The abnormal space began to collapse.

And Carol, the dungeon player, was also judged as a game failure.

She was punished, and the punishment was that her superpower disappeared. That was the source of her strength. It was also her basis for traveling through the universe.

But at this moment, this basis was gone.

And the most direct consequence of the disappearance of the basis was Carol’s death.

That’s right.

After being punished, Carol’s figure disappeared, and when she appeared again, she was surrounded by the vast universe.

After all, when she entered the dungeon game, she was in the starry sky. At this moment, the dungeon game ended, so she naturally returned to the starry sky.

But before entering the dungeon game, Carol was Captain Marvel, and her power was extremely strong.

Flying in the vacuum of the universe was a piece of cake.


After experiencing the punishment of the dungeon game, Carol has lost her ability.

She has become an ordinary person. Her ordinary body makes it impossible for her to survive in the starry sky without the protection of sufficient equipment.


After returning to the origin in the starry sky, Carol lost her life in a short time and became a cold and stiff corpse in space.

Before her death, Carol’s heart was extremely complicated.

Regret, fear, despair, pain… and other emotions intertwined.

She remembered the so-called game mission after entering the dungeon…

That mission asked her to explore abnormal situations… or solve abnormalities…

Thinking carefully, this mission was not difficult for her at that time.

After all, she had strong strength. Even if she couldn’t destroy those humanoid monsters, it would be no problem to find the nest and destroy it.

But in the end, she didn’t complete these…

She despised it, she was reckless, she felt that the so-called dead door posed no threat to her, and her strength gave her inflated self-confidence, even arrogance.

She ran around in the abnormal space…

She didn’t pay attention to the bodies of the Foundation agents she occasionally encountered along the way.

She didn’t pay attention to the abnormal report left by the agent before his death.

She thought she was very strong, that she could find a way out, and that she would not die…

She was wrong.

She was outrageously wrong.

The mysterious Containment Foundation game taught her a very heavy lesson.

Her abilities were eliminated.

In the starry sky, without protection and without abilities, this was equivalent to sentencing her to death.

She had no room to struggle.

Even if she regretted her previous actions, it was useless.

She could only face her own death in despair… and at this last moment, she was accompanied only by the cold, darkness, and emptiness of the deep space of the universe.




With the end of the fourth copy, a new round of excitement has been set off on the Internet.……

“Is this the gate to the dead? My God, this is too scary!”

“I think the scariest thing is the kind of monster that can’t be killed. Carol is so strong, but she can’t do anything to that kind of monster. Tsk tsk tsk……”

“It’s not that it can’t be killed, it just requires a special method. But it’s also really weird.……”

“What is the final punishment? Why do I feel like Carol has lost her super powers?”

“Yes, that’s what Carol said at the end. It can be seen that the punishment of this copy game is diverse.……”

“I think it’s so touching. The dying person pays tribute to you. It makes me want to cry!”

“Carol was too arrogant. If she had been more cautious from the beginning, the final outcome might not have been like this.……”

“So, if Carol was punished and lost her abilities, where did she go?”

“I don’t know……”




New York.

The superheroes also watched the entire process of breaking through the fourth copy.

“Did she become an ordinary person in the end?”

Stark frowned.

“Does this mean that the punishment in the dungeon game is not just physical harm? It could be something else?”

“It seems so. However, the abnormal space should have been destroyed in the end, and the D-class personnel successfully achieved their goal.……”

Steve said in a deep voice, with admiration in his expression.

Barton on the side also said:”Carol is very capable, but in the end it was that D-class personnel who ended it all… This is really……”

Barton shook his head and sighed.

“However, what will happen to that abnormal space, or the gate to the dead, in the end?”Stark thought for a while and spoke again.

After thinking about it, the others said they didn’t know.

This is normal, because at the end of the copy game, the abnormal space seemed to be collapsing, but no one knows whether there will be other changes in the future.



The Chitauri army.

The mothership.

Loki frowned as he looked at the screen, his mind replaying the scenes from the screen before.

“Is there such a punishment in this dungeon?”

Loki pondered, his face somewhat gloomy.

Although he knew more and more information about the Containment Foundation and the Containment Foundation dungeon game as the Containment Foundation dungeon game was presented one after another.

But overall, this Containment Foundation dungeon game was still covered with an extremely mysterious veil.

It made people fearful and terrified!

“So, will there be a fifth copy next?”

Loki narrowed his eyes and stared at the light screen, his expression unusually gloomy and alert.



“This is the Containment Foundation……”

At another location, Gu Yi put his hands behind his back, looked at the light screen, and thought.

This fourth copy, in some ways, reflects the cruelty of the Containment Foundation.

For example, D-class personnel were used as guinea pigs to explore the dangerous anomaly space.

But at the same time, it also reflects the great spirit of the Containment Foundation to protect humanity.

The bodies of the Foundation agents in the anomaly space are a strong proof.

“This is a very cold organization, but it has its own principles……”

Ancient One murmured in his heart.

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