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67. Among The Many Candidates For Female Reincarnation, Orochimaru Chose The One With Big Breasts!

Before reincarnation, ask Orochimaru to choose one of many female reincarnation candidates,

Among them are the holders of [Swift Style], which can move quickly, far faster than the general Body Flicker Technique.

A woman from the ghost lamp clan who has the talent of mastering the hydration technique can liquefy the flesh at will, making physical attacks ineffective.

As the reincarnation material carefully selected by Sannin Orochimaru, every woman has at least one special ability and talent,

Uncle Snake looked at the photos and information, and thought about it for a long time. Who should he choose to reincarnate?

In the end, he chose the one with the biggest breasts.

It's not that he lost his mind and was deceived by flesh and blood,

Rather, he considered that, after all, this was the first time in his life~ to be a woman,

He, Orochimaru, is not weaker than anyone in his life!

From the past to the present, no matter what you do, try to do your best!

Therefore, even if you are a woman, you have to be the most beautiful one, at least not worse than your old classmate Tsunade.

But look at the other candidates, they look messy, they look like strange species, what are they?

So... you get the idea!

Yakushi Kabuto: "

Orochimaru-sama, is this the reason why you chose to reincarnate with a beautiful woman with long breasts and thighs?

Didn't expect you to be like this Orochimaru!

I was a little disappointed.

So Dou looked at the newborn Orochi, with some strange expressions.

Not only is it a pity that Orochimaru actually chose a woman who only has a beautiful skin but is not as talented as other candidates as the reincarnation object,

It is also because the woman Orochimaru chose to reincarnate is the only opposite sex he has a crush on in so many single dog research careers.

He was trained by that old cunt of Danzo as a killer and spy who has traveled around the world since he was a child. Chakra Scalpel wiped out countless women with his own hands

But under the arrangement of Danzo's dog, after killing Dean Nonoyu by mistake, his life lost its meaning and his world lost its color.

And she, Orochimaru's choice of reincarnation, Miss Himeko, is the only color in her faceless world.

Chatting with her is his only solace after studying work alone.

Although he knew it was impossible, but once or twice, he thought that maybe one day in the future,

When Orochimaru doesn't need him, when he kills his enemy Danzo,

I can marry her in seclusion and live a happy life without shame or impatience.

Thinking about it later, such an idea is ridiculous.

After all, I have no place to live in the ninja world, and I am destined to avenge Danzo in the future. Miss Himeko is destined not to be happy with me,

Not to mention that Miss Ji Zi's spirit is dead now, and the new one is Miss Orochi Ji, uh, Yinze.

However, although he has always restrained himself and set himself up as a single person,

Not to mention becoming a couple or even husband and wife with Miss Jizi who also has a crush on him,

I never even had contact with her body once before,

The first time I encountered her body was during the body replacement operation for Lord Orochimaru not long ago.

This makes Dou feel very complicated,

Ridiculous, sad, regretful, sad, self-deprecating, angry, helpless...

Alas, Himeko, if I had known that you would lose your self in the future and turn into the body of Lord Orochimaru,

Then I might as well do what you want earlier and give you to that.

At least, let you know the smell of a man, die again!

And now, even if I do that to you, Orochimaru's new body, your consciousness should be gone,

You won't be able to feel anything anymore!

Alas, this Cao Dan's world!

Due to various reasons, the eyes that Kou looked at Orochimaru were very strange and complicated.

Even if Uncle Snake, the chief scientist of the ninja world, really turns into a beautiful Orochihime, the assistant Dou will not take the opportunity to do some indescribable things with her,

First of all, there is a middle-aged man living in this overly beautiful woman's body, and he can't speak. If it was the original owner, maybe he, who has experienced loss now, would still

Secondly, Orochimaru was vigilant against this assistant all the time, not giving him the slightest chance to succeed.

Because Orochimaru found that from the moment he confirmed the candidate for reincarnation to the whole process of reincarnation, this guy secretly looked at himself with strange eyes,

What's happening here?

Because he has been obsessed with all kinds of Forbidden Technique research and cannot extricate himself, Orochimaru has no idea that his assistant and the original owner of his new body have an inexplicable ambiguous relationship.

However, this did not prevent him from opening his mind and making various guesses.

Could it be that this guy actually fell in love when I didn't know it?

And the object is also the original owner of my new body?

No, Dou is a spy without feelings, he can't fall in love with anyone at all,

0...asking for flowers...

He and the original owner of my body cannot be lovers!

Could the truth of the matter be more terrifying?

Dou and her, my new body, are friends?

It's really possible,

After all, Dou is now in puberty, still a teenager,

Even though I have always been a killer without emotions,

But I couldn't bear to see the beautiful big sister in the base, and my body couldn't help being in need.

So he relied on my status as the chief assistant of Orochimaru, the second in command of the base, to coerce people to help him solve his needs?

Thinking that he might have been taken by his subordinates long ago,

Even if you don't care much about men and women, and are so indifferent that you never have such a need,

Orochimaru even decided to abandon his identity as a man, resolutely opened the door to the New World, and turned into a woman,


I was also terrified by the thought of myself.

No... can't you?

Dou and [me] (reincarnated object) are friends with sex, and my [Orochimaru] consciousness is just a third party intervening?


Orochi Ji felt her new body carefully.

That layer is still there.

So, I am still a virgin, and I have not done anything to myself.

Big Snake Ji immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

But it freaked me out.

But I can't consider the possibility that Dou likes the original owner of my body,

So Orochimaru smiled slightly, and asked tentatively, "Dou, are you familiar with the original owner of my body?"

Yakushi Kabuto, who was holding something with his back turned to Orochimaru, suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Master Orochimaru, what do you mean?

why ask me this

Do you know that I once thought about marrying her and having children, living a life without shame or impatience?

But that's just thinking about it!

Since you live in her body now, I have long since discarded that idea!

Lord Orochimaru, you have to believe me, I really have no idea about you!

He pretended to be casual and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and didn't dare to turn his head, so he turned his back to Orochimaru, shook his head and said:

"No, we didn't say a few words."

Orochimaru's pupils shrunk.

This... this is the smell of lies!

[Let’s start updating! Questions: In this chapter, who is greening who? In the future, is Orochimaru’s or Jiraiya’s? Who do you support? Please leave your opinion in the comment area. (manually funny) 3].

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