Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 665 National E-Sports Competition

"To this day, e-sports has formed a climate, and all walks of life have reaped dividends. The rise of e-sports has long been inevitable." Shang Cunyuan said: "Some time ago, several high-level departments held a meeting, and it was basically unified We must vigorously develop and promote e-sports.”

"As long as the official level shows its attitude, public opinion will be strongly reversed."

"In the future, the resistance to the development of e-sports should be greatly reduced. This is the best opportunity for you!"

The meaning of Shang Cun Yuan is very simple, the general direction has changed.

The game industry has always been strictly controlled in China. Whether it is the game version number or the content, graphics, and plot of the game, it must be reviewed before it can be released. For game companies, they have always moved forward with shackles. .

at the same time.

Attitudes from the top also affected ordinary people.

There are countless slanderous remarks against video games, and many parents themselves have strong opinions about their children playing games.

This has also led to society’s public opinion towards games being always full of malice.

Except for the people who play games, most people don't have a good impression of games.

Even some game company bosses feel that this industry is just for making money, and they actually look down on it.

In such an environment of social public opinion, games are shackles, and e-sports are also shackles, making every step difficult.

The earlier the time, the greater the resistance.

It was not until recent years that China was slightly liberalized, but only to a limited extent.

But now Shang Cunyuan revealed that the general direction has changed, which means that the shackles will be lifted. Mo Yu couldn't help but get excited when he heard this, and finally calmed down.

"Are there any specific measures to be implemented?"

"Still discussing." Shang Cunyuan waved his hand and saw Mo Yu's face darken, but then he smiled and said, "But it's not nothing."

"What measures?"

Mo Yu immediately asked.

"National e-sports competition." Shang Cunyuan said slowly: "We will take the lead in the name of the Sports Bureau and combine some e-sports sports to organize a national e-sports competition. Several games owned by Moyu Company should be selected. .”

Mo Yu was very surprised when he heard this.

National e-sports competition, isn’t that NEST?

Many people may not know it, but NEST actually existed in previous lives, but it didn't receive much attention.

To put it simply, a competition is organized in the name of the country, but the competition items will be beyond many people's expectations.

Not only LOL, DOTA, Genting, and CS projects, there are also a series of projects designed after real-life situations such as cycling, archery, and fishing.

The entire competition is not very popular, and many people may have never heard of it. Some participating clubs also send their second teams to compete, but the meaning it represents is extraordinary.

It means that the country has stood up and expressed its support, and several official units have stood together to express their support for the development of e-sports at the official level. The benefits of this to the development of the e-sports industry are self-evident.

Mo Yu couldn't wait to ask: "Will it be held this year?"

"It's not certain yet. I can only say that there is a certain probability. It may be next year. We are still discussing it."

Shang Cunyuan waved his hand.

A trace of disappointment suddenly flashed across Mo Yu's face, but when he turned around, he felt happy.

Regardless of whether we play this year or not, at least the tone has been set, which is good news.

And if it really had to be held this year, it might be a little difficult to coordinate the time.

In the second half of the year, there will be GAG, S3, and three major A-level cups. Asian Games; DOTA has TI1 and Major; Race Hegemony and Red Alert also have international competitions in November; CSGO also has competitions. At the end of the year, several of its games have super competitions for the world.

Even if the participating clubs want to participate in NEST, they may not be able to mobilize the manpower.

There must be some coordination in time.

But that would be too early, I'm afraid it would be too late.

Thinking of this, Mo Yu reminded: "If the national e-sports competition is to be held, how to adjust the time? Should it be placed at the end of the year? Or when?"

Shang Cunyuan felt relieved when he heard this: "Don't worry, I know what you mean. The time must be staggered. The current consideration is to be in July or August."

In July or August, Mo Yu calculated in his mind that he would not be able to do it this year.

It’s been over May now, how can it be so fast?

There are so many departments to coordinate and discuss, and various documents are going around. The whole process will not be completed in three to five months. If it is delayed a little longer, it will basically be next year.

This is how it is in the officialdom. Unless there is a critical moment of mass mobilization and a higher-level leadership department takes the lead, everything will be done slowly and leisurely, not in a hurry.

"It seems it's too late."

Mo Yu shook his head secretly, stopped thinking about the matter for the time being, and asked instead: "You asked me to come over to see Huo Qi this time. When will the meeting be arranged?"

"Just these two days."

Shang Cunyuan said: "I met with the eldest grandson of the Huo family a few days ago and talked about e-sports. From what he said, he should also support the development of e-sports. The Huo family is quite capable in the international sports world. , I plan to let you chat with him and get closer to him."

"As the founder of e-sports and a leader in the e-sports industry, even with my help, you would have reached the top of where you are today."

"If the e-sports project wants to move forward and enter Asia or even the Olympics, the Huo family can help a lot."

"Understood." Mo Yu nodded: "I know a little bit about the situation of the Huo family, including Huo Qi. I'm just asking him for help. Do I want to give him any benefits? His family has a big business, so I'm afraid I can't afford it."

"Everyone has everything you can give, and the Huo family itself is willing to develop and contribute in the sports world. Promoting e-sports is not only your business, but also one of their things to do in the future. The benefits are unnecessary." Shang Cunyuan said. Waving his hand: "Besides, I've already given you the benefits, so you don't have to worry about this."

"Huh?" Mo Yu was stunned when he heard this: "What's the benefit?"

Shang Cunyuan explained: "The Olympic Council of Asia is going to establish an Asian Electronic Sports Federation to manage the development of electronic sports in Asian countries. I promised Huo Qi that I would help him run for the first session of the Asian Electronic Sports Federation. Chairman, although there is little energy in China on the Olympic Committee, there is still some means in the Olympic Council of Asia."

"I see."

Mo Yu suddenly understood.

He didn't even notice that the Asian Electrical and Electronics Union had not yet been established. It was also due to the influence of his past life memories that he always thought that the Asian Electrical and Electronics Union had been established long ago, but in fact the two worlds were still different.

The benefits Shang Cunyuan gave him must have won Huo Qizhi's heart.

In recent years, China has become more and more influential in the international community. Many of the member states of the Olympic Council of Asia have good relations with each other. Coupled with the Huo family's own energy, it is not impossible for Huo Qi to become the chairman of the Asian Telecom Union. .


Huo Qi himself also has this qualification. In his previous life, he also served as the top leader of the AEC.

When LOL entered Jakarta, there was considerable resistance. Later, it was said that this person was the mediator and helped to finally get the matter done.

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