
New York.

Countless people watched the dungeon game screen, and the exclamations continued:

“Oh my god, that Odin really entered the dungeon game!”

“What he was wearing was a bit strange, and he was holding a rifle, which looked pretty good!”

“This copy is called Containment-096. Why is there a label 343 on the door of that room?……”

“Wait, isn’t that the containment room for Item-343? ? ?”

“What the hell, how can the storage room of some kind of object be decorated so well? I see there’s even a piano in there!”

“Could the old man playing the piano be Item-343?”

“It’s outrageous. How can the containment be an old man? Aren’t all the containments monsters?”

“Who knows? So far, there have only been two containment objects.……”

“Hey, I don’t know what the containment-096 is.……”

“Listening to the conversation between the old man and the man, there seems to be a scary creature. Could that creature be Containment-096?……”




On the other side,

Thor and his companions also looked at the light screen in confusion.

“343… Why is it 343? Shouldn’t this copy be 096?” Patton said

“I don’t know… maybe it’s possible that two containment objects appeared in one copy. Moreover, the discussion between the two people just now is worth discussing. The creature they mentioned should be very dangerous… Maybe it is containment object-096……”

Stark frowned and said

“It’s okay, father can handle it!” Thor stared at the light screen with a calm expression.

Although he also noticed that the father in the light screen seemed to have a serious expression, he did not think much about it. He had great confidence in his father’s ability.



Not only the people on Earth, but also the people in Asgard, the divine realm, were all shocked and astonished!

“Ah, the king entered that curtain of light, how is this possible!”

“Is this true?! Did the king really enter that place?!”

“This this……”

“what to do?!”

“What is that place? 343? Containment Secure Protection? Containment Foundation? What are these things?”

“We need to be on guard!”


The people of Asgard panicked instantly.

After all, their king, the leader of Asgard, was actually teleported into the light curtain.

This kind of thing is really incredible.

And as Odin’s disappearance was confirmed, the people of Asgard panicked even more.

This kind of thing was too outrageous, and it was difficult for them to accept it for a while.

But they had to accept it no matter how unacceptable it was.

Because it has become a fact.



Copy space.

The shrill alarm sounded continuously, and the listeners became nervous unconsciously.

It seemed that something horrible was about to appear.

Odin narrowed his eyes and stared at the direction where the white-haired old man was looking.

“What is this creature they are talking about?……”

Odin thought about it.

At the same time, he was also thinking about how to leave this place and return to Asgard.

But he also knew that since this mysterious dungeon game could force him to come in, it was likely that it could also force him to stay here.

Otherwise, what was the point of this teleportation?

“It’s not easy here, just adapt to the situation, if possible, find a chance to leave……”

Odin muttered to himself.

On the other side, the man in the white coat was terrified, and he turned around and ran away without caring about anything.

He saw Odin, but just took a look, and immediately rushed away.

But because he was too flustered, he accidentally fell to the ground, and the photos in his hand fell to the ground.

Odin glanced subconsciously.

He saw the photo.

He still had some impression that just now, this man seemed to be holding this photo and showing it to the white-haired old man in the room.

After seeing it, the white-haired old man seemed a little angry.

“Is the person in this photo a human?”

Odin frowned.

He noticed that the photo showed a pale human face.

The face was very strange, different from ordinary humans.

The mouth was big.

The eyes had no pigment.

It gave people a horrifying feeling.

However, Odin had seen too many creatures.

Therefore, the face in the photo did not cause any fluctuations in his mood.

After looking at the photo, Odin’s eyes were attracted by another file.

It was a piece of paper that fell from the file. It seemed to record something…

Odin squinted his eyes and read it carefully. After he finished reading the file, he was shocked!

“Can’t look at the face… Surprisingly, there are such creatures……”



【Item #: Item-096,”Shy” Person】

【Object Class: Euclid】

【Special Containment Procedures: Item-096 is to be kept in a specially constructed airtight steel cube at all times… No surveillance cameras or optical tools of any kind are to be allowed inside the cell…

No photographs, videos, or portraits of the item may be made without the permission of Dr.”DATA EXPUNGED” and O5-“DATA EXPUNGED”.……】

【Description: Item-096 is a humanoid creature approximately two meters tall. The subject has almost no muscle mass, and preliminary weight analysis indicates that it is mildly malnourished… Its arms are severely disproportionate to its body, each approximately 1.5 meters long… Most of its skin is completely devoid of pigment, and its body is hairless…

The subject’s jaws can open at an angle four times that of a normal human jaw. With the exception of its eyes, which are devoid of pigment, its facial features are similar to those of a normal human…

The subject is usually extremely docile… However, when someone sees its face, whether directly, through video, or even a photograph, it will enter a state of severe sadness… The subject will rush towards the person who sees its face…

The subject’s speed has been recorded to range from 35 km/h to”DATA EXPUNGED” km/h…

At this point, no known materials or methods can stop the subject’s advance…

Once the subject arrives… it will kill……



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