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29. Second Hokage, Who Was Almost Beaten And Cried By A Child!

Naruto's words are an insult to Orochimaru!

Actually let two Anbu ninjas use his strongest hole cards as experience babies.

Who do you take me, Sannin Orochimaru?

Orochimaru was about to get angry when he saw a flash of figures on the field, and there were two more people.

Known as the ninjutsu professor, Mr. Sarutobi who has mastered more than 3,000 kinds of ninjutsu,

And Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, who single-handedly ended the Third Ninja War.

Orochimaru was really about to cry.

It's over, I guess I can't escape now.


If I get caught by Konoha, my research will come to a standstill!

He has a bold idea!

He freed the mind of Second Hokage.

Because I know that Second Generation is the developer of Reanimation Jutsu, I am afraid that there is some way to untie it,

Orochimaru controls Second Hokage all the way to attack Naruto. If it is really dangerous, let a Flying Thunder God from Second Generation take him away.

The next moment, Senju Tobirama returns from Impure World Reincarnation.

He saw his favorite disciple, Sarutobi Hiruzen.

I saw Orochimaru and Jiraiya, who were summoned by Sarutobi Hiruzen's disciples using the technique he developed.

"Hey, Hiruzen, aren't you Hokage anymore?"

Seeing Senju Tobirama regain consciousness, Sarutobi Hiruzen hurriedly replied:

"Yes, the current Konoha Hokage is Jiraiya's disciple, Namikaze Minato. It can be said that he single-handedly ended the Fourth War of the Ninja World."

Orochimaru said angrily:

"Being bullshit, deal with them!

The Second Generation, which has been freed from the shackles of thought, has at least increased its strength several times at this time! "

Under Orochimaru's control, Senju Tobirama just wanted to take the youngest child hostage,

Namikaze Minato suddenly appeared in front of him, and the Rasengan in his hand was about to press on him.

"You actually learned my Flying Thunder God Technique? Have you made other developments?"

Senju Tobirama, who also left with Flying Thunder God, was a bit surprised.

Next, two Hokages using the Flying Thunder God Technique teleported in and out, and neither of them could hit the other.

Naruto looked bored.

The little hand stretched forward.

"Super Psychic Power · Gravitational Field!"

Stronger than Universal Pull, it instantly attracted Senju Tobirama who had just appeared.

But Senju Tobirama reminded instead:


"Water Style·Water Bomb!!!"

Before the words fell, Senju Tobirama fired countless water cannons towards Naruto.

But Naruto's expression didn't change,

Because he had already superimposed a super-psychic power and repulsion field defense layer on the surface of the skin.

Any physical ninjutsu attack will be bounced back.

So next moment!

A terrifying force erupts around Naruto!

All the water cannons were instantly rebounded, disintegrated, and turned into sprays scattered in the air!

Second Generation himself was also hit by the repelling force of the rebound, and crashed to the ground!


Orochimaru broke out in a cold sweat.

So strong!

Senju Tobirama was surprised.

I thought it would be easy to catch a child under the control of Orochimaru.

In the end, he ran into the biggest stubble in the room.

The little boy stood there without moving, and when he attacked, a terrifying power erupted!

This... is simply too scary!

He has never seen this kind of ability!

What made Senju Tobirama even more terrified was that he experienced a sense of oppression in this child that was even more terrifying than his elder brother Senju Hashirama.

Could it be that this three or four-year-old kid is stronger than my elder brother?

Senju Tobirama is in a terrible mood right now!

In the presence of his disciple Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen,

In front of Jiraiya, the disciple of the disciple,

In front of Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, a disciple of a disciple of a disciple,

I was hanged and beaten by a child?

What a shame!

What a shame!

Senju Tobirama can't wait to get into the seam!

"who is he?"

Senju Tobirama pointed to Naruto who was riding a little fox, looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen, and asked.

He still remembered that he was beaten badly just now.

"This is Minato's son, Naruto."


Senju Tobirama was completely stunned!

Who is this kid?

Fourth Hokage's son?

So, from just now until now, I have been beaten by the son of Namikaze Minato, a disciple of Jiraiya, a disciple of my disciple Sarutobi Hiruzen?

Oh My God!

Senju Tobirama was about to cry.

Is there a mistake?

Let me be hanged and beaten by the disciple's disciple's disciple's three-year-old son in front of my disciple, disciple's disciple, and disciple's disciple's disciple?

I'm already dead!

Why do you want me to suffer this kind of grievance that I shouldn't have to bear?



If I had known earlier, I would not have developed the Forbidden Technique of Impure World Reincarnation!

It's all because I killed myself back then, and now I'm so ashamed.

Fortunately, the eldest brother is unconscious now, otherwise he would definitely laugh at me when he saw me being beaten like this by a child.

Fortunately, Senju Tobirama didn't know that Kakashi was Namikaze Minato's disciple, otherwise he would have a bigger shadow in his heart.

Sarutobi Hiruzen paused, pointed to the fox that Naruto was riding, and said, "That's Nine Tails."

As soon as these words came out, not only Senju Tobirama, but even Orochimaru were stunned.

That cute little fox is Nine Tails who is responsible for the natural disaster in the village?

Who are you kidding?

Isn't this deceiving the snake?

Seeing that both Orochimaru and Senju Tobirama looked at it suspiciously, Nine Tails gave them both a cold look,

"That's right, I am Nine Tails! If you don't believe me, I can give you two Tailed Beast Bombs!"

The words are quite ruthless, but with its cute appearance, it really doesn't feel threatening.

But Orochimaru, who had seen Naruto's strength, still shook his head and couldn't help but take a step back.

The precision of this Impure World Reincarnation is too low. Even if the consciousness of the Second Generation is liberated, the strength is still far from what it was in life.

Looks like it's time to run away.

In the first step, Senju Tobirama unleashes the Shadow Clone Technique.

The second step is to release the Shadow Clone Technique by yourself,

In the third step, a dozen Senju Tobirama took a dozen of themselves and drove Flying Thunder God to escape.

[Complete choice 3, reward Summoning Bumblebee! 】

Because the reward for summoning the hornet was obtained by relying on Orochimaru's old iron, as a reward, Naruto did not stop Orochimaru's three-step escape plan and let him go.

Operation Snake Catch failed because Orochimaru Impure World Reincarnation cast Second Hokage and escaped with Flying Thunder God.

Everyone had no choice but to return to Konoha with the sealed First Generation.

Fortunately, this operation is not all fruitless.

I would like to mention one baby with Kage-level experience.

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