After learning the cleaning procedures, Nick Fury and the other two officially began their mission.

The armed Foundation personnel left.

The hall was closed.

It was only then that Nick Fury and Natasha saw a subtitle appear in the air in front of them:

【Game mission: Perform cleaning procedures!】

【Task time: 10 minutes】

“Here comes the game mission……”

Nick Fury narrowed his one eye, feeling a little aggrieved.

Because he only had one eye!

According to the damn cleaning rules, he had no advantage in performing this task!

Fortunately, his task was to clean, while Natasha and the strange man were responsible for making eye contact with the subject.

“Cleaning task, I don’t know what kind of ability the statue has……”

Natasha tensed up. She saw the mission prompt of the dungeon and was very nervous.

She also glanced at the layout of the hall.

She found that the three of them had no way to escape.

Moreover, the Foundation staff had clearly stated that if they did not perform the cleaning mission, they would be shot on the spot.

Natasha had no doubt about this.

Because on the other side of the hall, there was a special surveillance position.


“Click, click, click……”

As they were thinking, suddenly, the huge metal door in the hall began to open to both sides…

The three numbers”173″ printed on it also separated.

The sound of the machine’s operation echoed in the quiet hall, making the already anxious atmosphere even more solemn!

Nick Fury and Natasha stared at the door nervously, their bodies tense, ready to face any emergency at any time.

The man who performed the cleaning task with them became a little nervous:

“Damn it, damn it, damn it, we are the guinea pigs, we are D-class personnel, hahahahaha, guinea pigs……”

“”Hmm? D-class personnel? Little white mice?”

Nick Fury frowned.

After thinking carefully, he found that the stranger’s words contained a lot of information.

First of all, the so-called D-class personnel should refer to people like them.

Come to think of it, his code name D-4315, doesn’t it indicate that he is a D-class personnel?

And the so-called”little white mice” can also be understood.

Judging from the attitude of those foundation soldiers towards them, the whole process that followed, and the mysterious cleaning procedure in front of them, these D-class personnel may be the lowest-ranking personnel in the foundation. It does n’t seem to be an exaggeration to describe them as little white mice.

“It seems that this person is scared crazy, this damn foundation……”

Nick Fury cursed in his heart.

Cold sweat broke out on his body.

At this time.

The heavy door finally opened to a certain extent, and they could just see the scene inside.

It was a large containment room.

There seemed to be a mixture of feces and blood on the ground inside.

Nothing else has been seen yet.

But as the door opened to a certain extent, they finally saw something else…

It was… a statue!

It stood in the corner of the containment room.

And, just right, it was facing the door!

It was similar to a human figure.

The arms were stretched forward.

There were strange patterns on the face.

It seemed to be sprayed with paint.

“This is Containment-173?!”

Nick Fury’s eyes widened!

Obviously, the true appearance of 173 gave him a big shock!

“It is indeed a statue……”

Natasha, who was standing next to her, had a serious expression on her face. She stared at the statue and recalled the cleaning procedures that the Foundation staff had just mentioned.

“Can’t break sight, no matter when……”

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