The fifth dungeon game officially ended.

The player who passed the level was Captain America Steve.

Steve was very strong. He was considered a super soldier.

But he still failed. He died in the dungeon.

His death was very miserable.

It made people gasp.

After the fifth dungeon game ended, Chen Yuan began to prepare for the sixth dungeon game.

Looking at the dungeon list on the system panel in front of him,

Chen Yuan, who was in the base, fell into thought.……

“Which one should we make this time?……”

Chen Yuan tapped the tabletop with his fingers, thoughts surging in his mind.

After a while, Chen Yuan had an idea.

“Then, it’s you, 3000……”

Chen Yuan muttered.

That’s right, he chose Containment-3000.

That is, the terrifying existence called”Anandashesha”.

Chen Yuan believed that”Anandashesha” would definitely bring a great shock to the American comic world.

And his points would also increase accordingly!

“Well, let’s start building……”

After making the decision, Chen Yuan did not hesitate and immediately began the construction process.

With his current total points, there was no pressure to build this copy.




The discussion on the Internet is still going on.

People are shocked, terrified, confused, and worried…

And under the emotions of countless people, the mysterious light screen has undergone new changes after Steve’s death…

I saw that the light screen interface has become pitch black.

On it, a subtitle is displayed:

【Player died, level failed! 】

This subtitle remained for a while, then disappeared.

Then, the light curtain returned to its original appearance.

The cold three-arrow logo, coupled with the name of the Containment Foundation, made all viewers feel an indescribable mysterious atmosphere.

Just like that.

Time passed slowly…

People looked at the light curtain and talked about it.

Among them, one of the topics people discussed was about the next Containment Foundation copy game.

People speculated whether the next copy game would appear, and if it did, what it would be.

What kind of containment would appear in it.

And which player would be drawn…

People wanted to know these questions, but no one could predict them in advance. All people could do was wait quietly… and this wait did not last long.

Soon, the black mysterious light curtain changed… and words appeared on it:

【The Containment Foundation dungeon game will officially start in one minute!】

【The name of this copy……】

【Containment-3000, Anandashesha】




Somewhere in New York.

Stark and Barton from the Avengers also saw the subtitles appearing on the screen.

“This is… the sixth copy of the game.”

Barton said

“This time it’s containment-3000, the number has reached 3,000, how many containments are there in the containment foundation?”

Stark beside him murmured in shock.

“This is already the sixth copy. What exactly is this Containment Foundation copy game?”

Barton spoke again.

The others did not speak after hearing this, because no one could answer this question.

In addition, everyone was also very heavy-hearted.

Because, so far, their team has lost two members.

But no matter how many members they lose, it will not have the slightest impact on the Containment Foundation copy game.

The copy game still appears… and next, players will definitely be drawn.……

“Phew, the next step is to draw the game players, everyone, get ready……”

Stark took a deep breath and said,”

The rest of them, even Thor and Hulk who have already participated in the dungeon game, may be selected as players again.

Therefore, they need to be prepared to be selected to enter the dungeon game at any time.”……



One minute passed quickly.

Amid the tension and worry of countless people, the countdown in the mysterious light curtain finally came to the last second… and then… the content in the light curtain… changed.……

【The Foundation dungeon game is officially launched!】

【Start extracting game players……】

【Extraction successful!】

【The list of players is as follows:… Thanos……】

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