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49. Temari Grabs Gaara By The Tail, And...

Like Naruto's previous guess, Gaara's One Tail Chakra Mode is also a golden body in its full form.

However, it is not as glittering as the golden body Naruto and the golden body Minato in the original book, but it seems to be beautified and brightened after turning on the beautification and filter.

Originally three-year-old Gaara was very soft and cute,

When the golden body is opened, it directly reveals and strengthens his cuteness,

Plus cat ears, cat tail,

It's so cute it explodes!

These cat ears and cat tails are not the Chakra coat of the previous One Tail mode, but the straight-forward organs of the beast girl after being combined with Shuhe.

But Gaara felt very uncomfortable.

Not to mention the weird behavior of adding the word meow uncontrollably at the end whenever I speak,

Not to mention the shaggy tail that suddenly dangles behind the buttocks,

Just the way Naruto-sensei looked at him with a weird face, and the way he wanted to laugh but couldn't help it, was enough to make him feel ashamed.

This look is too embarrassing!

It must not be seen by anyone other than Naruto-sensei.

The three Kakashi who are peeping in the Hornet supercar, if they know Gaara's idea, they will probably make up for it:

You may not believe it, but the Sharingan of the three of us all have super memory.

Once you see it, it will be instantly stored in your mind and will never be forgotten.

It is even possible to replay the memory for others to see through illusion.

The shark carving picture of the dignified Sunagakure Fourth Hokage's daughter turned into a cat-eared girl must be shared with others.

Kakashi decided at that moment that he must share this memory with Master Jiraiya,

I hope he can get inspiration from it and create such excellent little pornographic works as "My Family Has a Cat-Eared Lady in My House, It's So Cute".

Because of lack of mastery of One Tail Chakra, Gaara can't release this mode of guarding the crane at all, so he wants to ask Mr. Naruto for help to release this mode.

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded behind him.

"Good... so cute girl!"

In an instant, his face was red to the earlobes!

Because he heard it, the voice belonged to his sister Temari.

My sister said I was a cute girl?

This this……


What a shame!

There is a little beast howling in Gaara's heart!


I must not let my sister know my identity!

Otherwise, I will really have no face to see my sister in the future!

Naruto was laughing like crazy in his heart.


It was so much fun!

Who would have thought that the blonde loli Temari, who was stunned by him, would wake up at this time.

He didn't speak, just quietly looked at the siblings in front of him, wondering what interesting things would happen between them next.

This trip to the Land of the Wind is worth it just to see Gaara in her feminine form.


Such subversive development and training of important plot characters in the original work,

This is another cool point no less than Kai Wushuang slapping the original boss!

At this time, Naruto suddenly became interested in collecting ninja problem children for training.

For example, Kimimaro, the cute boy Bai, Xianglin who recovers after being bitten by others, etc.

Instead of letting Orochimaru kill these people and abduct this person, it may not have a good ending,

It's better to let me take the training away.

A total of ashes killed Kimimaro, women's big guy Bai, fairy body Xianglin,

Naruto soon had a development route for these problem children in his mind.

In this way, Naruto watched the movie while thinking about what he wanted to do during the next trip.

"Sister... sister meow?"

Gaara couldn't help shouting when she saw her sister Temari.

But after speaking, he quickly covered his mouth,

First, I couldn't help calling my sister, for fear of being exposed,

Instead, he followed meow without holding back the end of the sentence, so shameful.

Because Gaara's voice at this time is a combination of the high-pitched Shukaku's voice and itself, more like a soft female voice.


The blonde loli Temari was stunned by the strange way of speaking of the cute girl in front of her,

But seeing her blushing and covering her mouth, she hurriedly smiled and comforted,

"It's okay, you can call me sister."

As she spoke, she ran forward and couldn't help touching Gaara's ear,

"Little sister, why did you grow a pair of owl-eared ducks? It's so fluffy and comfortable to the touch.

Hey, you still have a tail? "

As he said that, Temari, full of curiosity, grabbed Gaara's tail again, wanting to try his hand.

"no, do not want!"

As soon as the tail was caught, Gaara didn't know what happened to his body, and suddenly fell limp to the ground, his face turned even redder.

"You...what's the matter with you?"

Temari hastily let go of his hand and helped the girl in front of him.

"As soon as you grabbed my tail, I... I lost my strength all of a sudden?"

Gaara replied in a low voice, while carefully controlling the body that exploded with power, for fear of accidentally killing her sister.

Get caught by the tail and lose strength?

Naruto looked, with a weird look on his face,

It's just a change of body, as for being so lustful?

Moreover, isn't this the weakness of Gaara's strongest guarding crane mode?

It seems that in the future Gaara will have to practice more about being touched by someone's tail, so as to eliminate this weakness!

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Because the outline has not been written yet, the update is very slow. Tomorrow, I plan to organize the outline and the subsequent plot in order to speed up the update.

The following plot is very exciting, I hope to write the feeling I want. Ask for support! 】

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