After watching Yidou’s pv, Dai Xiaomei was almost laughing like crazy, “He’s so funny! He was so angry that he was smoking…”

Dai Xiaomei took a few deep breaths to adjust her mood, then logged into the game and entered the card drawing interface, and quickly drew out a bucket.

After wandering around the world with a bucket for a while, the little girl was smiling from ear to ear.

The strength of the voice actors is definitely at a level that can be blown away, and they perfectly interpret the image of a sunny and confident big boy with a bit of naive and arrogant air.

Although he behaves unruly and often does not follow common sense, his essence is not bad at all.

After simply getting along with him for a while, players will without exception find this guy very interesting and fall in love with this carefree guy.

“If I meet such a hot-blooded idiot, I will definitely become a brother with him!”

The little girl said in a positive tone.

“Like a big kid who only has a body but no brain, hahahaha!”

“Is there anyone who doesn’t like Yidou?! Not at all! Isn’t this what the ideal brother looks like! He has no ill intentions, he sincerely treats you as a friend, and he is optimistic.”

“I really need a good brother like Yi Dou for my adventure! I really have to do it now!”

Watching the barrage in the live broadcast room, Dai Xiaomei nodded in agreement, and the smile on her face never stopped.

After half an hour, she remembered that she had forgotten to do something important.

“That’s right! I almost forgot to do the new event plot!” Dai Xiaomei patted her head and quickly opened the event interface.

Sure enough, the new event mission “Ai Chen and Snow Shadow” is now available.

Dai Xiaomei started the mission “Ai Chen and Xue Ying, Act 1, Ice and Snow Past”.

After accepting the mission, Paimon said: “Speaking of which, let’s go see Timaeus. I have something I want to ask him for a favor… Well, it would be better if Albedo and Sugar are here too. Yes, but they are both very busy and may not show up.”

While Paimon was talking, the little girl had teleported to Mondstadt and arrived at Timaeus.

Still far away, Ying and Paimon saw Timaeus with Sugar and Albedo, but Albedo happened to leave at this moment.

Paimon greeted Albedo, but Albedo didn’t respond and looked cold, which made Paimon confused.

“The world famous painting, Albedo is finally no longer in the snowy mountains!”

“What’s wrong with Albedo? He’s so cold and doesn’t even pay attention to Paimon and Ying!”

“Albedo’s expression has always been so cold, right? It would be better to describe it as calm.”

At this time, Dai Xiaomei had arrived at Timaeus and Sugar, and the two sides greeted each other.

Timaeus told Paimon that he, Sugar and Albedo would meet here regularly to discuss recent research topics.

“I see.” Paimon nodded, “By the way, did Albedo’s expression just now mean he encountered something unhappy?”

“Unhappy?” Sugar lowered her head and thought for a moment, then looked at Timaeus, “Uh, could it be…”

Timaeus scratched his head in confusion.

Granu talked about his speculation seriously, “Is it because the topic Timaeus recently studied was too boring, so it angered Mr. Abedo?”

“No, it won’t, right?” Timaeus blushed.

At this time, Paimon talked about asking Timaeus for help. Timaeus nodded quickly and agreed, “Of course, what do you need help with?”

Paimon said seriously: “I picked up some very sweet sunset fruits from the mountain before, but these fruits are gone after eating them. It’s such a pity!”

“Can you help me make something that can turn fruit into juice so I can keep it forever!”

Ying held her head helplessly, but she didn’t expect that Paimon wanted to find Timaeus just because of this kind of thing.

Timaeus was a little embarrassed, “I’m afraid this is a bit…”

“Uh…” Dai Xiaomei suggested: “I think this kind of thing is because I went to Liyue to find the true gentleman who loves inventions.”

Seeing Timaeus’s expression, Paimon looked at Sugar again and asked this question.

Sugar also shook his head, “Sorry, I’m not good at this field. My research direction is bio-alchemy, so if you insist on trying it, you may make your precious fruit grow hands and feet.”

“Even Mr. Abedo can’t necessarily make that incredible device, right? In fact, alchemy is not a mechanical technology.”

Seeing Sugar’s answer, the water friends burst into laughter.

“You are really outrageous.”


Industry boss! ”

“Finding a chemist to make a juicer, Paimon is really smart.”

Hearing Sugar’s answer, Paimon felt very sorry, “I thought alchemy was omnipotent!”

“Sorry, alchemy is only one of the mysteries of the world, not a magical spell that makes matter permanent.” Sugar’s face turned slightly red, “But if you two really want this magical device, you can try it. Please ask Mr. Abedo.”

Having said this, the traveler and Paimon decided to find Albedo and ask his opinion. Later, Ying and Paimon asked about Albedo’s location.

Sugar said with certainty: “Mr. Abedo seems to have a special liking for snow-capped mountains, so if there is no special instructions, he will usually stay in the snow-capped mountains.”

After learning the location of Albedo, Ying and Paimon set out for the snow mountain, preparing to ask Albedo for advice.

Before heading to the snow mountain, Dai Xiaomei saw that Sugar and Timaeus were still chatting, so she went over to join in the fun.

Timaeus sighed, “Mr. Albedo, don’t you like my ‘little ice crystal’ alchemy device? I think it’s very good, and I’m ready to make the next improvement…”

Sugar comforted: “Actually… this thing is not completely useless, but its usefulness has yet to be discovered.”

“This, that’s it…” Timaeus breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Sugar’s comfort, “But then again, I haven’t thought about where this thing should be used.”

“Small refrigerator?”

“No matter how you think about it, this thing is very useful, right? If Timaeus seizes the opportunity, he might be able to make a fortune from this!”

“The daily self-doubt of a research monk hahaha!”

After listening to the discussion between Sugar and Timaeus, Dai Xiaomei came to the camp outside Longji Snow Mountain.

What surprised Paimon was that the camp was very lively at this time, with many people gathered together to discuss something, and one of them was even an acquaintance of theirs – Amber!

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