“Hmm? What is this?! Could it be… also the technology of those aliens?”

Captain America Steve stood on the ground in the city, looking up at the black light curtain, next to him was the body of a Zeta soldier he had just killed.

“Containment Foundation? What’s going on?! And this kind of light curtain technology… How did they do it?!”

In another place, Stark, who was flying, stopped, and he was also shocked.

It’s not just the two of them.

There are also Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow… Several superheroes of the Avengers are all confused at the moment!

But what makes them even more confused is that they found that the alien army was also very shocked!

It seems that even they don’t know what the black light curtain is!

In fact, it’s more than just ordinary alien soldiers.

It’s the source of this alien invasion, Loki who is standing on the roof of the building!

At this moment, he also frowned slightly, his eyes were confused and surprised:

“Containment Foundation?”

“What’s this?”




“Fuck! What on earth is going on?!”

Nick Fury widened his single eye!

At the same time, the black light curtain appeared in front of all the people in SHIELD!

No matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t find the source of the light curtain!

This situation shocked and frightened Nick Fury!

He was still worried about the invasion of the Earth by the Chitauri army.

At this moment, he unexpectedly encountered this mysterious”containment foundation”, which made him extremely angry! His dark face turned directly into coal!

“What the hell is the Containment Foundation?!”

“Could it be… that this was also the work of those damn aliens?!”



Somewhere in New York!

A bald woman with an aloof temperament stood with her hands behind her back.

She stared at the black light curtain in the sky with a confused look on her face:

“Containment Foundation……”

She was Ancient One.

She could tell that the giant black light curtain was not created by the Chitauri army.

But other than that, she could not see anything else.

Even if she cast magic, she could not find any information…

This situation made Ancient One’s heart sink slightly.……



The mysterious black light curtain suddenly appeared, shocking the whole world!

While everyone was in doubt, the picture on the light curtain actually changed… subtitles appeared one after another.……

【……Human beings have been around for tens of thousands of years, and in this long period of time, only the last few thousand years are meaningful.……】

【……We sat by the campfire, fearing things we didn’t understand……】

【……We call it”God” or”Devil””……】

The screen images changed…

There were vague human figures worshipping and praying to those mysterious and strange beings.……

【……But as time goes by, we see the world more rationally.……】

【……However, the unexplainable still exists……】

There are countless strange figures in the picture, but they are vague and can’t be seen clearly.……

【We can no longer live in fear!】

【We must protect ourselves!】

The scene changed, and one figure after another rushed towards those strange figures, while more figures stayed where they were, surrounded by a bright light…


The light screen changed again.……

【We are the Containment Foundation……】

【……We contain! We control! We protect!

Although the whole process was silent!

But looking at the huge black subtitles on the screen, countless people seemed to hear firm and fearless voices in a trance…

Those were the shouts of the warriors charging outside the curtain and charging into the darkness!

Those were the screams of those who were going to die!



“Oh! My God! Why do I seem to hear the shouts of the soldiers?!”

“It was incredible! I felt such an indescribable sadness! I wanted to cry!”

“The Containment Foundation… It’s so mysterious! What happened today? These terrifying things happened one after another… I don’t want to die yet……”

“Oh my god! Should I hide? Although I can’t see the figures in the picture clearly, I am still so scared! I feel that those existences are very strange and scary, and now there are aliens invading! Oh my god!”


Countless people were shocked by the images on the screen!

People were boiling with excitement!




“The Containment Foundation… It seems to be an organization like SHIELD?!”

Nick Fury frowned!

Judging from the content revealed by the black light curtain, the Containment Foundation is most likely also an organization.

And they seem to be silently protecting humans!

“Hmm…it seems that this light curtain has nothing to do with those aliens……”

“”Could it be… it’s some completely unknown secret organization?”

Nick Fury muttered to himself, his face becoming increasingly gloomy.

He was used to being in control of everything, and this kind of thing that was completely beyond his control made him very unhappy!

But no matter how unhappy he was, he could do nothing about it!

“Huh? Another change?!”

Nick Fury was suddenly startled, and his one eye even narrowed!

He saw that the handwriting on the black screen in front of him changed again.……

【The Containment Foundation dungeon game will officially start in one minute!】

【The name of this copy……】

【Containment-682, Immortal Evil Lizard]

As the subtitles appeared, a countdown also appeared on the black screen…

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