Carol and the other person entered from the main door on the first floor.

Normally, they could go out by returning along the original route.

But at this moment, the original route was gone.

What should have been the main door on the first floor actually led to other places.

Yes, the door was still there, and it was even open.

But the scene outside the door was not darkness, nor was it the original outside world, but another room.

And the style was very different, it looked like a hotel room.

After Carol and the other person came in, they did not notice this abnormal situation at the first time because their attention was always on the living room.

Now that they noticed it, they were both surprised.

However, one was just surprised, while the other began to despair.

“We can’t get out. We can’t get out. Damn it. This place is hopeless. There might be monsters.……”

The man in orange murmured, a look of despair on his face.

“How could this happen?”

Carol frowned. The scene in front of him was a little strange, which seemed to indicate a special nature of this place.

While Carol was thinking, the man in orange rushed to the side of the mummy.

He picked up the guns scattered beside the mummy and found some silver bullets on the mummy.

“I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, damn the Foundation, damn the Foundation, I won’t die!”

The man whispered quickly.

Although he was in despair, his will to survive was even stronger. He didn’t want to die here.

Carol looked at the man, her heart was calm.

The scattered guns were like children’s toys to her, and they had no effect.

Facing the black humanoid monster before, Carol felt that her energy cannon was more powerful.

At least, she thought so.

“Hmm? What is this?”

Just as Carol was thinking, suddenly, the man in orange clothes spoke again in surprise!

Carol’s heart moved, she noticed that the man found a piece of paper next to the mummy.

“This… this is a suicide note! Damn the Foundation, damn it!……”

The man gnashed his teeth, but he still read the suicide note in his hand.

As he read, his expression gradually changed…

Seeing this, Carol became curious.

She also moved her feet and read the suicide note.……


【Item #:

Awaiting a designation

Object Class:

Keter. God help you.

Special Containment Procedures:

You’re going to die, you damned idiot.

This isn’t a lie. I’m Agent Buckley. I’m in this damned building, and I promise you, if you were in here, you’d be dead, too. By the time you read this report, I’ll probably be dead.

There’s no getting out of this, so let’s get straight to the containment procedures. There’s really only one way to get out of this: close the damn door. You can’t get back in… If you didn’t close the door, then go back and close it. That’s your first priority. You’re going to die anyway. At least do something good before you die.


So, here’s the story. You’ve probably heard it all. The Foundation is getting reports of trouble in the middle of nowhere. Cows and wildlife are mysteriously dying. Some people are missing. When a body is found, an autopsy reveals that the heart is missing. It wasn’t cut out, it wasn’t ripped out, it’s just gone. The chest cavity is completely empty.

They found some dark creatures wandering around. Some high up in the Foundation seems to have seen these things before and knows how to kill them: use silver bullets and pray to a god while you shoot. No kidding, literally. I don’t know why this works. It doesn’t matter which god it is, but you better take it seriously.


Anyway, the Foundation found the source of the problem.

It was some houses in the middle of nowhere…

The main problem was that those things kept coming out the front door.

A task force went in to try and fix it, but they never came back.

The monsters haven’t shown up since then, either.

A person with half a brain would have thought that was enough, just keep an eye on the place and kill anything that moves, and everything would be fine.

But the Foundation obviously doesn’t think that way…

It doesn’t matter what fucking task force you’re from…

If you open the door and rush in like I did, you’re screwed…

The living room was bad enough. That’s where they grabbed… They came in the room, and he flipped over, and one of them took his heart with… claws?


You may have tried to get out through the door, but if you haven’t, don’t think about it. It leads to something worse. There aren’t many monsters in there, but… Jones went too far away from the house, and… I swear! He started to melt. Things kept exploding out of him… Anyway, he didn’t come back. That’s why we closed the door.


As for what this place is like, I can only say it’s huge. It’s not just a building. It’s like… it’s like those things stole bits and pieces of space from all over the place and put them together randomly. Some of them look like apartments, others look like shopping malls, and one is definitely an old closet from my high school! Exactly the same, even down to the plaid pattern.

And some of the pieces aren’t made of… stuff. They’re black, like shadow matter, and most of them are in the well-lit areas.……


……Any door you find, it just leads to another room in this stupid house, or back around, and it’s clear we can’t live here. So all you can do is wait to starve to death or until one of those things catches you. Plenty of options, huh?

There’s one more thing you can do. I couldn’t do it, but maybe you can. It won’t keep you alive, I don’t think, but it’s… I think it’s important. I’m sure someone has to do it, or those things will get out and cause trouble sooner or later.

This place is made up of scraps of space stolen from various places, so there must be a lot of other doors. We closed every door we saw, but what if another one is opened and the Foundation doesn’t find it in time? Shit… The Foundation doesn’t even know how to close doors, I just hope they figured out that every time someone comes in, those things won’t get out again. Of course, the premise is that the person who comes in is smart enough to know to close the door.

So, I found a way to stop those things: find their lair.

I’ve only seen that thing once, for a short while…

I think it’s in the center room of this place.

It’s all shadowy matter, and I think they brought all the light they could find here…

In the center of the room, there’s a pile of hearts.

Each heart was torn apart, thrown there and piled up…

The heart began to beat and tremble violently.

Then it tore apart, and the new members of those things tried to crawl out of the heart.

It shook, slowly grew and took shape.

The disgusting thing was that the heart was obviously torn apart but it was still beating.



That’s when I started running. I couldn’t take it anymore, you know? I wasn’t trained to deal with these stupid shits. I heard the others behind me. I don’t know if they told me to stop or if the fucking monsters saw us, but we got separated. I found a closet that was just the right size in the dark and have been hiding there ever since. I write with a small flashlight and turn it off when I hear something approaching. It’s working pretty well so far.

I can’t hold on any longer. I still have some bullets in my gun, but I can’t pray anymore, I mean it. Especially after what I saw in their nest. But you, if you found this, you must be an agent too. Maybe you’re stronger than me. If you can, go destroy the nest. Destroy every heart. If you do that, maybe you can kill them. That’s the only thing I can think of. You might die doing it, but you’re dead anyway. So what are you afraid of?

I’ll try to get the report to the living room. Hopefully you’ll find it there. And then I’ll make sure they don’t use my heart to create another monster.

Good luck.

The dead salute you. 】

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