“Please let me use an inappropriate metaphor to help you understand the meaning of this ‘Hersers’. You can compare the ‘Hersers’ to the seven gods of Teyvat.”

“Every Herrscher possesses a special and powerful ability.”

“For example, the Fourth Herrscher – ‘Herrscher of Wind’, who can create ideal fluids, and the Seventh Herrscher – ‘Herrscher of Fire’, who can manipulate the movement of molecules.”

“There is also the third Herrscher who controls the electromagnetic field and has both wisdom and beauty – the ‘Herrscher of Thunder’!”

“Speaking of the ‘Herrscher’, I would like to add something here.” Ju Huahua paused, and then continued: “The Herrscher will only be born when a super-large collapse occurs.”

“When the Honkai Impact breaks out, ordinary people will become ‘Dead Soldiers’, well, they can be understood as miscellaneous monsters, and only the chosen ones of destiny will become ‘Herrschers’!”

“There are fourteen Herrschers in total, and the power of the fourteenth Herrscher is far beyond that of the other Herrschers. In front of this ‘last Herrscher’, the fate of mankind is only destruction.”

Speaking of this, Ju Huahua lowered her voice and deliberately created a terrifying atmosphere.

“Huh? The destruction of mankind? How terrible!”

“I never thought my wives would live in such a terrible world.”

“Why do you smell the knife? The warm daily life in front of you is not just a trick to confuse us, and then kills us unexpectedly, right?”

“You are really smart, but with the style of a big liar, this is not impossible.”

Ju Huahua said quickly: “Keep going! After talking about the next setting, our small class for this period is about to end. In the next period tomorrow, we will start to explain the main plot!”

“Well… the last setting is something called the ‘Key of God’.”

“The Herrschers produced by Honkai Impact will all have a Herrscher core. This core is different from the Heart of God in Genshin Impact, and is the source of the Herrscher’s power.”

“And the ‘Key of God’ is something created by humans using the core of the Herrscher.”

“Learn skills from the barbarians to defeat the barbarians. Alas, if you can’t defeat them, I will join! Hehehehe…”

“Ahem…! Let me give you a brief introduction to this God’s Key.”

“For example, the ‘Key to the First God – Void Manzo’ possesses all the knowledge of the entire civilization, the ‘Key to the Seventh God – Heavenly Fire Saint (Zi) Judgment (can)’ which possesses the strongest destructive power, and the one that can seal collapse The Bad Beast’s “Eleventh God’s Key – Judah’s Oath”…”

Listening to Ju Huahua’s endless talk, the water friends became interested one after another.

“In other words, these God’s Keys are all made of those Herrschers, right?”

“I just want to know what was done to the Third Herrscher.”

“Teacher Ju, I am your dog! So can you turn into the God Key and let me use it?”

“Bah!” Seeing the barrage getting more and more outrageous, Ju Huahua not only wasn’t angry, but actually looked excited.

Just when she was about to reveal her true nature, she suddenly noticed a faintly threatening gaze, staring in her direction.

Thinking of a scary guy sitting next to her, Juhuahua’s expression froze, “Don’t… don’t interrupt! Continue with class!”

“Oh wait, today’s talk has been finished. It’s okay then, hehehe… let’s start talking about some pleasant things~”

Lin Yuan in the Mihuhu headquarters saw this and turned off the live broadcast.

Overall, this first plot setting explanation held by Xia Xian was pretty good. Although in order to take care of new audiences who have never played Honkai Impact, only some of the more important settings are explained, but it can basically allow the audience to understand what kind of story this is.

Waiting for the next live broadcast to explain the early plot of Honkai Impact 3, it will be time for the official update of the plot of Chapter 9. By then, those players who have just reviewed the plot, as well as players who have gone through the plot in the Storyteller live broadcast, will be depressed.

By then, players who have just relived a wonderful plot will be even more heartbroken when being stabbed and will never forget it.

Lin Yuan couldn’t help laughing when he thought of the scene at that time.

However, there is this plot to enrich the recent grass-growing time of Genshin Impact players. At least for a considerable period of time, it is enough to satisfy the emptiness in the hearts of players during the grass-growing period.

And it won’t be long before Genshin Impact 2.4 is updated and everything will be filled with tooth-dropping candies, which will be just enough to heal the players’ hurt hearts.

“If you keep cutting, it will really be difficult to develop sustainably. Only by cutting one knife after another can you achieve a steady flow of water…”

Lin Yuan was grinning and suddenly noticed the clock on the wall.

When the time was displayed, I couldn’t help but frown.

“No, I won’t be able to catch up!”

Lin Yuan quickly packed up and rushed downstairs towards Mi Huyou.

A few days ago, after Xia Xian told her about Wang Xiaomei’s recent situation, he forced Wang Xiaomei to take a few days of paid leave, regardless of Wang Xiaomei’s objection.

The first two days were fine, but on the third day, Wang Xiaomei, who had been at home with nothing to do, called and asked her to go to work as soon as possible.

Lin Yuan, who received Wang Xiaomei’s call at that time, was deeply moved. Employees like Wang Xiaomei are simply the dream of all bosses.

However, considering Wang Xiaomei’s health, Lin Yuan naturally did not agree.

Although the animation department was on the verge of shutting down without Wang Xiaomei, Lin Yuan still did not agree.

And in order to reassure her, he made an appointment specifically today and said that he would give her a special and very important task.

After hearing that she had plans, Wang Xiaomei felt much more at ease.

Just a few days later, Lin Yuan himself forgot about this matter. Now that I’ve noticed the time, I just think about it, and I can’t catch up.

When Lin Yuan came downstairs, Wang Xiaomei was already waiting here.

“Lin, Mr. Lin…” Seeing Lin Yuan running down in a hurry with beads of sweat on his forehead, Wang Xiaomei was a little overwhelmed, but she still took out a tissue and handed it over out of habit.

“Sorry, I’m late.” Lin Yuan chuckled, a little embarrassed.

“It’s okay…” Wang Xiaomei shook her head, “By the way, Mr. Lin, what is the special task that is going to be assigned to me? Can you tell me first so that I can make some preparations in advance?”

“That mission?” Lin Yuan looked at Wang Xiaomei with a smile, “The mission content is to go shopping with me.”

“Ah?” Wang Xiaomei was stunned. She didn’t expect that the special task Lin Yuan was going to give her was actually this.

Moreover, she had no experience at all in going shopping with others, so it was really too difficult for her.

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