“How could this happen? This is impossible. What kind of monsters are they? Why… Why do my attacks have no effect on them?!”

Carol escaped from the living room. She escaped from the dimly lit entrance.

The orange-clothed man also escaped from this entrance.

Now no one knows where he has escaped to.

Carol did not hesitate at all. After she entered the entrance, she found herself in a new place, which was a utility room.

All kinds of messy things were piled in the corner.

As Carol entered, the darkness here was relieved, and the bright light on Carol illuminated the place!

“Where did that person go?!”

Coming to this utility room, Carol remembered the orange-clad man from before.

She looked around and did not see the man. She only saw two other entrances and exits leading to other unknown places.

“Are those things chasing us again?!”

Carol looked back and found that those black humanoid monsters were chasing us again.

It was as if they would not stop until they killed Carol.

Carol felt her scalp tingling.

She really had no way to deal with these monsters.

Even though she had extremely powerful strength, it was useless.

Those black humanoid monsters seemed to be an extremely special existence.

If she wanted to kill them, she might really have to rely on silver bullets, plus… prayer!

“”Damn it!”

Carol gritted her teeth and cursed inwardly!

She hadn’t felt so aggrieved for a long time.

Thinking of her confidence just now, she felt ashamed.

But the situation was urgent at the moment, and Carol had no time to hesitate and think.

Leaving here first was the important thing!


Carol randomly chose an entrance and exit and left quickly.

There was no other way.

Even Captain Marvel had to choose to flee in the face of those black humanoid monsters.

And this abnormal space was really like countless space fragments connected together.

Carol passed through the entrance and exit and came to another place, which was a bright church.

There was no one.

And there were more entrances and exits.

Carol looked back and found that the humanoid monsters seemed to have disappeared.

She looked ugly and was in a bad mood.

However, before she could slow down her thoughts, suddenly, humanoid monsters appeared inside the church!

They poured in from other entrances and exits.

The dark human figures contained great terror!

“Damn it!!!”

Carol couldn’t help cursing in her heart!

The light all over her body became more and more dazzling!

But she didn’t choose to stay and fight hard, because she knew that it would be useless.

It would only make her lose her life!

That’s right!

Even the powerful Carol felt the crisis of life and death at this moment!

She didn’t understand why these monsters had such special abnormal properties.

But these are not important for the time being.

The most important thing is to escape!

To leave this damn hell!!!

“Get out of there!”

Carol faced the approaching humanoid monsters.

She quickly chose the exit and flew over!

Carol was dazzling and fast.

In a blink of an eye, she rushed into another exit!

In this way, Carol arrived in one”room” after another…

They were hospital wards, shopping malls, even wardrobes, apartments, etc.

They were like fragments of space intercepted from various places, spliced together.

As Carol rushed into one room after another, she lost her way.

The weird and unreasonable space gave Carol a headache.

And Inside these spaces, the black humanoid monsters seemed to be everywhere.

Carol encountered countless humanoid monsters.

She couldn’t fight against those monsters and could only run away.

Of course, Carol also thought about using silver bullets and praying, but she didn’t have any silver bullets.

Not to mention praying.

And the black humanoid monsters are not the only danger in this abnormal space.

There are also some”rooms”, or space fragments that are weird. They are black and seem to be made of shadow matter.

There are also great dangers in them.

In addition, there are some rooms with extremely high temperatures. It is very high, and it is certain that if an ordinary person is inside, he will definitely die.

Of course, there are also rooms with extremely low temperatures, and other rooms with various dangers, etc.

In fact, if Carol recalls the contents of the previous report, she will find that some of the dangers she has experienced are explained in the report.

However, Carol’s confidence made her not pay too much attention to the report.

And on the way to escape, Carol did not deliberately recall the contents of the report.

Therefore, along the way, Carol was basically very reckless, and could even be said to be rushing around.

Fortunately, Carol is strong enough.

Even if there is no Although she could not resist some dangers, she could still escape.

Therefore, Carol had gotten through the whole journey without any danger.

Of course, Carol was not completely unharmed.

Even though her body was extremely strong, she still inevitably suffered some injuries after passing through some rooms…

But being injured was better than having her heart taken away.

Carol knew this very well.


, after experiencing this strange and abnormal space, Carol’s heart was inevitably hit hard…

After all, before entering the copy, she could never have imagined that she would be so embarrassed…

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