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42. Shukaku Vs Kurama! The Academic Controversy In The Tailed Beast World!

Naruto summoned the pet Danzo again, got the colored contact lenses, and gave them to the three pink eye patients in the car.

Kakashi saw that no matter in terms of voice, appearance, insidious temperament, and murderous aura, no matter how you look at it, it is Danzo of Danzo,

Still can't accept that it's just a shape-shifting Summoning beast.

He couldn't help but try it out.

"Master Danzo, the color contact lenses are sold out pretty quickly."

"I went to the commercial street to buy this in person, is it not expensive?"

Danzo said coldly.

As a cold, middle-aged and elderly man, he would not give good looks to anyone except the master.

Kakashi: "..."

You are a Summoning beast, you still buy things?

Is it my illusion?

How did I almost get scared by a Summoning beast?

Shisui, once Danzo's subordinate and now the captain of Anbu's first unit, patted Danzo's head,

"Master Naruto, your Summoning beast is really too similar."

In the past, at the root, he was angry with Danzo a lot, and even the relationship between the two was vaguely hostile.

Now you can take advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of the Danzo-like Summoning beast, and it always feels like you are taking advantage of Danzo.

It's quite interesting.

Pat me on the head?

You don't want to live anymore?

Danzo looked at Uchiha Shisui coldly, didn't speak, just looked at him like that, to see when he could touch it.

Itachi quickly took Shisui's hand off Danzo's head.

With his keen insight, he always feels that this Danzo is not like a Summoning beast, but like a real person.

If this is really Danzo, then...

The consequences are simply unimaginable!

Naruto waved his hand and made Danzo disappear.

Gaara is just around the corner.

"Bumblebee, stop! You guys are in the car, find a good reason to sneak into Sunagakure."

After Gaara saw the four-wheeled puppet stop, a blond kid about his age came out.

And under his feet, there is a cute little fox.

At the moment when the cute little fox appeared, Gaara felt the One Tail Shouhe in his body suddenly went crazy, roaring crazily.

"Kurama, how dare you appear in front of me! Kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

As soon as Naruto got out of the car, he saw Gaara, who was carrying a gourd, was affected by the angry Shukaku and lost his mind.

Nine Tails smiled dismissively.

"Hey, isn't this the weakest tailed beast Shouhe little brother?"

Shouhe looked at the little fox who followed the foot of the three-year-old Naruto like a slave, and laughed and said:

"Are you good enough to be a three-year-old's pet?"

Soon, Nine Tails and One Tail Shouhe, separated by a Gaara, began to yell and argue.

Nine Tails One Tail's grievances and grievances are generally clear after watching Hokage's Naruto.

A long time ago, after Kurama showed the strongest strength of Sweeptail Beast,

In the world of tailed beasts, the Kurama theorem that "the strength of tailed beasts is proportional to the number of tails" was proposed for the first time,

I want a group of defeated generals to fully admit their status as the first brother of the tailed beast.

This made the irascible old Tie Shouhe in Tailed Beast unhappy.

Kurama, what do you mean?

You clearly know that I have the least number of tails, only one. According to your theorem, doesn't that mean that I, Shouhe, are the best among the nine tailed beasts?

The number of tails only represents the amount of Chakra, and has nothing to do with combat power!

Kurama, you say I'm the weakest!

I, Shouhe, refuse to accept, come to fight!

Then it was rubbed against the ground by Nine Tails.

Although Shouhe is slightly weaker, he is a proud and arrogant person.

Even if he was beaten badly by Kurama, he will never be convinced.

Instead, a second theorem was proposed in the world of tailed beasts: "the strength of tailed beasts is proportional to the volume of their tails," the theory of guarding cranes.

You know, although the Shouhe has few tails, one tail is comparable to five or six tails of other tailed beasts.

Rounding up like this, everyone is Ten Tails, and it can also be split 50-50 with Kurama, probably.

In the world of tailed beasts, the Kurama Theorem and the Shuzuru Theorem each have supporters, but neither agrees with the other.

Anyway, everyone is immortal, so I am in a panic.

Even Eight Tails Gyūki came to join in the fun, and followed the two old guys Nine Tails and One Tail,

Proposed the Gyūki theorem that "the strength of the tailed beast is proportional to the volume of the tailed beast",

I want to compete with Kurama for the position of the tailed beast by virtue of the size of the largest tailed beast.

But there is no tail beast bird it.

You eat so much fat, how dare you mention this?

None of the other tailed beasts recognize Gyūki's theorem.

So in the long years, because of the ideological dispute between Kurama Theorem and Shuzuru Theorem,

Nine Tails One Tail These two academic leaders in the tailed beast world have been fighting each other for countless years, and they have the worst relationship with each other.

Then there was a fierce man named Senju Hashirama who was stronger than a tailed beast in the ninja world, and his good friend Uchiha Madara.

Each Tailed Beast was then sealed into Jinchūriki's body, tragically turned into a large Chakra battery.

For a long time, Shukaku wanted to break free from the seal of Jinchūriki, go out for a wave, and fight with Kurama again. He felt that he had a great advantage this time.

But after being suppressed by the Fourth Kazekage Luosha in the desert last time, it felt suffocated.

Therefore, Shuzuru saw his lifelong enemy Kurama appearing in front of him without any sign of being sealed, of course he was very angry.

This anger even affected Gaara's sanity.

"Quick... run away! Otherwise I... I will kill you!"

Gaara struggled, reminding the child in front of him to run away.

Gaara, who has never experienced the death of Yashamaru, is not so bloodthirsty.


Naruto gave Gaara an okay smile.

But the next moment, the sand under his feet wrapped around him, as if to wrap him up and bury him.

Seeing Gaara, who was almost out of control under the influence of Shuzuru and couldn't help attacking him, the smile on Naruto's face gradually disappeared.

Is this a slap in the face?

Shuhe, you are doomed!

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