Until Toma took out a folding fan.

“Can you two give my young lady some face?”

“You don’t want your names to appear in the official document that the lady submits to the general, right?”

Thomas said with a smile.

When Singer saw the fan, his expression suddenly changed, “Princess Egret?”

“My wife’s fan!”

“Damn Toma! Why can you just carry the god’s fan with you!”

“On the importance of hugging your thighs.”

After seeing the fan, Singer’s thoughts changed.

“No need to bother your lady, let this matter end here.”

After saying that, the leader of the Katsu family turned and left.

“Thank you both very much. How about I invite you two to have a meal together another day?” Toma said towards the backs of the two of them.

It wasn’t until the two of them walked away that the president of the Chamber of Commerce finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thank you, Mr. Thomas, but…it’s all us who caused you to have a conflict with the people who follow the rule…”

Thomas didn’t pay much attention and hinted the traveler to continue the conversation in another place.

When the traveler went to find Thomas, he heard Harrison complaining.

In a remote corner.

After settling the matter with the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Thomas chatted with the traveler, “Okay, let’s get to the frank meeting. What do you want to ask?”

“Tell me where my wife is!” Dai Xiaomei clicked on the option of asking Princess Egret without hesitation.

Toma laughed, “Is that really what you want to ask?”

“Then let me reintroduce you. I belong to the Kamisato family of the Narukami Island Society, and I am a close servant of Princess Shiroro.”

Paimon said angrily: “Really, you’ve been hiding it from us!”

“You are indeed Ayaka Kamisato’s dog!”

“Stop talking nonsense and take me to see my wife quickly!”

Toma: “The dignified and kind-hearted Miss Kamisato has always been loved by the people of Inazuma. Her fame even surpasses that of her brother, the current head of the Kamisato family, Kamisato Ayato!”

“Even retainers like me are treated as equals by Miss Kamisato!”

Traveler: “So what is the identity of the local snake on the outlying island?”

Toma: “It took me a whole month to get to know everyone on the island, and I also made friends with Big Sister Beidou before I took the position of the local leader.”

Thomas smiled and said: “This is all to receive you!”

“The whole? The whole island?? What kind of social genius?”

“Can this kind of thing be done in a month?”

“Oh my gosh, I want to be such a social butterfly.”

Water friends were shocked by Toma’s strong social skills.

Thomas then began to explain why he wanted to receive travelers.

“Although there is a national lockdown order, your various deeds in Mondstadt and Liyue have also spread to the ears of many Dao wives.”

“Miss Kamisato has been looking forward to your arrival since she heard that you were coming to Inazuma.”

“Judging from how you have solved the problem before, it is indeed very unusual for you to seize the opportunity to solve the problem as soon as possible.”

“With your help, the Eye Hunting Order might…”

Traveler: “I refuse.”

“Huh?” Thomas obviously didn’t expect the traveler to refuse so decisively.

“Although Toma’s words are ridiculous, I still refuse first.”

“It looks like muddy water at first glance. If you want me, I will definitely refuse it.”

“Yingmei, she’s tired and doesn’t want to fight anymore.”

Thomas also seemed a little disappointed with the traveler’s response.

“This invitation letter is for you. If you come to Narukami Island, you can come to see me at the Mulaku Tea Room.”

“Goodbye and wish you all the best.”

After saying that, Thomas turned and left.

At this time, the traveler suddenly remembered that foreigners could not leave the island.

When the traveler arrived at Dejima, he was stopped.

Now let alone going to Narukami Island to find Toma, it seems to be difficult for her to even leave the island.

“Oh, is there such a thing?”

The stupid girl frowned.

After that, she tried several times to sneak out, but most of them failed.

Although he succeeded once in the end, there was no way to continue the plot after going out. In the end, he had to come back and continue the mission honestly.

The traveler and Paimon found the designated residence.

As a celebrity who could defeat the Wind Demon Dragon and suppress the Whirlpool Demon God, he invited them into the mansion and sincerely asked the traveler to do a small thing for him.

Traveler: “I’m good at this.”

Travelers are very skilled at helping with this kind of thing.

Kanding Fengxing smiled and said: “Then pick three hundred fresh Qingxin plants for me.”

Paimon rubbed his head in fear: ”

Did I hear something wrong? ”

“??? You want me to go back to Liyue to collect your heart, right? You’re already getting angry!”

“After the two million molas, there are three hundred pure hearts, right? This determination and implementation are really the same strain!”

“I really think of me as a wage earner.”

“Fortunately, I have more than 100 pure hearts left in my backpack. I can save enough if I work harder.”

Kan Ding Fengxing: “Huh? Is it a bit troublesome? Why not help deliver letters on the island?”

“There are only seven hundred and nine letters in total.”

“Ah ha?” The little girl raised her eyebrows.

“Are you just entertaining Sajia!”

“I just slapped him in the face.”

“If it weren’t for the plot, I would have put the knife on his neck!”

“A letter of ten rough stones is not non-negotiable.”

Seeing the happy look on Kan Ding’s face, the water friends were already starting to get angry.

The decision was made: “There are not enough manpower on the island, so I can only trouble you, hahaha.”

At this time, the traveler noticed a girl hiding behind the wall, so he agreed first.

After finishing the conversation with Kanding Fengsheng, Dai Xiaomei quickly opened the warehouse and took a look. She breathed a sigh of relief after finding that her innocence was not reduced.

After the traveler left the mission, someone sent a letter.

The writer invited the travelers to meet in the evening.

At night, the traveler arrived at the agreed place and met a girl named Chisato Hiiragi, who was the eldest lady of the abbot family.

Qianli Hiiragi: “I am afraid that if I miss this opportunity to meet secretly this time, I will never be able to tell you… about…”

“What? Did you fall in love with me at first sight?” Dai Xiaomei became excited.

Paimon was also startled, “Say, what are you talking about?”

Chisato Hiiragi: “Tell me, I want you to help deliver the letter.”

Hearing Qianli Hiiragi’s words, Yingmei instantly put on a mask of pain.

Her father only talked about sending the more than 700 letters in the afternoon, but in the evening his daughter secretly asked her out, and she was still talking about sending the letters.

“I’m going back.”

Yingmei immediately turned into a kitten, turned around and left.

Before leaving, Paimon couldn’t help but scolded: “You and your father are indeed father and daughter, can’t you do something else?”

“More than seven hundred letters, are you kidding me?”

“Yingmei’s expression is so cute!”

“I had some expectations, but in the end I was asked to run errands again.”

“Points from Paimon.”

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