Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 107 Chapter 106 The Sea of ​​Souls Experiment Three Years Ago

After sending shadow clones to report twice, the work of writing the development of a larva into a mantis officially failed. There was only one reason. The amount of information required for the hatching of a mantis was too large, far more than the sum of all previous large insects, and already exceeded the larvae. The limit of carrying capacity.

Sure enough, even for basic cannon fodder units, pupation requires special buildings to provide corresponding information.

Aburame Tetsumaru sighed, gave up the idea of ​​skipping the building and compressing the information directly to the larvae, and honestly began to study the technology related to the construction of the blood pool.

If the idea is chosen correctly, the research work will indeed go smoothly. It will be much easier to store the hatching information of the mantis in a building. After all, there is a qualitative gap between the volume of the blood pool of more than 60 tons and the larvae weighing 1.5 kilograms.

Just as Aburame Tetsumaru was working hard to advance the research on blood pools, something unexpected happened and he actually fell ill.

At first, it was a slight instantaneous headache, as if something was put into the head, but the pain was very mild, and there was no continuous headache. Aburame Tetsumaru thought it was an illusion, so he didn't take it to heart.

Later, the number of headaches gradually increased, and the feeling of being patted on the head became clearer and clearer, and then he began to develop a low-grade fever.

There was no room for Aburame Tetsumaru not to take him seriously. He was alone now, and it could really kill someone if he got sick.

After all, he was not an ordinary person. With his physique as a ninja and the ability of the Aburame family to prevent parasites and diseases, he would generally not get sick. If he did get sick, it would be almost impossible to be a minor illness.

Aburame Tetsumaru was frightened and checked herself carefully, and the result was that she was in good health.

But the next day, I still had a headache and a fever. The Younu Iron Pill was covered, and she thought to herself: Is it really the doctor who doesn’t heal himself?

So he ran to the capital of the Kingdom of Tea and contacted a medical ninja to check himself out. The result was that he was still healthy.

But at this time, the medical ninja did not dare to make this decision, because Aburame Tetsumaru said that his headache was quite severe and he could not be sure, but the symptoms of a fever reaching 39 degrees were too obvious.

So the medical ninja treated Aburame Tetsuwan randomly, and then left some soothing, analgesic, and cooling medicines for him to take all at once to see the effect.

[Really, these medical ninjas have no chakra and medical ninjutsu. They are all Mongolian doctors. Are they really trying to poison me by taking this medicine? 】

But there was nothing he could do about the Aburame Iron Pill. The headache was getting worse day by day. Now he had no choice but to be a doctor. He swallowed all the medicine in one gulp and fell asleep quickly.

【I see. 】

After falling asleep, he automatically logs into the Sea of ​​Souls. Due to being busy with the construction of a new base and the research and development of new technologies and new buildings, Aburame Tetsumaru has not slept well for a long time. This is the first time he has returned here in two months.

Then all the problems became clear. It turned out that the cause of the headache was that the ball of shadow clones launched from the Sea of ​​Souls finally began to feed back information.

But, that's it?

The first message: dark, boring, crazy, no chakra.

Second message: Who am I? where am I?

The third message: sleep, sleep, stay asleep, wake up, die.

The fourth thought: ..., it’s over.

Aburame Tetsumaru: What is this?

In fact, the situation is very clear. Either the shadow clone's light ball exhausted its chakra during the flight and was automatically released, or it was bored to the point of madness during the three-year flight.

In the final analysis, Aburame Tetsumaru made a mistake in his attempt three years ago. The method of separating the shadow clones and releasing them without sealing them was wrong. The awake shadow clones either could not endure a completely silent environment, or the consumption of energy to maintain their consciousness was incapable of keeping them awake. maintain.

After counting, Aburame Tetsumaru confirmed that the first batch of 300 shadow clones had all given back their memories and experiences. The experience was basically zero, but each emotion was extremely extreme, either endless and violent madness, or indifferent silence. .

This extreme emotion brought great mental pressure to Aburame Tetsumaru. If it were not for the experience of the sea of ​​souls, Aburame Tetsumaru would have been driven crazy in reality at this time.

But even with a layer of separation, this impact still brought an extremely terrible mental burden, causing Aburame Tetsumaru to experience headaches and fever in reality.

As expected, the shadow clones couldn't be released directly. The consequences would be too serious, and everyone would go crazy.

Fortunately there are only three hundred.

Aburame Tetsumaru couldn't help but be glad that he was not so rich in chakra at the time, and could not support his crazy idea of ​​releasing thousands or even tens of thousands of shadow clones.

Thinking back to the beginning, Aburame Tetsumaru made great determination and exchanged the knowledge of Ninja Vein Technique and Chakra Runes from Orochimaru for the Shadow Clone Technique and the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique.

This was the ninjutsu he had been looking forward to for a long, long time. After learning the shadow clone technique, he couldn't wait to log into the sea of ​​souls. The soul light ball couldn't defeat Aburame Tetsumaru without hands. He knew how to use chakra runes.

For Aburame Tetsumaru, completing a jutsu through hand seals can never be considered as having learned it. Only using the mind to directly manipulate chakra to draw chakra runes and successfully complete the jutsu can be called learning.

Because he still has a place in the Sea of ​​Souls where he needs to apply ninjutsu, and there are no hands there.

As the chakra slowly drew the chakra runes, a real ball of light was created. Aburame Tetsumaru was so excited that he immediately drew the wind release ninjutsu, blowing the shadow clone's ball of light, trying to Let him fly towards the nearest light ball.

It was actually successful in one go, and it was actually able to move the shadow clone.

The shadow clone's light ball successfully approached the light ball, but missed the impact due to misalignment. Then the shadow clone rotated around the light ball, and kept spinning. The orbit of the rotation became more and more stable, getting closer and closer to a oval.

Until Aburame Tetsumaru woke up and went offline, the elliptical orbit was completely stable and there were no other changes.

In the next three days, Aburame Tetsumaru went online on time every day, and then when she woke up and went offline, she watched the two light balls spinning around, which was extremely boring.

Online again on the fourth day, the shadow clone's light ball finally ran out of chakra and disintegrated.

Aburame Tetsumaru received four days of conscious feedback in an instant. He felt dizzy for a moment, then full of helplessness, and a slight sense of weakness that exhausted his chakra.

It turns out that when the shadow clone's light ball passed by the target light ball, it felt an attraction. This not-so-powerful force captured the shadow clone that was not fast enough, forcing him to start a circular movement.

After the rotation started, the shadow clone was unable to do anything due to the lack of chakra, and was completely unable to change its own state. At first, he thought of a test plan to see how long the minimum shadow clone could last, but as the orbiting motion continued, the attraction between the two made him start to spin, faster and faster, until he realized At the wrong time, the rotation speed was so fast that it made him dizzy, and he couldn't even release the shadow clone.

Just like this, it continues to the fourth day. In fact, on the third day, the shadow clone has lost the ability to think and entered a semi-coma state. If it was the real ninja world, the shadow clone should automatically disband.

The chakra rules of the Sea of ​​Souls are obviously different from reality, and the mental toughness is magnified almost a hundred times.

The first experiment proved that the shadow clone can be blown by the wind release ninjutsu. Aburame Tetsumaru separated the shadow clone with a larger amount of chakra and was able to use the wind release by himself, thus achieving precise guidance.

After that, Aburame Tetsumaru conducted countless experiments, especially collision experiments, which accounted for a huge majority.

He collided with ordinary light balls, collided with stronger light balls, and also collided with light balls that had just risen from the abyss, as well as light balls that fell towards the abyss.

The results obtained from all the collision experiments are very similar. If there are not many, they rush over, get closer, adjust the attitude and direction, and hit the target.

Then, the shadow clone will be knocked to pieces, but it will also receive feedback from the enemy's soul. All impact effects are exactly the same as a question mark.

That’s right, it’s ‘? ’.

Aburame Tetsumaru guessed that the other party's soul had received a weak impact, but it was too weak and could only express a question mark, which was roughly "something seems to have happened, but I can't be sure."

Then, Aburame Tetsumaru tried to hit continuously to see if he could get more information.

It's a pity that all the light balls are constantly moving, and there is not much difference between them. If you don't pay attention, you can't tell who is who. Moreover, the launch speed is an issue that cannot be ignored, and the hit rate is also a big problem, which makes Aburame Tetsumaru unable to hit a ball of light quickly in a row.

The problem of launch speed can be solved by using multiple shadow clones. The solution to the hit rate is that Aburame Tetsumaru's light ball rotates upward ninety degrees, and the three huge light balls high above are slowly rotating.

As long as the target is big enough, the hit rate won't be a problem.

Twelve days later, Aburame Tetsumaru, who learned the multi-shadow clone technique, took a day of rest before going to bed and logging into the Sea of ​​Souls. Energetic, he thought about the huge ball of light closest to him and released the multi-shadow clone technique.

It is suspected that Toad Immortal's soul light ball collision experiment failed. Because it was interfered by the large and small light balls around it, the thirty-four shadow clones were not able to achieve even one consecutive collision, and they still received meaningless feedback.

The subsequent impact on the suspected Snake Immortal also had the same result, causing serious interference.

In the end, the impact on the suspected Slug Sage was a great success, but the result was that Aburame Tetsumaru collapsed. Thirty-six consecutive impacts, but the result is still chaotic.

Unwilling to give up, Aburame Tetsumaru conducted experiments for a week, and finally got only two complete thoughts that could be distinguished: "Who are you?" and "My name is a living snake."

These two pieces of information indeed confirmed that the light ball was indeed Slug Sage. At the same time, Aburame Tetsumaru also got a guess. Slug Sage's spiritual will seemed to be in a split state like her special split combination.

Unwilling to give up, Aburame Tetsumaru conducted continuous experiments on the other two giant light balls, but they still failed. As a last resort, he finally focused on the largest light ball, but it had dimmed.

[Kaguya Otsutsuki, right? 】

Just this month, strange things happened to the three immortals in the three holy places.

Gamamaru in Mt. Myoboku suddenly began to dream continuously, but the dreams were filled with vague and intermittent flickering of light spots, making him confused.

Gamamaru once again woke up from an uninterpretable dream. He scratched his chin and sighed: "The precognitive dream is getting more and more blurry. Am I going to die? Or is there another reason?"

Then it fell asleep again. If you dream a few more times, you can always figure it out, right?

The White Snake Immortal's temper suddenly felt that someone was peeping, but he could not find the source, which made him gradually become irritable. Even the three Snake Queens were punished by it, which had never happened in thousands of years.

The slug fairy pushed it to a giant tree and started to eat it. Eating delicious plants made the fairy feel full of happiness.

This big tree is so delicious,

Delicious. Did something happen just now?

I do not know.

I can't remember either.

Why are you thinking so much? There are many big trees that have matured today.

Forget it, don’t think blindly when you’re eating delicious food.

In the chaotic torrent of consciousness, an idea quickly emerged that washed away all distracting thoughts: food first, food first.

Aburame Tetsumaru, who knew nothing about it, launched a new impact plan and started continuous impact experiments aimed at the huge, dim, silent ball of light that never moved.

The impact was a complete success, but the feedback was not.

The feedback of failure after three hundred collisions gave Aburame Tetsumaru an answer. The opponent's consciousness was almost frozen, and there were layers of obstacles between him.

It is possible that his shadow clone is not strong enough, and the impact is not enough to transmit the information through the layers of obstacles and attract the other party's attention.

As a result, all impact experiments within the visible range failed and could only be put on hold temporarily.

Aburame Tetsumaru, who logged into the Sea of ​​Souls every night, returned to a state of doing nothing, which made him feel very uncomfortable. Two days later, he cast his sights further upwards. Above the Sea of ​​Souls, he didn't know how many places there were. Countless stars twinkled in the distance.

What are these stars?

How far are the stars from me?

What can I do to the stars?

With infinite curiosity and the idea of ​​doing nothing in vain, Aburame Tetsumaru launched the shadow clone at the brightest and largest star.

For more than a month, he continued to launch without any feedback.

A month later, he suddenly came up with the idea and asked me to see the different results of adding a sealed shadow clone.

Then he used various sealing effects to seal the shadow clone, and then used Wind Release to launch it. The target was still the largest and brightest star.

This experiment lasted for half a year, and finally stopped completely. In any case, there was no feedback at all, and there was no point in continuing this experiment.

Aburame Tetsumaru turned his attention back to the insect swarm preparation experiments and actual combat verification, which continues to this day.

It's really remarkable that the multiple shadow clones that I put all my effort into dividing can persist for three years.

The impact experiment on the stars failed, but it was still a result.

The result of this failed experiment reminded Aburame Tetsumaru. It had been three years since his last shadow clone impact experiment in the Sea of ​​Souls. Is it possible to try to impact the largest silent ball of light again?

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