Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 572 Supervision

KESPA was originally a non-governmental organization, backed by various chaebols, and each member of the association was the manager of major clubs.

For example, the original chairman of the association was SKT’s team manager Choi Min-sik.

However, Choi Min-sik resigned three months ago, and Jeon Byung-hyun took over the leadership of KESPA.

Too much news was revealed at once.

Because Jeon Byung-hyun was a member of the Cheong Wa Dae National Assembly before becoming the chairman of KESPA. He also publicly expressed his support for the development of e-sports. There was support from large chaebols behind him. However, not long after he spoke out, he retired, and then Choi Min-sik took over. s position.

With his background and relationship, the meaning was already very obvious as soon as he took office.

Mo Yu knows it all without even thinking!

"I'm afraid it's more than that."

Mo Yu said in a deep voice.

"That's right." Zhang Hengbo said: "GAG's agency contract is about to expire. The Koreans want to renew it. In addition, they hope that the company will release more competition authorizations. It is best not to care about anything except taking money. That way That’s the best.”

"I see."

Mo Yu suddenly realized.

GAG's agency contract was signed for three years from the beginning. The agency fee agreed to increase with market share every year, and the contract would expire next year.

If KESPA wants to develop GAG events, it must be hoping to get a longer-term contract.

in addition.

Although the several games released by the company in South Korea are nominally handed over to Koreans, the actual rights are still controlled by the company, and the hilt is always in Mo Yu's hand. This is definitely unacceptable to KESPA.

The most popular e-sports games in South Korea are all games owned by Moyu Company. Although Moyu Company has stated that it is indifferent, it always has the right to take charge. If Koreans want to develop the e-sports industry, they must find a way to break away from this. This is a constraint, otherwise we will start other games.

But making other games is so difficult.

Three years have passed since Mo Yu proposed the concept of e-sports. The most popular game in the world is still GAG, and the second most popular game is race hegemony. The newly launched Red Alert and CSGO this year have also begun to slowly become popular, and these four games are all It is produced by Moyu Game.

Although there are other games, they are barely adequate and cannot be compared at all.

GAG, in particular, occupies almost 70% of the global e-sports industry market.

Therefore, the Koreans must have finally chosen to negotiate with Mo Yu after careful consideration, hoping that he would let go and release the hilt of the knife.

"Hengbo, I think you must have come into contact with Quan Pingxian, right? What's his attitude?"

Mo Yu came back from his thoughts.

"Very determined. I don't see the possibility of letting go." Zhang Hengbo said: "I have been in contact with him several times. During the conversation, his attitude was very determined. He even revealed that if the company is unwilling to let go, he may consider it. Turn to support other domestic game companies."

"It seems that the Koreans are determined to win."

Mo Yu murmured to himself.

If he were in Quan Pingxian's position, he would definitely not be willing to restrict others.

According to the current situation, the development of the e-sports industry should already be one of South Korea's national policies. Such an important matter must be given the greatest autonomy. The only ones that Moyu Company can play a role in are the nominal game owner and a person who only cares about the game. As a tool for collecting money, just watch other related game operations and event development. Don't talk or interfere.

This is the best situation.

Only in this way can KESPA feel at ease and fully support it.

Integrate all aspects of the upstream and downstream aspects of the e-sports industry including players, youth training, sponsorship, clubs, coaches, competitions, etc., and manage and promote the development of events from a higher level.

"Mr. Mo, what are you going to do?"

Zhang Hengbo also heard what he said and couldn't help but ask.

"It's not easy to handle."

Mo Yu frowned.

In fact, the management of Moyu Company in South Korea is now very loose. Except for the nominal management rights, almost everything else is not involved, but the Koreans obviously will not give the company any reason.

This point is non-negotiable and is also the biggest contradiction between the two parties.

"Should I give it or not?"

Mo Yu fell into deep thought and recalled some things from his previous life.

Long before LOL, StarCraft was one of the most popular games in Korean e-sports.

However, Blizzard later tried to dominate the Korean e-sports market, so it put forward strict requirements in all aspects. However, due to loopholes in the terms at the time, South Korea must have supported its own association more, so the lawsuit failed and Blizzard had to give up.

But this is still StarCraft 1. In StarCraft 2, Blizzard has made a comeback, and the terms are more detailed. As long as the Koreans want to hold a competition, they must go through them. As a result, KESPA simply refuses to do it, and you can do whatever you want.

As a result, Blizzard will develop its own StarCraft 2, and KESAP will develop its own StarCraft 1.

However, Blizzard is far away in North America and is not familiar with the Korean market. It is impossible to do it. It is completely incomparable with KESPA. KESPA is better than Blizzard in terms of events, promotion, operation and publicity.

In the end, StarCraft 2 failed to make much of a splash in Korea from its release until three years later, so we had no choice but to give in.

Among them, it is not that Blizzard has not thought of ways. It once built a GSTL on its own in an attempt to replace KESPA. In the end, it lost not a cent but could only kowtow to KESPA and beg KESPA to take it in and merge GSTL into KESPA.

In short, Blizzard tried its best but failed.

As for the subsequent LOL, Riot Games actually completely delegated power to the LCK at the beginning. However, the LCK side may have been affected by sportsmanship. The league suffered losses all year round. After the Asian Games, a large number of LPL player accounts were banned, and finally Riot Games was forced to simply take over the management.

Two situations, two paths, even Mo Yu couldn't decide for a moment.

If we let KESPA do it on its own, it may develop better, but it may also cause many unexpected things to happen and end up being completely scrapped.


"In any case, the supervisory power must be placed in the hands of the company, and other powers can be delegated. If this cannot be agreed upon, then it can only be handled by the branch. However, in this way, no matter whether it is investment or management, the cost involved That’s a lot!”

Mo Yu thought about it and finally decided to give in one more step.

You can ignore GCK's affairs. No matter what Quan Bingxian wants, he can delegate power to any company and just be a mascot responsible for collecting money. But as long as the supervision is not relaxed, Mo Yu must ensure the fairness of GCK and not allow it to appear. Any situation that affects the fairness of the event occurs.

"Mr. Mo, we're here."

As the car stopped, Mo Yu and Zhang Hengbo arrived at a hotel.

Hotel entrance.

A gray-haired but energetic old man wearing a suit stood at the door.

This person is Quan Pingxian.

Behind him is Choi Min-sik, the former chairman of KESPA Association.

"Chairman, nice to meet you!"

"Mr. Mo, I have long admired your name!"

Watching Mo Yu open the door and come out, Quan Bingxian quickly came forward to greet him. The two of them had smiles on their faces, as if they were friends who had not seen each other for a long time. (End of chapter)

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