Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 584 Quarterfinals

Sixteen teams are divided into four groups, and a double round-robin BO1 is conducted within the group, which means that there will be a total of 48 games in the entire S2 group stage.

These 48 games will start with the opening game on December 1st and continue until December 9th, with 6 games every day and 5 games on the last day.

During this period, I don’t know how many scenes appeared.

The top 10 collections of various highlights are spread all over the Internet. Many miraculous team battle coordination, wonderful single kills, blind vision predictions, and extreme dodge skills make netizens enjoy watching them.

Of course, there are the top 10 highlights and the top ten mistakes in the game.

The outrageous moves made by the professional players in it would make even bronze and silver laugh out loud, even if they just shouted, I can fuck me!

For a time, the S2 Global Finals became the biggest news at the end of this year.

Many news media heard the news and rushed to Busan, South Korea for on-site interviews. Major forums and social software were filled with a large amount of relevant information, and the traffic was skyrocketing!

The most obvious thing is that S2-related information is everywhere on the global Internet. You can see it with just a search, and people are discussing it everywhere.

At the same time, there are still queues in the game even during non-peak hours, and more and more new users are pouring into GAG!

No. 12.9.

With the last game of SSW against EG, SSW pulled crazy operations and ended the game with a head count of 7 to 2. GCK's Korean operation style was completely known to teams around the world.

Commentators, spectators, and players from all over the world have all realized the power of this style of play, and they all find it very tricky. Some teams, adhering to the idea of ​​joining if they can't beat it, have also begun to study it. I believe that when the league starts next year, there will definitely be many more teams. Use less operational tactics.

But who can learn the true story remains to be seen.

On the S2 side, the group stage has also come to an end.

Take a look at the entire group stage.

Except for a few sporadic defeats, the three Korean teams all advanced to the quarterfinals with big scores.

SKT went 5-1, and the top spot in Group A advanced.

SSB 4-2, second place in Group B advanced.

SSW 5-1, ranked first in Group D and advanced.

Such a perfect record simply made the global audience exclaim in disbelief. The Korean Internet even shouted the slogan "Overturn the GPL, we are the first division"!


"I believe everyone is like me. I didn't have high hopes at first, but now I'm ecstatic!"

"The strongest GPL division has been defeated by us, and we are aiming for the championship!"

"Some people say they didn't meet the Emperor Star. Sorry, I believe our team will definitely lose even if the Emperor Star encounters it!"

"The record proves everything!"

Korean netizens are completely confident.

There are three Korean teams in the top eight list. As long as there is no civil war, it is impossible that there will not be a team in the top four, right?

In contrast.

GPL netizens are crying wolf!

“This year’s GCK is simply terrifying!”

"Except for LGD who won two games against Samsung Blue, the rest of the Royal Family won one and lost one, and WE lost all two games. I'm worried that Emperor Star will also lose if they encounter the Korean team, right?"

"Wolf is coming!"

"Be vigilant!"

"GCK is challenging the GPL!"

“Cheer up and face the challenge!”

"It's over. I never expected that WE didn't even qualify for the group stage! 60E burst into tears!"

Four GPL teams.

The Royal Family ranked second in Group A, behind SKT. If it hadn't been for a comeback win over SKT in the opening game to establish an advantage, they might have been overthrown by FNC later on. Fortunately, they finally made it to the quarterfinals.

LGD also performed poorly, although they were first in the group.

But when facing the other three teams, it didn't feel like a guaranteed victory. When playing against Samsung Blue, they were suppressed by the opponent in the early stage in two consecutive games. Fortunately, they stabilized the situation later and completed the comeback.

However, how can comebacks be the norm?

If they meet again in their current state, the result will be really dangerous.

Emperor Star performed as stable as ever. Although there is no Korean team in Group C, there is a European rookie G2, as well as C9 and FW, who are also surrounded by strong enemies.

But in the end, Emperor Star successfully broke through and moved forward, reaching the top eight.

The remaining WE are the worst.

In the first round, they lost to SSW with two bars and one. In the second round, they lost to TSM and SSW in succession. They only defeated EG and then lost to TSM in the final playoffs, completely missing out on S2!

With this achievement, 60E was completely blown away!

No one could have imagined that WE would perform so well internationally this year!

Big Nose was suppressed by geniuses from all walks of life in the middle; Qi Jiang was timid and defended KDA and F4 to the death, without the attitude of a domestic factory manager who regards the world's junglers as piglets; he could hold his own with a smile, but his teammates were too stretched, so he also saved Can't touch the world; Strawberry can be suppressed by almost a top laner, even worse than Big Nose. His talent is considered by the entire network to be the best top laner in this S2; as for the auxiliary Curly, can he do it alone?


Among the top eight, Royal Family, Emperor Star, and LGD advanced, and WE was eliminated!

Everyone in GPL is in danger!

Even the GPL looks like a crisis has come and the invincibility mentality has disappeared, let alone the remaining three competition areas of GCS, GEU, and GMS.

Europe, North America, and Southeast Asia are simply devastated.

In this year's S2 group stage, their three major divisions lost miserably!

The whole army in Southeast Asia was wiped out. The dream of TPA, which I just said was rising, was shattered in the top 16. FW also accompanied them, and AHQ lost all six games. It was simply unsightly.

In Europe, there is only one single seedling left. G2 advanced to the quarterfinals with a record second only to Emperor Star. The second seed in Group C advanced to the quarterfinals. However, this single seedling performed well. Although they lost both games against Emperor Star, they lost both games. It's a good result, it's not a crushing game. The result of the subsequent confrontation is still unknown.

North America is also miserable.

C9's dream was shattered in the top 16, and EG lost all the games. However, TSM maintained its previous rise in the cup, actually defeated the powerful enemy WE, and advanced to the second place in the group, which completely broke Mo Yu's perception of them and lifted the The Curse of the Sixteen Strong.

So far.

The list of top eight is released.

Royal Family, SKT, LGD, SSB, Emperor Star, G2, TSM, SSW.

According to the elimination rules of the same group half area before the game and the draw of the quarter-finals.

The knockout match list is as follows.

Royal Family vs. SSW.

LGD faced Emperor Star.

SKT meets G2.

SSB meets TSM.

Every game is a battle between dragons and tigers!

The second game that drove the GPL audience crazy the most and made other regions laugh wildly.

GPL is known as the strongest this year, and it is also regarded as the two biggest threats by all teams in S2. LGD and Emperor Star have met!

Mars hits the Earth!

This civil war was simply unbelievable and caught everyone off guard.

At the lottery site, when Dafei drew the results, everyone was laughing, but only GPL was crying, with tears streaming down his face.

How black are the hands!

Although I know that the probability of civil war is high, why the hell can't South Korea get a draw with three teams in the quarterfinals?

Why did you just draw Emperor Star and LGD?

Unfortunately, the matter has reached this point, and it is useless to say more.

The next step is to prepare for war!

Inside the hotel.

Zhang Zhaoyang felt so stupid when he thought about it. He lay in bed tossing and turning until 3:30 in the middle of the night. When he couldn't bear it any longer, he turned on his computer and posted a message on Weibo.

"Strongly recommend replacing Faker!"

It was just a simple complaint, and it was so late, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

As a result, he underestimated the speed at which netizens would eat melons.

As soon as the information was sent out, it spread quickly.

Countless people came here, and many fans couldn't help but complain and reposted it in large numbers. In just a few hours, before dawn, a hot search was on the homepage of Weibo.

——The boss of Emperor Star suggested a substitution!

There is also a small flame and HOT logo behind it!

It can only be said that many people feel exactly the same as him.

Even Mo Yu heard the news the next morning and couldn't help but like the Weibo post.

What a black hand! (End of chapter)

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