The second instance was over.

Chen Yuan started making the third instance.

This time, the system’s marking range was expanded, and the instance game could cover and mark more targets. The marked targets could be people, aliens, objects, and any other existence in any form.

In short, the system’s marking ability was very strong and awesome.

In the future, there would definitely be stronger upgrades.



“Currently 682 and 173 have appeared… Which one will appear next?……”

Chen Yuan looked at the system panel and thought.

While Chen Yuan was thinking, in the outside world, the superheroes of the Avengers had gathered together.

“Natasha is dead……”

Stark’s tone was heavy.

The others were silent. They had all seen Natasha’s death.

The grumpy Hulk didn’t speak either. He just looked at the screen from time to time with anger in his eyes.

Just like that, after a few seconds.

Steve said:

“Everyone has seen the scene just now. Perhaps Natasha still has a chance to be resurrected.……”

“But the conditions have not been met, and Natasha cannot be resurrected.”Hawkeye Barton shook his head.

“The good news is that Hulk has recovered.……”Thor next to him spoke up, he looked at Hulk’s arm.

Everyone else looked over as well.


Hulk’s missing arm was restored.

It looked exactly the same as before.

This was good news.

And this also meant that Thor’s eyes could possibly be restored to their original appearance.

“Everyone, what do you think is the condition for Natasha’s resurrection?”

Steve pondered for a few seconds and spoke again.

The others thought for a while.

Stark responded:”I think it should be a clearance copy. Different copies……”

The others thought about it and nodded in agreement.

At present, from all aspects, the condition for resurrecting Natasha is to clear the dungeon.

Otherwise, there is no other way.

“Is it only possible to revive through the copy game? Can we find another way?”

Barton asked.

He looked at Thor.

“And what about Thor’s eyes? Is there no other way?”

Barton’s words immediately made everyone think.


Let’s not talk about Natasha for now.

After all, she is dead.

What about Thor?

Thor only lost one eye.

Could it be that Thor’s eyes can only be restored through the containment foundation copy game?


“It should be possible to recover in other ways… Wait, that thing is reacting again!”

Steve thought for a moment and said. But just as he finished speaking, he noticed that the mysterious light curtain in the sky had changed again!

Familiar words appeared on it:

【The Containment Foundation dungeon game will officially start in one minute!】

【The name of this copy……】

【Object-096,”Shy” Person】

“It starts again!”

“This is the third one!”

“This, it’s coming again……”

Others did not need to look up, because the small light screen had already appeared in front of them.

When they looked up at the large light screen, the small light screen would automatically disappear.

“Will this copy of the game continue to appear like this?”

Barton frowned and said

“Who will be chosen this time?”

Stark looked at the light screen, feeling a little worried.

“”Roar!” Hulk roared, and now he was back to normal, he had the urge to do it again!

“This damn Foundation dungeon game!”

Sol reached out and touched the eye socket of the missing eye, his face looked a little ugly.

Everyone was shocked.

At the same time, they began to worry.

After all, no one knew who would be selected as the player in this dungeon game, and what kind of containment would appear in the dungeon.



Not only the superheroes of the Avengers, but also ordinary people were shocked:

“Oh my god! It’s happening again! The Containment Foundation dungeon game is happening again!”

“This, this is too scary!”

“Holy shit! Is there ever an end to this damned copy of the Containment Foundation?!”

“What will appear this time? What is that”shy person”? Is he human?”

“Judging from the name, it seems to be a human, but are humans also sheltered?”

“That must be a monster too! All the objects contained in the Foundation are monsters!”

“Containment-096… Is the number this time 96? It seems that there are really a lot of objects in the Containment Foundation.……”




In the starry sky of the universe, in the mothership of the Chitauri army,

Loki looked at the light screen in front of him, his brows furrowed into eight characters:

“here we go again?!!!”

“This is the third time! Damn it!!!”

Loki gnashed his teeth and cursed!

The mysterious light curtain was like a dog-skin plaster, chasing him.

At this moment, seeing the words appear on the light curtain again, the weird copy game was about to start again, and Loki was a little panicked.

Because he was not sure whether he would be drawn again and become a copy challenge player.

He had just seen the second copy.

That statue was simply weird.

Although Loki was confident in himself.

But he didn’t want to face those inexplicable weird things!

“Don’t pick me, don’t pick me……”

Loki stared at the light screen intently.

As he watched, time gradually passed…

Soon, the countdown ended!

The dungeon game began to draw players…

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