Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 431 Major revision and Yasuo

Zhang Yiming simply couldn't believe his ears.

He believes that Mo Yu can definitely see that DOTA will be a game destined to shine. Its status will be one of the best among all games in the world, and it can leave a mark in the history books of games. , the designer who developed it will also ask for instructions and leave his name.

Mo Yu wants to leave such a game to him?

It's simply more outrageous than pie in the sky, money is being dropped from the sky!

He said in disbelief: "Mr. Mo, are you telling the truth?"

As he asked, he held DOTA's planning plan tightly in his hand, clasping his fingers tightly and not daring to relax at all.

Mo Yu glanced at it, smiled slightly, and shrugged: "Of course, I believe in your ability. In your hands, you can perfectly present the things in the plan on the computer. However, if you still want to continue making MMORPG, then I You can change it to someone else, I believe no one can refuse!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yiming's expression suddenly changed and he immediately said: "I want to be a shitty MMORPG. If I want to make DOTA, I have to make DOTA. No one can steal it!"


Mo Yu asked with a smile.

"Realer than real gold, I swear!"

Zhang Yiming vowed with an extremely serious expression: "I promise to develop DOTA perfectly, and nothing can stop it!"

"In that case." Mo Yu stood up and approached, grabbed Zhang Yiming, and said solemnly: "Then I'll leave it to you."

"It will definitely fulfill its mission!"

At this moment, Zhang Yiming's eyes were extremely firm, without any wavering.

The next day.

Mo Yu held a meeting and officially announced that Zhang Yiming had joined the company to take charge of the development of DOTA. He also ordered various departments such as finance and human resources to fully cooperate. He asked for money and people, and there must be no slack in doing his best to ensure the smooth development of DOTA.

Of course, all the company's management also knew Zhang Yiming's status in the game industry. They were shocked and welcomed him vigorously.

Huang Jiajian, Yu Sheng, Chen Rucheng, Xu Changming and other game design executives directly joined in, treating themselves as juniors, as if they were meeting big stars, and Zhang Yiming laughed and was very happy.

Wait until after the meeting is over.

Mo Yu specially called Huang Jiajian and told him: "Don't worry too much about DOTA. It is not competing with GAG, nor will it divide any of GAG's resources. It is here to help the company take advantage of what has not been taken by GAG." That part of the players.”

Huang Jiajian touched his increasingly smooth head and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Mo, I understand that both DOTA and GAG are the company's games, and Mr. Zhang is also an industry veteran, so I won't think too much about it."

"That's good." Mo Yu nodded and continued: "One more thing, GAG is going to receive another update soon, right?"

"Well, the 2.41 version has been completed. It mainly introduces a new hero, fine-tunes the values, and launches a few skins. There are also several previously launched gameplays that are ready to be launched for a limited time. In addition, the Super Smash Bros. gameplay is officially launched."

Huang Jiajian answered one by one.

So far, a lot of GAG heroes have been launched, with a total of 116 in total.

Since there are already a large number of heroes, enough for players to rotate and choose them, GAG's development team is consciously slowly reducing the speed of launching new heroes, so as not to launch too many heroes too fast, which will cause the game to be updated too quickly, affecting version balance, and also Make it difficult for players to adapt.

Therefore, from the beginning of this year to the present, not a single hero has been released, and there has been a gap of several months.

The long vacuum period of several months has also made many players gradually feel dissatisfied and begin to look forward to the official release of new heroes. Many people have called on the designer team to quickly release a new hero in the comment areas of major forums.

In this case, the all-black silhouette and promotional posters of the 117th hero have been released for preview, and players can also get a glimpse of the new hero's true appearance.

He can play the flute, use a sword, likes to drink, is very showy, and can control the power of the wind.

With all these elements put together, the name of the new hero has already been revealed.

GAG’s 117th hero—Wind Swordsman—Yasuo!

Coming soon!

A man who has a strong personality, is loved by players, and is destined to become a popular figure in the canyon from the moment he appears!

Mo Yu can predict that there will be another bloody storm in the rankings. After the Happy Mantis, Children's Jie, Yuweiwen, Primary School Monk, KFC and other famous cheating heroes are on duty for the week, the famous Toolsuo will also be on duty. Shine on the battlefield!

He seems to have seen that there will be a "Double row?" card in major forums. My Yasuo Thief 6 (0/17/0)’ meme is going to be popular.

at the same time.

GAG will launch the Howling Abyss map and Brawl mode to relieve players' mental fatigue from traditional 5V5 maps and also reduce players' dissatisfaction with the slow update speed of new heroes.

In addition, some previously launched entertainment gameplays such as Guarding Ionia, Guns and Bullets and other gameplays will also be available for a limited time.

In short, version 2.41 has a lot of updated content.

Huang Jiajian introduced them one by one.

After Mo Yu listened, he said, "Let's take advantage of this version update and add some more content."

"Okay, I'll note it down."

Huang Jiajian nodded, found paper and pen, and prepared to record.

Mo Yu walked to the computer desk and logged into GAG.

He wants to compare the existing game content to avoid deleting something by mistake.

"Storm Spirit, Shadow Demon, Show Mage, Frost Goddess are deleted, the equipment Aster and Golden Cudgel are deleted, and the dodge attribute attached to Phantom Dance is deleted."

Mo Yu kept talking.

DOTA is about to be launched, and he plans to remove all DOTA elements from GAG.

At the beginning, he developed GAG by combining LOL and DOTA games, of which LOL accounted for 70% and DOTA accounted for 30%.

However, the design ideas of the two games are different after all. Although the hero skills in DOTA have been changed to the LOL mode, the skill design still seems too supermodel, and has no choice but to be weakened many times.


After being weakened several times, several DOTA heroes gradually became the sewers of the version and became unpopular.

In this case, now that DOTA is about to be launched, Moyu decided to completely separate it.

GAG reproduces LOL, but DOTA is still DOTA.

Huang Jiajian listened and took notes, and soon he had memorized a full page.

Looking at what he had written down, he said in surprise: "Mr. Mo, do these have to be deleted?"

Mo Yu took the notebook and looked at it twice, then nodded: "Yes, delete them all."

"Why?" Huang Jiajian was puzzled: "These contents have existed for a long time. Equipment such as Ziyuan and Golden Cudgel are often produced by players. If they are deleted rashly, the existing balance may be broken; and what you said Although the adoption rate of these heroes is not high, they are still used by players, and many players buy their skins. If they are all deleted, how will the money spent by players be calculated?"

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