
In the containment room of 173,

Nick Fury was cleaning with tools in his hands.

Although the things under his feet were disgusting, he didn’t feel anything because of his current situation. The only thing he wanted to do now was to complete the dungeon mission as soon as possible. He quickly left the dungeon and returned to S.H.I.E.L.D.

“I’m going to… I’m going to blink!”

While Nick Fury was cleaning, the strange man spoke again.

The panic and fear in his voice were obviously getting stronger and stronger.

The reason why he was like this was because of the high-pressure atmosphere in the containment room.

Although the statue remained motionless, the pressure did not decrease, but became more and more, stronger and stronger.

“Got it! I’ll start watching!”

Natasha responded. She was actually a little worried because she had already discovered that the D-class personnel who was cooperating with her was getting worse and worse.

She was not sure if there would be any trouble later.

Moreover, she herself felt more and more pressure.

Even though she didn’t know where the danger of the strange statue was, the pressure did not decrease at all, and even had a tendency to increase.……



“The task of this game is to perform the cleaning procedure, and the task time is ten minutes.……”

Nick Fury came to the depths of the containment chamber, closer to the statue.

He could even see with his peripheral vision the slightly rough surface of the statue’s concrete body.

“Damn, this statue is too weird!”

Nick Fury’s face was gloomy.

Although the special properties of the statue could not be seen, just the weird spray paint on the statue made people feel terrified unconsciously.

The cleaning work was carried out intensively. The originally simple task has now become very difficult.

Nick Fury even felt that the task he was responsible for was more stressful.

Because he needed to be closer to the statue.

“Finish it quickly, no matter what’s so special about this damn statue, it has nothing to do with me!”

Nick Fury thought to himself, and his hands moved faster unconsciously.



New York.

Stark looked at the screen with a complicated expression:

“That is really a strange statue… Can Fury and his team successfully complete the task?”

In the light screen, Director Fury and others were nervously performing cleaning tasks in the containment room.

Among them,

Director Fury was in charge of cleaning.

Natasha and another person were in charge of watching

“From all aspects, the significance of Natasha and that person’s work seems to be limiting.……”

Stark whispered.

Yes, that’s right.

Judging from the information shown so far.

Natasha and the other person’s continuous gaze task seems to be to restrict the statue.

But the statue looks like it is made of concrete.

Why should it be restricted?

Is it possible that something terrible will happen without continuous eye contact?

A step further, the statue is alive, it is some kind of weird thing, but can it be restricted by continuous gaze? What is the principle?

Stark pondered and felt extremely confused.

Not only him.

Captain America Steve, Hawkeye Barton and others.

Are also thinking about the same question.

Everyone is confused.……



New York, another location.

Gu Yi stared at the light curtain.

What others could see, she could see as well.

She couldn’t see through the strange statue.

But she had already realized that the statue might be very dangerous.

“Containment Foundation, contain, secure, and protect……”

Gu Yi murmured, looking thoughtful.

However, not long after, her expression changed slightly:”Something has happened.……”

Yes, in the light screen she was focusing on, in the containment room of the replica world, an accident happened.……



In the containment room of the replica world

, Nick Fury finally finished the cleaning work before the mission time was about to arrive.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

“Phew… I can finally leave this damn place.……”

Then, Nick Fury came to the metal door of the containment room and prepared to leave.

And the door of the containment room did start to operate at this moment.

“”Click, click, click” sounds were heard, and the door began to open to both sides.

This was the last step of the cleaning procedure.

The task force left, and the cleaning procedure was completed.

Everything ended perfectly.

But an accident happened at this time.

After the metal door began to open, the D-level personnel who cooperated with Natasha to perform the observation task finally couldn’t hold it anymore and immediately rushed to the metal door.

He was extremely nervous.

The high-intensity pressure made him feel sore and tired.

And his tolerance and psychological quality were far lower than Natasha and the others.

So, at this moment, after the sound of the door opening was heard, he couldn’t hold it back.

The opening sound was like a fuse.

It ignited his extremely suppressed and fearful heart.

“I want to go, I want to go!!”

He yelled, not thinking about anything else, his mind was full of thoughts of leaving here!

“Damn it, damn it, I don’t want to stay here anymore, I don’t want to……”

He rushed to the door, but he didn’t know that this was the time when he was responsible for watching the statue.

But because he suddenly lost control, even though Natasha was still there, for a moment, the statue lost its sight.

And the danger happened at this moment!

Before anyone could react!

The statue, which had been so quiet, disappeared in an instant, and when it appeared again, it was already behind Natasha.

And when it���The moment she appeared, Natasha’s head twisted violently.

Her neck was directly broken by the statue… and her body fell to the ground.

This scene happened extremely suddenly.

It was so sudden that no one reacted immediately, and by the time they reacted, Natasha was already dead.

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