Carol found the lair of the humanoid monster.

The lair was a large lobby with many portals around it. As expected, those portals led to different”rooms”.

In the center of the lobby were a large number of hearts.

The terrifying humanoid monsters were created by those hearts.

In addition to these, there were various light sources in the lobby, which were collected by the humanoid monsters.

Because of the existence of these light sources, the lobby seemed quite bright.

When Carol saw the lobby scene just now, she was very shocked.

And not long after she saw the lair, a man in orange clothes suddenly walked out of another portal of the lair!

“”That’s… that person!”

Carol was surprised.

She didn’t expect that the man in orange clothes would come here too!

But he didn’t take the same road as her.

“What is he going to do?……”

Carol murmured in her heart, and while she was thinking this, someone���The monsters spotted her and started swarming towards her!

“Damn it!”

Carol cursed inwardly and had to start avoiding those monsters.……


On the other side, the man in orange clothes is indeed the same person as before.

His code name is:


That is the D-class personnel of the Foundation.

Like Carol, this D-class personnel of the Foundation, after being scared away, also experienced many”rooms” one after another.

However, he was very cautious.

In addition, he had suitable weapons and knew how to deal with humanoid monsters.

Therefore, with enough luck, this D-class personnel finally succeeded in reaching the monster’s lair.

Why do you say that he successfully reached the lair?

That’s because, after knowing that he would never get out, the man had the idea of destroying this place.

And before he ran away, what he said to Carol also vaguely showed his thoughts…

It’s just that he is an ordinary person, a D-class personnel, and it is definitely not easy to destroy this abnormal space.

But he has no other choice.

As the report said, he is dead anyway, so what is there to be afraid of?

Therefore, after the initial fear and escape, this D-class personnel made up his mind completely.

He wants to destroy this place.

End it all.

And he is also lucky.

He completed the first step of destruction.

That is, find the monster’s lair……


“Hey, it’s finally here?……”

The man stood on the ground in the lobby, with a very complicated expression on his face.

There was fear, joy, and exhaustion…

After he arrived at the lobby, the numerous humanoid monsters noticed his presence and began to rush towards him.

The man did not run away this time.

He looked at the pile of hearts in the lobby, and his eyes slowly became firm.……

“Blow it up. Can I, a little guinea pig, be a hero for once?……”

The man laughed at himself.

He had many wounds on his body, which were proof of the hardships he had experienced along the way.

Of course, the humanoid monster did not touch him, otherwise he would not have only these injuries.

And along the way, the man always kept the contents of the report in mind.

He moved forward carefully, avoiding danger.

And closed the doors he encountered as much as possible.

He didn’t know whether he could successfully find the nest and destroy it in the end.

He only knew to do his best.

“Hero? Hehe……”

The man shook his head and raised his gun

“Stupid Foundation, stupid me, stupid monster, stupid place, all stupid……”

The man touched the explosives he was carrying. He had picked them up from the corpse of a Foundation agent on his way.

This was also the tool he needed to end it all.

“If you succeed, perhaps no one will know. If you fail… just die, hahahahaha, just die.……”

The man took a step and rushed out.


The prayers in his heart and the silver bullets killed a humanoid monster that was approaching.

Although the man’s shooting skills were not very good.

But at such a close distance, he finally did not miss.

He continued to move forward and continued to approach the heart at the core…

More humanoid monsters came.

That kind of scene could even scare ordinary people with weaker psychological qualities to faint.

But the man was no longer afraid.

He even laughed.

There was a sense of relief and calmness in his smile.

Bang… bang… bang…

The gunshots continued to ring.

One after another, the humanoid monsters died and dissipated.

And in the end.

The man was completely surrounded.

There were too many monsters.

He couldn’t move forward anymore.

But fortunately, he was not far from the core.

So, he grabbed the explosives, detonated them, and then threw them out fiercely…

At the last moment, the man looked at the explosives in the air, with only two thoughts in his mind.

One was that fortunately he still knew some military knowledge and could handle an explosive.

The other was the sentence in the report.

“The dead salute you.”


D-14134, the dead pay tribute to you.

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