the bottom lane. The state is too bad, the skills have dropped drastically, and the economy cannot have any effect. What you eat is milk and what you squeeze out is grass!"

"You are right." Wawa nodded: "ZSMJ and PYL are old combinations. If the Emperor Star bottom duo is in the same state as last year's S1, it will definitely be fine, but I'm afraid it won't be possible now. I want to win. , it still depends on whether the middle lane can be amazing!"

"It's too difficult to be a super god!"

"After all, he is The God, the one with the aura!"

All external disturbances are blocked by sound-isolating headphones.

Lu Zibo could hear only an almost non-existent hum, and the headphones were filled with the voices of coaches and teammates.

Hearing that Han Wenhui would arrange tactics there, Lu Zibo glanced at the audience.

What you can see is densely packed with large blockbusters all filled with fans of Emperor Star.

Even though there are many fans of LGD, at the scene today, I am afraid that they are only 30-70 at most. Emperor Star is the top team in domestic e-sports!


Sighing slightly, Lu Zibo felt tired.

The atmosphere in the team is very strange right now. On the one hand, there is a rapid decline in performance, and on the other hand, the professional attitude of several teammates is getting worse and worse.

Although the share of the champion skin has not yet been received, the S1 bonus share has been distributed.

With such a large amount of money in their hands, several teammates' attitudes towards their careers have become obviously much more relaxed.

Among them, the top and jungle players are pretty good, mainly the two players in the bottom lane.

He treats training indifferently, meditates, plays other games live, laughs and laughs. Even if Han Wen can come out and curse, he can only control it for a while. After he gets stronger later, he still needs to eat and drink.

It's okay for the two of them to be the coach and boss, but as soon as they take a vacation, they simply let themselves go completely.

They spend money lavishly, buying cars, houses, and a lot of useless things. All kinds of brand-name clothes and shoes are piled up in the dormitory. If the control is not strict, the two of them would even stay out at night.

During the previous vacation, the two invited their teammates to a private table at a nightclub to drink, and they drank tens of thousands of yuan in one night.

Lu Zibo warned him about this, but it had little effect. The opponent still went his own way, and even said in return, "Money has to be spent. Playing games is so tiring, why can't you enjoy it?" Besides, our performance is not very bad, we are fully capable of playing, and there is no need to rush training or anything like that.

Seeing this, he couldn't say much, the only thing he could do was to take care of himself.

"Open, concentrate and take down LGD!"

"come on!"

The voice of the Korean speaker came from the earphones.

Lu Zibo shook his head, put away all his thoughts, and focused on the computer screen in front of him.

He crossed his hands and pushed back, twisted his neck, and made a clicking sound, and his eyes suddenly became sharp!

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