【The list of players is as follows:… Natasha… Nick Fury]

The Foundation dungeon game really drew game players again.

This time, the players drawn were Nick Fury of SHIELD and Agent Natasha.

Also known as the Black Widow.

After seeing the content on the screen, Nick Fury’s face suddenly changed!

“”Fuck you!!!”

He cursed fiercely!

He never thought that this damn Containment Foundation game would choose him as a player!

“What on earth are you, what are you!”

Nick Fury took out a small pager from his body.

There was a special pattern on the pager.

Blue on the top, red on the bottom, and a special symbol in the middle…

It seemed to represent a special existence.

“Containment Foundation… Containment Foundation, I have to do this, this is a crisis, a terrible crisis……”

Nick Fury was about to use his pager to send out the current situation.

He was about to ask for help from that powerful being.

But he only had time to send one signal, and there was no time to send more messages. He felt the picture flash in front of him, and then the surrounding environment changed.



“It’s me……”

On the ground in New York, Natasha stared at the contents of the light screen, and her face changed slightly.

She had naturally seen the previous battle between the Immortal Lizard and Thor, Hulk and others.

The terrifying fighting power of the Immortal Lizard left a very deep impression on her.

Even Thor and Hulk could not defeat that existence together, which shows how powerful the creature called the Immortal Lizard is…

And this is just the mysterious existence that appeared in the first containment foundation copy.

The name of the second copy.

It is called”Containment-173, Statue”.

In this copy, there is a high probability that the Containment-173 mentioned in the name will appear.

That is, the so-called”statue”.

What is this”statue”? Is it really a statue?

Is its horror the same as that of the Immortal Lizard?

Or is it more terrifying than the Immortal Lizard?

After entering this copy, can she come out alive in the end…

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Natasha’s mind in a very short time.

Before she had time to think about the answer, everything in front of her had changed.



“It’s Natasha! And Director Fury……”

Captain America Steve, Hawkeye Barton and others all looked at the light screen in shock.

This second copy actually chose Natasha and Director Fury!

“”Can Natasha and the others survive?”

Several people were worried.

After all, compared to Hulk and Thor,

Natasha and Nick Fury were much weaker.

If they encountered a powerful being like the Immortal Lizard, they would most likely die!

Steve and the others naturally didn’t want to see Natasha and the others get into trouble, but they had no other options.

The Foundation’s copy world was mysterious and unpredictable.

Where could they go to rescue Natasha and the others?

There was no way to rescue them at all! All they could do was stare at the light screen, at Natasha and the others.

That was all.……



The world of the Containment Foundation.

Natasha felt the scene flash before her eyes, and she came to this strange world.

“Is this the Containment Foundation instance?”

Natasha subconsciously became alert, her expression full of solemnity!

She is an extremely good agent. She has a good psychological quality.

Although she was selected to participate in the game, she was still able to stay calm.

“This place… is like a prison……”

Natasha murmured in her heart.


Natasha had already found that she was in a small room at the moment.

There was no window here.

There was only a bed, a table, and a set of washing equipment.

The facilities were very simple.

It was like a prison!

“My clothes have changed too! Is this… is this a prison uniform?!”

Natasha looked down at her body, her eyes full of shock.

She found that she had changed into an orange outfit.

It looked like a prisoner’s uniform!

“What happens next……”

Natasha pursed her lips, and her vigilance in her heart became even stronger. Nick Fury also came to the dungeon world with her. However, he was in another small room.

“Damn it! Is this a prison?!”

Nick Fury looked around with a gloomy face.

He still held the pager in his hand.

But the pager was useless here, and the signal could not be sent out.

“The signal has been sent out before, it should be successful, she may come back……”

Nick Fury suppressed his anger and anxiety and installed the pager.

“This damn containment foundation… Where is the containment-173?”

Nick Fury looked at the metal door of the room.

The door was very heavy.

Unless it was Hulk and his men, it would be impossible for him to break the door open with brute force.

Just as Nick Fury was thinking, suddenly, the metal door moved and quickly opened.

“D-4315, prepare for the mission!”

Outside the door, several fully armed soldiers with live ammunition stared at Nick Fury coldly.

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