Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 525 The Emperor’s Star Shines High

The situation is seriously unfavorable to LGD.

in voice.

"Steady, steady, we can still fight!"

"Grow up first, don't get caught, improve your vision in the jungle, support me, don't go alone!"

In the critical situation, Team Brain 09 calmly directed the situation and finally stabilized the situation without making any more mistakes for Emperor Star.

But this calmness is actually a kind of slow death, because the gap is too big and there is no hope of a comeback.

On the commentary table, Doll Miller analyzed the situation word by word.

"LGD is stable, but to be honest, it's useless for you to be stable now, you have to find a breakthrough!"

"That's right, the economic difference is already 7,000 yuan, and the equipment has formed a generational difference. It is not the same level at all. No matter who is in the front of the Imperial Star lineup, LGD will not be able to hold it."

"As I said before, economy, economy!"

"Unless we get the second dragon, LGD will have a chance of making a comeback!"

The situation on the field was very clear. At this time, Deng Junhua had no time to argue with Zhang Zhaoyang. He held his hands on the window frame of the stand box and kept chanting: Come on, come on!

Zhang Zhaoyang was very happy to see it.

"No more, Lao Deng, this one is gone!"

"Haha, it seems that this year's champion Emperor Star is going to win!"

Deng Junhua was annoyed when he heard this, clenching his fists tightly, but there was nothing he could do.

Mo Yu felt a headache watching from the side and pulled Zhang Zhaoyang, meaning to tell him to stop being angry, otherwise it would not be impossible for Deng Junhua to really get angry.

Zhang Zhaoyang also felt that it was a bit excessive.

It's not that he has a bad heart, and his relationship with Deng Junhua is also very good, but among friends, sometimes they often joke and go too far unintentionally.

Seeing Mo Yu pull him twice, Zhang Zhaoyang stopped talking and sat there watching the game with the old god in his sight, feeling quite comfortable.

"Finally I didn't waste my huge investment in the second half of the year." He sighed: "It's not easy!"

"The combat power of Emperor Star has indeed improved. If we participate in this year's S2, I am afraid that we will be a strong contender for the championship. It will be difficult for other regions to win trophies from Emperor Star."

Mo Yu smiled.

Since the end of MSI, Zhang Zhaoyang has increased his investment in the club, not just in terms of money, although this is the most effective method.

The first is to replace and strengthen the team. The duo in the bottom lane has been hidden, and a pair of newcomers have been recruited in the queue. Even if they did not perform well in the first game, he still supports them. I believe Han Wenhui's vision.

The Korean Club lived up to expectations, and the Rosenthal effect took off, making the newcomers in the bottom lane train like chicken blood every day, like elementary school students who put in their best efforts just to get the little red flower reward from the teacher.

The second is monetary rewards.

There are rewards for doing well in training matches, there are rewards for having high ranking points, there are rewards for winning games, there are rewards for working out and building muscles!

Under Zhang Zhaoyang's money offensive, the five team members were in full swing every day.

Next comes condition training.

When I wake up every day, I first review tactics, then listen to analysts analyzing opponents, followed by team training, in the afternoon I arrange training matches, and in the evening there is ranking. 8 hours a day is the basic, and 12 hours is the starting point!

From Monday to Sunday, there is no break, supplemented by fitness training, and a chef from one of his restaurants who is proficient in the four major cuisines of Hunan, Sichuan, Shandong and Guangdong is specially asked to cook in different ways.

It can be said that both body and spirit are in the fullest state!

The last thing is to focus on training.

In addition to having to accept the players' performances arranged by Mo Yu, advertisements from some leagues and club sponsors were all rejected, so they were in retreat every day.

In the end, after months of continuous intensive training, the Emperor Star was finally reborn, first rushing into the playoffs with a mid-level ranking, and then soaring in the playoffs, completely rising, and completing a new generation of Emperor Stars!

"That's right, I will definitely win the title again this year. I'm not afraid of whoever comes!"

Zhang Zhaoyang was very proud.

on the stage.

The game reaches its climax again, this is the second big dragon.

Everyone knows that this wave should be LGD's last chance. If they defeat the big dragon group, they can still survive. If they defeat the ancient dragon group next, the situation of the game is still unknown.

Can’t win?

Do you really think it’s so easy to turn around the economy with 10,000 yuan?

Baron has been refreshed, LGD took the lead to seize the field of view, and Emperor Star maintained its formation and advanced slowly.

The two sides saw each other in the dragon pit for more than a minute, but neither found a chance to open the dragon.

The situation changed in the 28th minute.

At this time, the ancient dragon is about to be refreshed, but the focus is on the bottom lane.

Nuoshou led the line high by himself, and the crocodile kept pulling against the defense tower, not daring to fight hard.

Seeing the constant tug-of-war between the two sides at the dragon pit, Nuoshou decided to open up the situation and force his opponent to return to defense, giving himself space to fight the dragon.

"Let's sprint!"

"Do you want Nuoshou to climb the tower?"

"We really took action!"

Sprint away and charge hard!

AWA, slow down and hang up, the crocodile leans on the high ground, uses a backhand, and then wants to slip away, but Nuo Shou is not timid at all, and directly rushes to the high ground, launching an EQ combo!

The energy bombs from the Highland Tower bombarded Nuoshou, and in conjunction with the crocodile's output, the blood dropped quickly!

"Wow, Imperial City PK!"

"Can Nuoshou find an opportunity by crossing the tower?"

"The crocodile pulls back and launches a big counterattack. Nuo Shou is not afraid, and he is doing it against the defense tower!"

"The health of both sides has dropped to about the same level. Nuoshou's equipment is so good!"

Surrounded by blood drops, the time has come!

In the state of blood rage, Nuoshou raised his ax and struck down, causing high real damage to instantly penetrate the crocodile Tianling Gai!

The energy storm surrounding him dissipated, and the crocodile fell to the ground with a cry.

The outcome is decided!

In the Imperial City PK, Nuo Shou completed a wave of beautiful single kills. A reckless man is a reckless man. With the blood rage on, he just did it directly. The crocodile player never dreamed that Nuo Shou would dare to go straight up to the tower to fight, let alone let him really let it go. He won!

Looking at Canxuenuo's back as he quickly pulled away his hands, Crocodile shed tears of regret.

This puts him on the receiving end of the blame!

It has been losing since the early stage, and now it is losing again. This loss is basically gone!

as expected.

Faced with the risk of the high ground being breached, LGD had to retreat to defense, leaving only one jungler in the Dalong Pit.

Emperor Xing seized the opportunity and opened the dragon directly.

About ten seconds later, the dragon fell to the ground. LGD jungler did not find any chance. On the way back to the city, he was interrupted by Lu Zibo and killed.

Then there is nothing unknown about the situation!

Everyone knows that Emperor Star has a winning chance. Big data shows that the winning rate of both sides has reached 91%, and there is basically no hope of a comeback!

The words of congratulations have already reached the mouth of the commentator on stage, and the Emperor Star player even plans to jump up and open the champagne!



The base explodes!

Everyone in LGD collapsed, and everyone in Emperor Star sang and danced!

The whole Jingjie Center was filled with shouts!

"Emperor Star!"

"Emperor Star!"

"Emperor Star!"

On the commentary desk.

"Congratulations to Emperor Star for winning the summer championship!"

"After experiencing decline in the first half of the year, this championship team has been reborn and once again showed its dominance to the world!"

"They will represent the GPL division and compete in this year's S2 Global Finals as the No. 1 seed!"

"Congratulations to them!"

"Suddenly, a madman sharpened his sword at night, and the emperor's star fluttered high in the sky. The emperor's star stopped wavering and settled firmly in the middle of the sky!" (End of this chapter)

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