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19. Naruto, Stop Hitting, That's Teacher Jiraiya! [Ask For Flowers! 】

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt tired.

Konoha was almost torn apart by Nine Tails in a month.

On this happy day of Naruto's full moon banquet, the reincarnation of Sage of Six Paths, there are still people who dare to make trouble in Konoha, don't they want to live?

Because of Prince Konoha's full moon banquet, Konoha's famous ninjas have all arrived, and now Konoha's assembled combat power is all elites.

Just contact Namikaze Minato, who is receiving guests next door, and give an order, won't the enemy be obedient?

Just when Sarutobi Hiruzen was going to tell Namikaze Minato that someone in Konoha Shopping Street was going to destroy the village with a big move, so he should hurry there with Flying Thunder God Technique,

He stopped suddenly.

Hey, wait!

Isn't that oversized ball the Sage Art Massive Rasengan?

As far as he knows, there are only two people in the entire ninja world who know how to do this.

One is the current Konoha Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato,

And the other one is Minato's teacher, his disciple, Jiraiya.

Looking at Jiraiya's disguised appearance, and the two Great Toad Sages faintly appearing from the bamboo hat, it is really Jiraiya? !

He came back so soon!

He is still fighting fiercely with people in Konoha Shopping Street, enough to destroy everything around him!

In the end what happened?

I called you back because I want you to be Naruto teacher,

Why did you fight with people as soon as you came back?

However, I would like to see, besides Jiraiya, who else dares to fight in Konoha, and still looks like he is not afraid of destroying Konoha!

If it was before, Sarutobi Hiruzen might still be a little bit worried when he saw the mysterious person who was able to have a 50/50 relationship with Jiraiya for so long.

But now, with the strategic power of Naruto, the reincarnation of the Sage of Six Paths who tamed the Nine Tails, in the village, he's swollen!

You wait, when I figure out your identity, I will tell Naruto to beat you!

Sarutobi Hiruzen magnifies the image of the mysterious man with dozens of giant palms above the sky,

This person is very strange, the whole body is covered in a coat, and the bamboo hat covers the whole head, it seems that the head is not big,

And the bottom is even more strange, protruding from the front and back,

It looked like a child riding a dog and wearing a coat.

Seeing this, the expression on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face gradually froze.

He opened the door and looked at the adorable Naruto who was holding his fingers in Minato's arms in the next hall,

Then I looked at the fox tails flashing past the black coat in the crystal ball,

Can't help swallowing saliva.

"No... no way?"

Fighting with Jiraiya, the mysterious person who is about to destroy Konoha is Naruto itself? !

He looked at the Minato couple who were still receiving guests, and wanted to shout,

Minato, your son is fighting with your teacher outside and is going to destroy Konoha!

But even now, it's too late. !

Because Konoha Commercial Street is empty,

Shenfa·Yaoshen Kongjian VS Sage Art·Massive Rasengan,

A fierce collision is about to begin!

The audience, including Third Generation and Uchiha Shisui, held their breath.

Who will win?

This is not a problem at all!

They are very confident in Jiraiya's strength, which is the peak of Kage-level,

It is absolutely impossible to be an opponent of Naruto who can tame Nine Tails like a dog.

Let's see how long Jiraiya (adult) can last.

But the next moment, even though they had already guessed, there was still a scene that they would never forget.

Jiraiya didn't know that his respected teacher Sarutobi and Uchiha's junior who had taught the will of fire, these two Kage-level players thought they were bound to lose,

If he knew, he would probably be so angry that he would scream:

"You also know that I am not his opponent, so you didn't save me, but just watched there, have your consciences been eaten by Orochimaru?"

His eyes were full of unprecedented dignity.

As if yelling can increase the power of ninjutsu, Jiraiya yelled again.

"Sage Art Massive Rasengan!!!"


The oversized celestial art Rasengan hit the palm of a giant palm.

It seemed like a moment, but in fact, hundreds of thousands of palms had been hit on Massive Rasengan.

It looks like just touching it, Massive Rasengan shatters like a glass bead!

I thought I could rub it for a few seconds, but I didn't expect my Massive Rasengan to be seconds.

At this moment, Jiraiya deeply realized the huge gap between the two.

This gap is bigger than the gap between ordinary people and Ying!

He could see that the mysterious man in the sky had no intention of killing him.

Even the slap of Sage Art that instantly killed him just now, he restrained himself somewhat,

Otherwise, under the power of the giant palm, his body would have collapsed like Rasengan's.

"I was wrong."

Jiraiya realizes that the person coming is not an enemy who wants to destroy Konoha, so she resolutely admits,

"I shouldn't be peeping!

I am not a bad guy!

I am also a person of Konoha,

In fact, my identity is..."

Jiraiya was about to reveal that he was actually Konoha Hokage's teacher, don't hit him, but it was too late.

Naruto directly used telekinesis, pulled Jiraiya to the sky, and beat him up.

I don't care who you are!

I'm the Konoha prince, and my dad is Hokage. It's not a big deal to be a pervert who peeps at the women's bathroom!

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who saw Jiraiya being beaten up in the sky by his disciple's son, fell silent.

Although I don't know what happened?

But obviously Naruto didn't kill Jiraiya,

Then he doesn't care.

Uchiha Shisui looked strange.

Although I know that Mr. Jiraiya, you should not be the opponent of Master Celebrity, but you won't be caught in an instant!

Seeing Jiraiya's body swell up at a speed visible to the naked eye, Shisui felt that he couldn't watch anymore.

Afraid of spicy his Mangekyō Sharingan.

As the instant Shisui, he quickly found Fourth Hokage and reported the situation.


Finally, looking at the clone of Naruto in his arms, Shisui looked uncomfortable, as if holding a big bomb,

I am afraid that if I accidentally make Naruto uncomfortable, I will be beaten like Master Jiraiya.

Namikaze Minato teleported to the commercial street and was dumbfounded when he saw the scene of his son violently beating his teacher above the sky.

The corner of Namikaze Minato's mouth twitched slightly when he thought that Jiraiya was beaten for peeping in the women's hot spring bathroom, and that Jiraiya even disguised herself in order not to reveal her identity.

Before the people from the newspaper office arrived, he hurriedly shouted into the sky: "Naruto, stop hitting, that's Teacher Jiraiya!"

Naruto: "???"

Jiraiya: "???!!!"

[As for the doubts about being able to perform ninjutsu at birth, the author sets it this way: the ninjutsu acquired by the protagonist is all system skills, and can be released directly without Chakra.

Regarding the doubts about the update speed, the motivation is not enough, there are indeed some salty fish, and three chapters are updated every day for three consecutive days. How about this, the current evaluation vote is 622, if it can reach 800 before 5 pm, I will add a chapter today, and when it reaches 1000, I will add two more chapters! 】

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