The terrifying giant creature approached the task force.

The mysterious gray matter filled the surroundings and eventually enveloped several members of the team.

Being enveloped in the gray matter, the visibility of the surrounding environment suddenly decreased.

But the team members could not care about their vision because they felt that their heads were about to explode.

The indescribable mysterious power almost made their consciousness collapse.

After entering the gray matter, the huge creature opened its mouth.

It approached a member of the team.

That member was Fox.

Although the vision was greatly affected in the gray matter.

But the team members could still vaguely see the terrifying existence and its open mouth.

Fox was obviously not surprised.

However, even if he saw the terrifying big mouth approaching him, Fox still had no reaction.

It felt as if his brain had become extremely confused.

It seemed that he was not aware that the danger had come.

As the giant mouth kept approaching Fox, the other team members gradually reacted.

Among them, Bravo opened his mouth.

A sound came out.

The sound was unclear and it was impossible to tell what it meant.

But despite this, the headquarters was also very excited:”Oh, thank God! Bravo, you have to speak, we can’t——”

The command center hadn’t finished speaking yet!


They noticed that there was a clear”rustling” sound coming from the communication.

That sound was a bit like the sound of friction.

And as the sound sounded, the command center soon discovered a shocking fact: something was entangled and twisted!

The command center immediately sent a message to the task force:

“Something has caught on the winch between us and we can’t——”

Before the command center finished speaking,

Alpha in the deep sea suddenly said:

“It opened its mouth.”

Bravo also spoke, and this time the words could be heard clearly:”It’s so dark… there is one, ah~”

Bravo seemed to wake up, and he realized that they were in danger at the moment!

And then, Fox also reacted!

He stared at the terrible huge mouth, as if he was facing the black hole of the universe.

“Where am I?! How could this happen?!”

He said in horror, with fear, confusion, and bewilderment in his voice… and Alpha next to him also spoke:

“……How is that possible? I shoveled the soil myself.……”

Alpha’s words were a bit confusing and difficult to understand.

It was obvious that he was also greatly affected.

Bravo next to him said again:

“……Swim! Run…only darkness…swim——”

Before Bravo could finish his words, Fox was already swallowed by the huge, terrifying mouth.

At the last moment before being swallowed,

Fox murmured in a low voice:”Only——”

Before he finished speaking, his figure completely disappeared.

As Fox was devoured, the ropes connecting the team members were immediately tightened.

The other team members began to struggle!

The headquarters also noticed something was wrong, and the safety ropes connecting the submarine were also tightened.

The headquarters called out anxiously:

“Fox? Fox?! Alpha? Bravo?! Talk to me?! Keep calm! Talk to me……”

Hearing the voice of the command center, Bravo roared:”It ate him! He’s dead! He was dragged away whole! He-God damn it! Alpha! What are you doing?!”

Alpha’s mind was obviously not clear, and he responded in confusion:”Alpha?”

“”Cut that damn rope quickly, Alpha! It’s dragging us away!!!” Bravo yelled.

Alpha still didn’t understand:”Who?”

“”Fuck!” Bravo cursed like crazy.

Alpha on the other side was silent for a moment, then suddenly shouted, and then he was dragged towards the huge and terrifying existence.

Bravo’s eyes widened when he saw this.

But he had not lost his last bit of rationality, so he quickly cut the rope on himself.

“Alpha?! Bravo?!”(To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The command center continued to call.

But at this moment, Alpha and Fox of the Harrier Team had disappeared.

Bravo looked around and found that Thanos had also disappeared, obviously there was an accident just now.

Bravo’s heart was heavy, and his spirit and consciousness were still suffering a great shock.

But he still gritted his teeth and replied:

“This is Bravo, I’m… I’m drifting in the dark. I see something moving in the fog, but it’s hard to make out. I cut the rope, Alpha didn’t—I think he went. I can’t see the light.”

Command quickly responded,”Bravo, do you see the entity?”

Bravo responded,”In my head, guys, it’s like a snake curled up there, it has some… corrosive stuff… I can see it, right in front of me, it’s not doing anything, it’s… not moving. Just hanging there, mouth open.……”

“I think it finished eating, there was liquid coming out of its scalp, about a meter away…Looking at that thing made me…made me feel dizzy. I felt sick. Something was wrong with my head.……”

Bravo suddenly laughed:”.~There is a dead fetus under the floor and another in the trough——”

Halfway through, Bravo suddenly reacted:

“Wait, that’s not right, this isn’t me. Who said that?”

“I…I want to collect samples, wait a minute.”

Bravo couldn’t figure out his situation, so he gave up thinking, endured tremendous mental torture, and prepared to collect the gray matter around him.

This was one of the tasks this time.

The command center responded:”Bravo, we will send someone to pick you up, just wait a minute.”

Bravo quickly refused:”Oh no, don’t do this… don’t… You must have been trained not to feel like me, otherwise you will be caught by it.”

“Maybe it will, who knows. It feels like the end of the world is right there, everyone. My heart is about to stop beating, I feel like I’m going to die, just——”

Bravo paused and continued:

“I took a sample. I’ll put it on a balloon and it’ll float up, and you’ll get it in a minute. Don’t hang around this thing for too long, it… it doesn’t… your mind… it……”[]

Bravo breathes heavily and rapidly

“Bravo?”The people at the headquarters realized that something was wrong with Bravo.

But they could do nothing about it for the time being.

Bravo continued:

“I feel like I’m dying, I’m dying, I know I’m dying, that’s it, I just want to get out of here……”

“You know, it happened to me.……”

Bravo suddenly smiled quietly and said:

“Don’t let anyone come, it’s too dark.”

After that, Bravo never made a clear sound again.

The mysterious power had already eroded his brain and spirit to a very high level.

His consciousness almost completely collapsed.

Although the command center kept trying to call, Bravo only made some incomprehensible sounds.

In the end, Bravo’s figure sank into the endless deep darkness.

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