Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 458 The terrifying GCK

Without Shang Xingyue by his side, Mo Yu had no intention of going to watch the game. After all, he was busy with work. However, Zhang Zhaoyang, a person who likes to watch the fun, insisted on dragging him to watch the game. In the end, Mo Yu had no choice but to I could only follow him to the MIS site.

However, the two of them were not in the audience, but found a perfect position backstage, with a first-class view and without being caught by the camera.

"This year's MSI is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger, especially for GCK. Why does it feel like we haven't seen a single spring split? It seems that there is suddenly a rise in momentum. It's so fierce!" Zhang Zhaoyang lit a cigarette and was a little puzzled: "It feels like we are a little bit weak even if we want to win the championship. It’s insured.”

"What? You didn't even make it to the Emperor Star, so you still care who wins?"

Mo Yu smiled.

"That's not what I'm saying. It's the Emperor's fault that the Emperor Star didn't enter, but we are all in the same division. This is the division's honor!" Zhang Zhaoyang retorted: "You are the big boss and you must focus on the overall situation. I am the club and I must support it. GPL!”


Mo Yu smiled and said: "Actually, the rise of the Korean Division is traceable. Speaking of which, I think it is possible that the Korean Division will become the strongest in the future!"

"The strongest division?"

Zhang Zhaoyang said in surprise: "Isn't that true? GPL is leading in all aspects, why should South Korea?"

"Based on other people's overall circumstances."

Mo Yu explained: "The game industry is a major economic pillar in South Korea, and e-sports that relies on games will naturally receive attention. The overall situation created by this kind of national-level support is unmatched by other competition regions."

"You may not know some inside information. Many large Korean chaebol groups are paying attention to the e-sports industry. By the time the summer games come, there might be a big earthquake there!"

According to news from the Korean branch, throughout South Korea, with the gradual development of GAG competitions, many large companies and consortiums are eyeing the new field of e-sports.

In addition, in some aspects it is even developing faster than domestically.

For example, Zhang Hengbo reported that the World E-Sports League branch in South Korea has received official support and is providing some resource support, including that several major TV mainstream media will launch new TV programs on traditional TV channels. E-sports competition sports channel.

In addition to live broadcasting GAG, these channels will also broadcast racial hegemony competitions, including the broadcast rights for some games that Moyu Games will launch later, and the other party is also very interested!

It will also train relevant practitioners, including hosts, commentators, referees, players, etc.

And at home.

At present, except for IMTV founded by Ding Tan, Mo Yu has not received any news in this regard.

But even IMTV is not online yet.

He and Ding Tan have also talked several times, and they may not expect to see it until after June.

even so.

Mo Yu can also predict that after IMTV goes online, it will definitely not receive strong support. It will not be able to receive signals nationwide like other star TV stations. It will definitely be similar to the game situation in the previous life, becoming a paid channel or in spread within a small area.

Although this small area is relatively small, after all, the population base is there, it is certainly not comparable to the strong support from South Korea.

"Really? The chaebol you are talking about is the kind of chaebol you see in Korean dramas?"

Zhang Zhaoyang said in surprise: "Will such a big company join in?"

"Roughly the same."

Mo Yu waved his hand and said: "It's just like SKT. Behind it is SK Telecom Group, which is equivalent to China Mobile; the boss behind KTB is KT Group, which is equivalent to China Unicom. Both of them have already entered the market, and Samsung is also behind it. I plan to join, I have already bought a seat in GCK, the team has been formed and trained, and it will be on stage in the summer split in the second half of the year!"

He has received news from the branch Zhang Hengbo, and even the money has arrived.

Two seats, priced at US$8 million, which is 10.5 billion won, each seat cost US$4 million, were sold to Samsung Group to form a team to compete in GCK.

Mo Yu did not participate in the pricing of the amount of money. The entire process was decided by the Korean branch of WECS, KeSPA (Korean Professional E-Sports Association) and Moyu Game Branch Manager Zhang Hengbo, including advertising costs, seat fees, players Salary, league sponsorship, cup hosting, etc. are all customized by KESPA, while Moyu Game only collects money and authorizes events.

Mo Yu didn't intend to control this organization in depth and detail, so as not to cause misunderstandings there.

So he didn't care about the behavior of two teams in one club over there for the time being.

First, KESPA is deeply involved and it is difficult for him to intervene; second, there is no legitimate reason.

Unless something like Samsung White and Samsung Blue happened in the previous life, then he would have reason to make the decision that each club can only have one team.

Because this is for the consideration of the entire e-sports industry and is a positive optimization.

As for now, he has no legitimate reason and cannot intervene at will.


Sooner or later, the development of e-sports will reach such a multi-point flowering situation, which is also conducive to the global layout of the e-sports industry. If he alone controls the overall situation, too strict control will affect the development of e-sports.

All Mo Yu has to do is to set some big frameworks.

"MD, that's going to be a bit difficult!" Zhang Zhaoyang frowned: "We are still the rich second generation of the son-in-law, just for fun. If the big consortium directly ends it personally, there will definitely be a gap in management investment."

"That can't be helped." Mo Yu spread his hands: "The entry of chaebols and the support of the state, so I say it is possible that South Korea may become the strongest competition region in the future. After all, e-sports is also a sport, and Korean sports stars The social status is not low, and e-sports champions may be exempted from military service in the future!"


Zhang Zhaoyang couldn't help but take a breath when he heard this.

Free from military service!

Everyone understands this condition!

No Korean can refuse!

The temptation is too great, even more tempting than being accompanied by a girl group star!

Mo Yu didn't stop yet, and poured cold water on him again: "Not only that, look at the five major competition areas now, GCK has the largest number of teams, and it stands out! There are 14 professional teams, ranking first among the five major competition areas!"

"There are so many teams, and the internal competition is so fierce. In this case, each team must increase training to improve its strength, so it is not difficult to understand that the Korean team has become stronger and the division has risen."

"Even if you don't rise now, you will rise sooner or later!"

Zhang Zhaoyang felt his scalp numb when he analyzed it like this.

The internal competition is fierce, and there are benefits, large capital investment, and official support personally. All factors combined, I dare not say too much. At least in the GAG ​​project, South Korea's rise is completely predictable and certain.

"What's going on? Do you want to see Bangzi win the championship in the future?"

Zhang Zhaoyang frowned so hard that he could not help but murmur to himself, as if he could see the whole people resisting Korea in the future.

"Then it depends on you, the deputy secretary-general." Mo Yu waved his hand and said: "Although I am nominally the secretary-general of the domestic branch of WESC, I am also the secretary-general of the headquarters and a referee. It is not easy to deal with this kind of thing personally. To avoid being accused of being biased, if the GPL region wants to rise, you have to get other people to think of ways."

"Increase investment, increase investment, increase youth training to cultivate new players, and increase momentum. Anyway, use whatever tricks are effective, as long as they can be beneficial to improving the overall strength of the competition area."

"As for the rest, as long as you upper-level club owners do your job, the rest will be left to the players!"

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