“Alas.” After reading the above words, Paimon sighed, “If we can’t untie it, wouldn’t we become little thieves with little ability?”

“Woc, it felt really weird when I was doing this task. All kinds of inexplicable things happened so inexplicably.”

“With this background music, the thriller feels straight forward.”

“I wasn’t scared when I was doing the mission, but now I’m starting to get scared after seeing your barrage. It’s really scary.”

After Shadow Moon finished reading, he continued the conversation with the remaining two “Shikigami”.

Shadow Moon: “Be careful here. There is a shikigami that will run to the roof. If you can’t find it after circling around, just climb up to the roof and have a look. There is a high probability that it will be here.”

After saying that, Shadow Moon had a conversation with the shadow on the roof. Soon, he completed the conversation between the three shikigami and gathered them all at the little fox in the middle.

After the three shikigami gathered together, they disappeared one after another. At the same time, three exquisite treasure boxes appeared next to the little fox statue.

“Good guy, three souls turned into three urns.”

“These three little boxes are their final home.”

“Don’t forget to click on the box. The box will disappear after the conversation. Don’t ask me how I know. I’ll shed tears if I tell you too much!”

After opening the three boxes one by one and picking up the rewards, Shadow Moon walked to the middle of the three little foxes. There was a golden object that looked like a book.

Sora picked up the book called “Synopsis of Shenying Dazu”, opened it and started reading.

“The Mingshen who sinned in the first place, and the sea who sinned in the kingdom…”

“What is this? I can’t understand it at all.” Pamon said angrily, “We’d better ask a professional to take a look.”

“Speaking of magical things, of course it’s Narukami Taisha Shrine.”

Narukami Taisha Shrine.

Sora found the shrine maiden Hotumi Inakiro in front of the shrine and told her about the abandoned shrine.

“I see.” Hotaru Inagi said: “The ‘Sacred Cherry Blossom Festival’ is a very important ritual, but now the specific method of doing it has been lost. The ‘summary’ in your hand is very important.”

Paimon: “Can you tell us how to crack it?”

Hotaru Inagi: “Sorry, the “Word Spirit Spell” that seals the artifact is a spell drawn up by the caster himself, also known as the Word Spirit.”

“So…” Paimon scratched his head, “The spell was just a random thought by the caster?”

“Not really.” Daocheng Hotumi shook her head, “Word spirits generally follow certain rules. The first sentence is about its reputation in Inazuma, and the second sentence is to explain the source of its power, such as “ramen” and “dango” ’, ‘light novels’ and the like.”

“As for the third sentence, it can be freely used by the caster.”

Looking at this, the water friends all thought of something.

“Honorable name? Hahaha, I suddenly thought of that, ‘The King of Yellow and Black who controls good luck, he does not belong to this era…'”

“Three degrees of honorable name, right?”

“Light novel? Could it be Yae Kamiko? Otherwise, why would she open a special bookstore?”

In the game, both Sora and Paimon were a little disappointed after hearing what Hotumi Daocheng said about the spirit. They didn’t get any useful information.

But at this moment, Daocheng Hotami took out a small gadget called a “memory mirror” and handed it to him.

Daocheng Hotumi: “You two must have heard of a gadget called a ‘photograph’ from Fontaine. In the long past, ‘Lord Foxsai Palace’ received an order to appoint the head of the family, Hiroshi, from Fengdan. A gift like this from Dan captures thoughts and memories.”

“Later on, this thing gradually lost its original function, but the gadget blessed by Master Hu Zhai Palace can see things that do not exist in special places. We called it a commemorative mirror.”

“Such an important thing…” Sora was a little embarrassed to accept it.

“You are the one who is destined, and leaving it to you is the most appropriate result.” Daocheng Yingmei said slowly: “After Master Fox Saiguya disappeared, the statue of her dependent “Dihu” on Narukami Island has been waiting for her. When you return and observe them with a commemorative mirror, you will be able to see things that were previously invisible.”

Paimon nodded, “Then leave it to us.”

Daocheng Yingmei said seriously: “Thunder God bless you, I wish you both success.”

“Memory mirror? I want to know what will happen if it shines on Goro.”

“Originally I didn’t want to do this underworld mission, but this commemorative mirror feels so interesting, so I had to do it now.”

“A demon mirror, right? Or is it that the production team has played with the Zero series?”

After Shadow Moon gets the “Memorial Mirror”, the next task will be

Then just go and experiment.

In the abandoned shrine, he looked at the little fox with a commemorative mirror. After a mysterious fluctuation, two figures, a man and a woman, slowly appeared next to them. The woman among them felt very familiar to the water friends.

After previous conversations with Inagi Hotami, the water friends all guessed that this was an image from the shrine’s past history.

The mysterious man: “As usual, I set the second sentence to ‘Bai Chen’s bloodline’, after all…”

Mysterious woman: “Are you… the person you are so close to on the surface?”

“Long time no see, you’re still so heartless… No, you are?” The mysterious man was about to continue, but suddenly noticed something.

“I am ‘Hua Sanli’.” The mysterious woman continued: “I remembered the matter of ‘Shen Ying’, and the matter of you and Raiden.”

“Hua Sanli?” Paimon read this familiar name with some confusion, “No matter what, I’ve got the second sentence anyway.”

Shadow Moon continued to use the souvenir mirror to look at the little fox statues along the way. After seeing a few other lines of dialogue, she got a new useful word spirit, which was the first of three words.

“The last little fox statue is not on the road. It is on a slightly remote grassland. Don’t go wrong.” Shadow Moon reminded the audience while looking at the little fox statue with a souvenir mirror.

“The third one is actually here! I’ve been looking for it for a long time and haven’t found it yet!”

“This is too hellish.”

“Next time, whoever dares to fill in the very simple form, I will fill in the reward too much, let’s hurt each other.”

At this time, the mysterious male figure appeared next to the little fox that was swept by the camera in the game.

“That guy is really disappointing. Humph! If I want to take on a disciple, I must find a beautiful big sister with a cheerful personality! Yeah, yeah, that’s it for sure!”

“By the way, for the third sentence, um… let’s use this one. “You tofu, come quickly!” Since this is her territory, it is the territory of Bai Chen’s lineage, so just use this one. “

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