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65. Shocked! Sunagakure, One Of The Top Five Ninja Villages In The Ninja World, Has Been Taken Over

"You like a girl. I also heard from my uncle. Tell me, what kind of person is she like?"

The girl my brother likes should be cute, right?

Kankuro pointed to a little girl with cat ears and tails on the side of the road, and said so.

Temari thought that his younger brother meant that the people he likes also like to wear this kind of decoration, and couldn't help thinking of Ai Luozi who had this first, and snorted secretly.

Temari asked Kankuro again, who was the boy who robbed the girl he liked.

Kankuro said shyly, "I don't know who he is, I only know what he looked like when he was about three or four years old.

"You... you got spanked by a three or four year old kid?"

Temari was taken aback, thinking he had heard wrong.

Kankuro blushed and nodded, "Although he's only three or four years old, he's super powerful!"

"What a disgrace!" Temari couldn't help scolding when he saw his younger brother's futile look boasting about his opponent's super strength.

She also knows the strength of his younger brother Kankuro. Although he is only five years old, he has mastered several D-level ninjutsu.

In a real fight, many teenagers would not be able to beat him.

Now I was actually beaten by a three or four year old child and called my sister,

It really humiliated her, and even their father, Fengying.

A child of three or four years old, no matter how powerful, how powerful can he be?

Temari doesn't know, let alone three or four-year-old children, even if it is a newborn baby, as long as the hook is strong enough, even the whole ninja world can hang it for you!

Temari felt a little embarrassed at the thought of bullying a three or four-year-old child.

Because in the past, the ones he bullied were all older children who were at least eight or nine years old or even teenagers.

But in order to vent his anger on his brother, and also to vent his anger, Temari decided to beat the kid up.

"Okay, I'll beat him for you! Make sure to beat him to tears!"

Seeing his sister's nonchalant look, Kankuro reminded again:

"Sister, don't be careless! My rival in love, although young, is extremely powerful.

It's really not that I deliberately blow him up to cover up my failure. He is really strong, not to mention the brick that was thrown six times with one hand, and his fist is also very painful. "

"Super powerful?"

Temari seemed to have heard a super ridiculous joke, and laughed,

"I can blow his dog's head off with one punch!

No matter how bad it is, I can do ninjutsu, and I can use Wind Style to fly that kid into the sky and scare him to death.

Okay, stop talking nonsense and lead the way!"

Kankuro had no choice but to take his sister to his uncle's house.

The siblings noticed that there were a lot of cat-ear girl-type shops on the street, and many female shop assistants were wearing cat ears and cat tails to entertain customers, so they couldn't help but look at each other.

The two of them had been busy picking up girls and flirting with men before, but they really didn't notice that the village had changed so much.

Because of the strong support of the village leader Fourth Kazekage, the development of Sunagakure cat ear girl culture can be described as changing with each passing day, with new changes every day.

Temari found a new store for cat ears girls, and there is also a cat ear headdress that looks super cute. It is a brand new version that has not been used before. Maybe Naruto will like it, so go in and have a look.

Kankuro didn't go in, he thought he was cute enough now and didn't need to buy a new headgear.


Kankuro looked somewhere ahead, and suddenly froze.

"Isn't that my Ai Luozi?"

Gaara decided to come out to relax because his uncle participated in the creation of a flirty love letter from his brother Kankuro.

I have been staying at my uncle's house before, because I don't want others to see my cat-eared lolita form,

But he knows that this kind of dress is everywhere in the village now, and, after staying in this form for a long time, he is somewhat used to it.

Naruto is also planning to visit Sunagakure,

Because the pet and Summoning beast Nine Tails was bound to Kakashi, he had already told Kakashi and the Konoha color contact trio through Nine Tails to find a way to sneak into Sunagakure,

If you can't get in, eat the sand by yourself outside, and when you have enough fun, you will leave to find them.

After walking around with Gaara, Naruto was surprised to find that Sunagakure seems to be occupied by cat ear girls.

What exactly is going on?

Who did it?

Why are there girls wearing cat ears and cat tails everywhere in Sunagakure, one of the five great ninja villages in the dignified ninja world?

And... Huh, little brother?

I fuck!

What kind of thing is that thing dressed like a strange species over there?

Naruto rubbed his eyes, he was so hot, look again,

Why do I think that the odd line over there looks a bit like that bastard Kankuro?

Naruto couldn't help poking Gaara,

"Ai Luozi, your second brother, no, your second sister seems to be over there."

"My second sister?"

Gaara was confused by what Naruto-sensei said.

I only have an elder sister and a second brother, not a second sister.

Then he looked in the direction of Mr. Naruto's finger, and saw a Sha Matt who looked like his brother, wearing cat ears and cat tail, with a strange shape, and ran towards him with a face full of surprise.

"You...don't come here!"

Gaara backed away again and again.

Even if he has mastered the power of One Tail to a certain extent and already has Kage-level strength, Gaara is still a three-year-old child after all, and of course he will be afraid when he sees a thing with hot eyes rushing towards him.

If it weren't for the fact that Mr. Naruto was by his side, he would have been so frightened that he would have instinctively rubbed out the Tailed Beast Bomb.

"Let's go!"

313 Naruto kicked Kankuro, a cat-eared and cat-tailed cat that looks like a strange species, into the air.

Only then did Kankuro notice that the Big Brick Demon King was also there, so he got up in fright and ran into the shop.

"You wait for me! You are finished! My sister is in the store! I will call her out right away! She promised to avenge me! She said she would beat you to tears!"

Naruto couldn't help laughing.

"Your sister said she wanted to make me cry?

Okay, call her out and see who will beat whom to tears?"

stupid kid!

Kankuro ran into the shop, dragged his sister out, and exclaimed, "Sister, my rival is here!

Look, that's the man who robbed the woman I'm looking for! Hurry up and beat him! Hey, where is he?"

As soon as he turned around, he found that his sister who was by his side just now was gone.

Looking again, I found that my sister had already run to the blond kid.

This made him so happy!

I didn't expect my sister to be so active. Before I finished speaking, she rushed up to beat someone!

"Yes, sister, that's the one, hit him!

Hit him with the fists you can blow my dog's head off! Hit..."

Shouting 666 is so exciting, Kankuro is suddenly dumbfounded!

Who is that?

The little girl with a shy and well-behaved face in front of the blond kid,

That's my sister, who is invincible in Sand Shinobi ninja school, and can beat my dog's head with one punch?

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